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         Environmental Ethics:     more books (100)
  1. Environmental Ethics & Forestry (Environmental Ethics Values An) by Peter List, 2000-09-20
  2. Zen Buddhism and Environmental Ethics (Ashgate World Philosophies Series) by Simon P. James, 2004-06
  3. Environmental Ethics for a Postcolonial World (Nature's Meaning) by Deane Curtin, 2005-02-28
  4. John Dewey and Environmental Philosophy (Suny Series in Environmental Philosophy and Ethics) by H. P. McDonald, 2004-01
  5. Teaching Environmental Ethics
  6. Privatizing Public Lands (Environmental Ethics and Science Policy) by Scott Lehmann, 1995-03-23
  7. The Earthscan Reader in Environmental Values (Earthscan Readers Series)
  8. Environment, Ethics, and Behavior: The Psychology of Environmental Valuation and Degradation: The Psychology of Environmental Valuation and Degradation (New Lexington Press Management Series) by Max H. Bazerman, 1997-01-28
  9. Earth Ethics: Environmental Ethics, Animal Rights and Practical Applications
  10. Environmental Ethics: Reading in Theory and Application by Louis P. Pojman, 1997-12
  11. Watersheds 2: Ten Cases in Environmental Ethics by Lisa H. Newton, Catherine K. Dillingham, 1996-10-02
  12. Environmental Philosophy and Ethics in Buddhism by Padmasiri de Silva, 1998-10-15
  13. Earth Summit Ethics: Toward a Reconstructive Postmodern Philosophy of Environmental Education (Suny Series in Constructive Postmodern Thought)
  14. Environmental Ethics: A Case Studies Approach by Robert M. Schoch, 2008-03-15

61. Environmental Ethics
environmental ethics Return to Green Innovations Home Page. Philip Sutton Director, Policy and Strategy Green Innovations Inc. Tel
Environmental ethics
Return to Green Innovations Home Page
Philip Sutton
Director, Policy and Strategy
Green Innovations Inc.
Revised 19th September 1998
Version 1.a/wii Paper marked up in HTML format
by Philip Sutton.
What are the ethical frameworks by which we should judge efforts to create an ecologically sustainable economy?
Who should we care about?
We should care for:
  • people locally
  • people globally
  • future generations
  • nature.
Environmental justice
Given the need to compensate for power inequalities in society, when conflicts arise between people or between humans and nature, the least powerful should be given consideration ahead of the most powerful. This should apply not only to the relationships between people but also between humans and other species. (see statements of the intrinsic value of nature In a world where there are resource scarcities (eg. water and oil) and excessive environmental damage due to the overuse of some resources, access to the means-of-not-needing-a-resource is often more important than access to or the right to exploit the physical resource itself. In a world where the poor substantially outnumber the rich and where the dynamics of the economy are more powerful than the statics, non-exploitative investment by the rich to help create sustainable and ample livelihoods for the poor is probably more critical than marginal redistribution of income. In a world enmeshed in multiple crises active engagement in problem solving is probably more critical than charitable sharing. And in a world where some people are massively wealthy while others are struggling, measures to improve the livelihood of the well off are definitely of lower priority than measures to improve the welfare of the least well off.

62. Philosophy In Cyberspace
environmental ethics http// Located edu). environmental ethics Graduate Programs http//

Section 1
Section 2 Section 3 Section 4 ... Section 5 SECTION 1: ENVIRONMENTAL PHILOSOPHY Centre for Environmental Philosophy
The homepage for the Centre for Environmental Philosophy includes links to the centre's journal Environmental Ethics , information on workshops and conferences, and the operation of the centre. The Centre can be contacted at , and the page is maintained by Eugene Hargrove ( Earth Pledge Foundation
The Earth Pledge Foundation (EPF) promotes the principles and practices of sustainable development - the need to balance the desire for economic growth with the necessity of environmental protection. EPF is a non-profit foundation which recognises appropriate intersections between business interests and environmental, social, and cultural concerns. This web page provides links to the United Nations Environment Program, Enviroweb, EcoNet, as well as reviews of books on sustainable development. Ecofeminism: An Introductory Bibliography

