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21. Martin Buber And Environmental Ethics A thesis on the application of Buber's philosophy to resolving the problems in the field of environmental ethics. http://web.singnet.com.sg/~chlim/Buber.html | |
22. Loons Forever Environmental education through nature writing on natural history, nature interpretation, environmental ethics, conservation policy and heritage values, including nature stories, fables, essays, plays, songs and animated poems. http://www.loonsforever.com | |
23. VELVETILLUSION - The Literary Magazine With Online Shopping In Orange Beach, Ala Prose for entertainment, environmental ethics, and campaigns against civil injustice. http://www.velvetillusion.com | |
24. Environmental Ethics Resources On World Wide Web Ethicsweb.ca is administered by Chris MacDonald (chrismac@ethicsweb.ca) Applied Ethics Resources on WWW was developed, funded, and maintained for nearly a http://www.ethicsweb.ca/resources/environmental/ | |
25. FORE: Religion- Confucianism-Introduction Article by Mary Evelyn Tucker. Notes positive and negative aspects of Confucian doctrine with regard to environmental ethics. http://environment.harvard.edu/religion/religion/confucianism/ | |
26. Index forum for theoretical and practical articles, discussions, reviews, comments, and book reviews in the broad area encompassed by environmental ethics. http://www.phil.uga.edu/eande/ | |
27. Environmentally Sustainable, Green Living, Conservation Ethics, And Nature Spiri Information on subscribing to a paid monthly Environmental Living and EcoSpirituality Guide via e-mail. Topics include environmental ethics, news, tips, updates, eco-spirituality, and sustainable living. http://www.eco-spirit.org/ | |
28. Environmental Ethics The site considers environmental ethics that govern human relationships with the natural world. More environmental ethics Websites . Environmental Backlash. http://daphne.palomar.edu/calenvironment/ethics.htm | |
29. Environmental Ethics environmental ethics. Des Jardins, Joseph R., environmental ethics An Introduction to Environmental Philosophy (Belmont, Cal Wadsworth, 1993); http://www.wsu.edu:8080/~forrest/ethics.html | |
30. Environmental Ethics - Ralph Waldo Emerson An archive of selected writings from 1938 through 1842, all dealing with nature. http://ecoethics.net/ops/emer.htm | |
31. GeoEnvironmental Sciences And Engineering Department At Wilkes University, offers interdisciplinary framework of its programs and the importance of environmental ethics and value in modern society. http://wilkes1.wilkes.edu/~gse/ | |
32. ISEE Newsletter Archive 4, Winter 2003. To see current issues on a timely basis, you must become a member of the International Society for environmental ethics. http://www.phil.unt.edu/ISEE/ | |
33. Bullfrog Films: 1-800-543-3764: Environmental Videos And Educational Videos US environmental video publisher offering a large catalog of titles in the areas of environmental and social sciences, genetics, economics, Asian studies, marine biology and environmental ethics. http://www.bullfrogfilms.com/ | |
34. SwetsWise: Login Martin Buber and environmental ethicsThis paper attempts to determine if Martin Buber s philosophy of dialogue can serve as a foundation for environmental ethics. http://www.swetswise.com/link/access_db?issn=0893-4282 |
35. Environmental Ethics Links environmental ethics LINKS. The links below are primarily derived from The environmental ethics and Policy Book by Donald VanDeVeer http://www.cortland.edu/philosophy/elinks.htm | |
36. The EnviroLink Network - Environmental Ethics Suggest a Resource. environmental ethics. Subtopics of environmental ethics Deep Categories within environmental ethics Actions http://www.envirolink.org/topics.html?topicsku=2002109191104&topic=Environmental |
37. League For Earth & Animal Protection (LEAP) LEAP is a nonprofit organization with a focus on animal rights, environmental ethics, vivisection, and animal cruelty. Includes philosophical articles as well as information about direct action and campaigns. http://www.leapnonprofit.org/ | |
38. Environmental Ethics Resources At Erratic Impact's Philosophy Research Base environmental ethics resources at Erratic Impact s Philosophy Research Base. environmental ethics. Online Resources. Texts environmental ethics. http://www.erraticimpact.com/~ecologic/html/environmental_ethics.htm | |
39. Environmental Ethics SOPHIA PROJECT. environmental ethics. I went into the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts http://www.molloy.edu/academic/philosophy/sophia/ethics/environment.htm | |
40. Environmental Ethics Philosophy 3140 environmental ethics Robin Attfield, The Ethics of Environmental Concern, 2nd ed. (Athens, Georgia University of Georgia Press, 1991), ch. http://