EPM 4400. Context and Content of environmental ethics This course is an introduction to philosophical ethics as applied to environmental policy.
EPM 4400 Context and Content of Environmental Ethics : This course is an introduction to philosophical ethics as applied to environmental policy. At the present time it is taught as a traditional class and as a distance class on the Internet. Contact the EPM Department EPM Department , or Dr. Bissell
E-mail-DU: for details. Both personal, professional and public ethics are explored. The major issues in environmental ethics, such as Ecocentric Ethic, Biocentric Ethics, Anthropocentric Survival Ethics, Deep Ecology, Ecofeminism, Social Ecology and other traditional et hical theories will be discussed as they relate to Environmental Policy. The course is a lecture/discussion seminar format in the tradition setting and self-directed in the distance education setting. Students will be expected to contribute to the course. Objectives 1. To gain an understanding of the field of moral philosophy as it pertains to environmental ethics and environmental policy. 2. To gain an understanding of the context of environmental, personal and professional ethics in public policy. 3. To become familiar with the use of ethical theory in environmental policy analysis.

64. Sustainability Policies
comment. WFEO to review Code of environmental ethics. Professional Bishop. The WFEO Code of environmental ethics for Engineers (1987). The
FEISEAP NET Sustainability Policies
The FEISEAP Engineering and Environment Committee will produce draft and final policies in areas of mutual concern, and they will be posted here for information and for comment. A number of Policies have already been produced by the WFEO Committee on Engineering and the Environment.(CEE) An important policy document was that agreed by the CEE in 1991, and submitted to the General Assembly at their meeting in Arusha, Tanzania. The endorsed document, known as the Arusha Declaration , was submitted to the UNCED Rio Conference. The WFEO Policy on the Environment, expressed through its Code of Environmental Ethics , is currently being reviewed. Comments invited by WFEO are re-posted here for information and for comment.
WFEO to review Code of Environmental Ethics
Professional ethics was discussed at the WFEO meetings in Budapest in October,1995. There are two ethical codes adopted by the WFEO: one is the Code of Environmental Ethics for Engineers drawn up by the Committee for Engineering and Environment (CEE) and adopted by the General Assembly in 1987: the other is the Model Code of Ethics , a more general document, approved by the WFEO General Assembly in 1993. The possibility of combining these two codes into one has been considered, and work is progressing on this. However, in the meantime it was agreed, as part of the WFEO Action Plan , that endeavours should continue to be made to have as many International and National Members as possible accede to the existing Codes, while, at the same time, the CEE should work on updating them. .

65. Karbank Symposium On Environmental Ethics-The Department Of Philosophy At Boston
Sheldon Krimsky Professor of Urban Environmental Policy Planning at Tufts University. The Ethics of Biodiversity and Transgenic Respeciation of the
The Philosophy Department at Boston University invites you to attend a timely, thought-provoking symposium on ethics and the environment. Sessions will take place on Friday, April 9, and Saturday, April 10. Speakers will include some of the leading philosophers and corporate thinkers in the field, discussing ethical approaches to environmentalism and corporate responsibility.
We also invite you to attend a reception for all BU Philosophy alumni and conference attendees on Friday, April 9, at 5 p.m. View the press release about the symposium. Program Each speaker's session will include a 45-minute presentation, followed by a 5-minute commentary and audience questions and discussion. All sessions will be held in the Metcalf Trustee Center at Boston University, One Sherborn Street, Boston, Massachusetts. Directions The Trustee Center is on the ninth floor of the building that houses the BU School of Management, which is located just west of Kenmore Square at the intersection of Commonwealth Avenue and Sherborn Street. Enter the building at the Sherborn Street entrance and take the closest elevators up to the ninth floor. Get more detailed directions.

66. 20th WCP: Case-Based Environmental Ethics
Philosophy and the Environment. CaseBased environmental ethics. I argue that pluralistic casuistry provides an adequate approach to environmental ethics.
Philosophy and the Environment Case-Based Environmental Ethics Jack Weir
Morehead State University
ABSTRACT: Cases have been widely used in medical ethics and law. In both fields, numerous books and articles about cases have appeared, including book-length catalogs of cases. I argue that pluralistic casuistry provides an adequate approach to environmental ethics. It retains the strengths while avoiding the weaknesses of the other approaches. Importantly, it resolves some broader theoretical issues and provides a clear, explicit methodology for education and praxis. Cases have been widely used in medical ethics and law. In both fields, numerous books and articles about cases have appeared, including book-length catalogs of cases. What I propose to do in this paper is to discuss whether environmental ethics should be case-based as in law and medicine. The relationship of cases to theory has received intense scholarly debate. At issue is which takes priority. A similar situation exists in the sciences, as well as in most other disciplines. There are the so-called "pure" or "research" scientists, and also the "applied" or "practical" scientist. Field biologists, conservation biologists, restoration ecologists, landscape engineers, sylvantologists, and so on, are applied scientists. Which takes priority: theory or application? What I want to discuss is whether environmental ethics, like medicine and law, would benefit from case-based methodology.

67. Environmental Ethics Websites
environmental ethics Websites. International Society for environmental ethics, Newsletters, Bibliography, Graduate Studies, other information.
Environmental Ethics Websites
International Society for Environmental Ethics, Newsletters, Bibliography, Graduate Studies, other information
Environmental Ethics, Course Syllabus Project

Environmental Ethics, Systematic Works

Environmental Ethics, Anthologies
... Save Our Environment. Action alert center sponsored by a coalition of environmental partners

68. Environmental Ethics - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
environmental ethics. environmental ethics is the ethical realtionship between human beings and the environment in which we live.
Environmental ethics
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Environmental ethics is the ethical realtionship between human beings and the environment in which we live. There are many ethical decisions that human beings make with respect to the environment. For example, should we continue to decimate the forests for the sake of human consumption? Should we continue to make gas-guzzling SUV's (sports utility vehicles), depleting fossil fuel resources while we already have the technology to create zero-emission vehicles? What environmental obligations do we need to keep for future generations? edit
See also
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69. ASLA Code Of Environmental Ethics
ASLA Code of environmental ethics. Preamble opportunities. The following tenets are the basis of the ASLA Code of environmental ethics
ASLA Code of Environmental Ethics Preamble
Members of the American Society of Landscape Architects should make every effort within our sphere of influence to enhance, respect, and restore the life sustaining integrity of the landscape for all living things. Members should work with clients, review and approval agencies, and local, regional, national, and global governing authorities to educate about, encourage, and seek approval of environmentally positive, financially sound, and sustainable solutions to land-use development and management opportunities. The following tenets are the basis of the ASLA Code of Environmental Ethics:
  • The health and well-being of biological systems and their integrity are essential to sustain human well-being. Future generations have a right to the same environmental assets and ecological aesthetics. Long-term economic survival has a dependence upon the natural environment. Environmental stewardship is essential to maintain a healthy environment and a quality of life for the earth.

70. Philosophy 316
Philosophy 316. environmental ethics. Fall 1999. Longwood College.
Philosophy 316 Environmental Ethics Fall 1999 Longwood College
Assignments Final Exam Environmental Links

Bookseries » environmental ethics AND SCIENCE POLICY. environmental ethics AND SCIENCE POLICY. Volumes published in environmental ethics AND SCIENCE POLICY.
Title Authors Affiliation ISBN ISSN advanced search search tips Bookseries ENVIRONMENTAL ETHICS AND SCIENCE POLICY
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Volumes published in
  • Volume 1 Mandated Science:
    Liora Salter, William Leiss, Edwin Levy
    Hardbound, ISBN 1-55608-057-3, July 1988
    Price: 143.50 EUR / 158.00 USD / 99.00 GBP
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72. SOSIG: Ethics
Browse this resource, Directory to the Subject Bibliographies in environmental ethics, Bibliographies, Up. Browse this resource, Ethics and the Environment,
Ethics Editor: Social Science Information Gateway You are here : Home Philosophy > Ethics
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Resource Type Search in whole catalogue current section Top 50 sites in Philosophy Advanced Search Thesauri Map of the Philosophy section Browse Sub-Sections Ethics of Family Ethics of Sexuality Professional and Business Ethics Social Ethics Internet Resources Listed By Type alphabetically Europe UK For a short description click the title. To access the resource directly click Editor's Choice (key resources in this subject) Ethics Updates Bibliographic Databases Up Directory to the Subject Bibliographies in Environmental Ethics Bibliographies Up Bibliography of Metaethics Ethical Issues in Research Involving Human Participants International Society for Environmental Ethics Bibliography Books/Book Equivalents Up Critique of Judgement by Immanuel Kant Critique of Practical Reason by Immanuel Kant Critique of Pure Reason by Immanuel Kant ... Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Morals, by Immanuel Kant

73. Environmental Ethics Resources At Questia - The Online Library Of
environmental ethics Resources at Questia The Online Library of Books and Journals. environmental ethics. Questia. Primary Content. environmental ethics.

74. Feminism And Environmental Ethics: A Materialist Perspective
Paper title Feminism And environmental ethics A Materialist Perspective. Theme Feminism and environmental ethics. Author Prof.
Paper title: Feminism And Environmental Ethics: A Materialist Perspective Theme: Feminism and Environmental Ethics Author: Prof. Mary Mellor
University of Northumbria at Newcastle, United Kingdom Email address:
There is a long-standing claim within feminist literature that women speak with a 'different voice' (Gilligan 1982), that it is both possible and desirable to have an ethics from the standpoint of women (Noddings 1990), that the standpoint of women is a better starting point for adequate knowledge of the world (Harding 1993). This claim is central to ecofeminist politics, that women have a particular perspective on the relationship between humanity and nature and have a moral/political calling to reweave the world (Diamond and Orenstein 1990) or heal the wounds of an ecologically destructive social order (Plant 1989). In this paper I will not be making the claim that women per se have a superior vision or a higher moral authority but that an ethics that does not take account of the gendered nature of society is doomed to failure as it will confront neither the material structure of human society or the way in which that structure impacts on the materiality of the relationship between humanity and nature.

75. Doi:10.1036/0070061807 Environmental Ethics: Divergence And Convergence (McGraw- environmental ethics encyclopedia article about Environmental encyclopedia article about environmental ethics. environmental ethics in Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and encyclopedia. environmental ethics.
Environmental Ethics: Divergence and Convergence By Botzler, Richard G and Armstrong, Susan J

76. Ingenta: All Issues -- Journal Of Agricultural And Environmental Ethics
Social Sciences Social Public Welfare, Journal of Agricultural and environmental ethics, ISSN 11877863 in our archives Volume

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Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics ISSN 1187-7863 in our archives: Volume 10 (1997) through Volume 17 (2004) Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers see publisher's website LATEST NEXT PREVIOUS EARLIEST Volume 17, Issue 2, 2004 Volume 17, Issue 1, 2004 Volume 16, Issue 6, 2003 Volume 16, Issue 5, 2003 Volume 16, Issue 4, 2003 Volume 16, Issue 3, 2003 Volume 16, Issue 2, 2003 Volume 16, Issue 1, 2003 LATEST NEXT PREVIOUS EARLIEST Publisher: Kluwer Academic Publishers terms and conditions

77. UWSP: Department Of Philosophy - Environmental Ethics
environmental ethics. In 1971 the very first course in the world in environmental ethics was offered right here at UWSP. environmental ethics Websites-.
Home Contact Us Faculty Philosophy ... Academic Honors Environmental Ethics In 1971 the very first course in the world in Environmental Ethics was offered right here at UW-SP. As the world was waking up to the environmental problems that we were being forced to face, ethically inclined and environmentally aware philosophers began to envision and embrace a confluence of their academic interest with their environmental concern. Since those humble beginnings, environmental ethics has (click any image to enlarge) grown into not only a burgeoning academic discipline but also a field much respected in other academic disciplines and non-academic environmental circles alike. And it all began here at UW-SP. We have designed this program to complement nearly any course of study at UW-SP, especially programs in the College of Natural Resources. Moreover, our program is unique and cutting-edge. No other school in the state, nor as far as we are aware, in the country has such an undergraduate program.

78. Environmental Ethics - The MIT Press
Clinical Ethics. environmental ethics. Genetics. Philosophy. Reproductive Ethics/Technology. Subtopic environmental ethics. Read more about Nuclear Wastelands.

79. Gale Schools - Environment - Environmental Ethics
environmental ethics. Environmentalists, on the other hand, believe that both are important and have legitimate needs. environmental ethics and the Law.

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Environmental Ethics
Ethics is a branch of philosophy that primarily discusses issues dealing with human behavior and character. Ethics attempts to establish a basis for judging right from wrong and good from bad. Environmental ethics employs concepts from the entire field of philosophy, especially aesthetics, metaphysics, epistemology, philosophy of science, and social and political philosophy. Aesthetics deals with perceptions of physical properties such as color, sound, smell, texture, and taste. Since environmental ethics is often involved with issues dealing with the protection of plants and animals, its appeal is often to aesthetic experiences of nature. Environmental ethics is also interconnected with political and social structures concerning the use of natural resources, so the field also touches the areas of social and political philosophy. In the struggle to conserve the environment, environmental ethicists also use the knowledge and theories of science, for example, in issues such as those dealing with global warming and air pollution. The modern environmental movement in North America grew out of earlier conservation efforts. Among the best-known early proponents of the conservation of natural resources, such as forests and waterways, is President Theodore Roosevelt. Others who helped shaped early issues in environmental ethics were Thomas Malthus, David Ricardo, John Stuart Mill, Gifford Pinchot, Ralph Waldo Emerson, and John Muir. More recently, the writings of Rachel Carson in the 1950s and 1960s marked the beginning of the modern environmental movement and the ideas that gave it energy.

80. The Metaphysics Of Environmental Ethics:: Term Papers And Essays :: Free Summary
This paper is an essay on the metaphysics of environmental ethics based on J. Sterba’s “Earth Ethics”. The Metaphysics of environmental ethics.
Free Summary of Paper #49753

The Metaphysics of Environmental Ethics
This paper is an essay on the metaphysics of environmental ethics based on J. Sterba's "Earth Ethics". Paper #: # of words: # of sources: Format: APA Author: Peter Pen
This paper discusses the differences between moral and legal rights: Legal rights are created by conventional authorities; but moral rights are non-conventional as they are discovered, not created. The author defines specieism as putting the interest of your own species in front of the interest of other species and claims specieism is unjust because we must treat every being the same way. The paper concludes that all of these metaphysics may seem to be a lot of talk and no action; however, from talk comes awareness ideas and sharing them with members of the community is the only way that we can make real changes, as to benefit our environmental policy.
From The Paper
"In natural extinctions, nature takes away life when it has become unfit as Darwin would put it, or when the habitat alters, and supplies other life in its place. When artificial extinction takes place, it shuts down tomorrow because it shuts down speciation. The chief cause of artificial extinction of recent times is humans through encroachment, habitat destruction as well as many other factors caused by humans and when this happens nothing gets replaced. When natural extinction occurs, a species may be lost but this should not be viewed as a bad things because the species that is lost is replaced by another species."

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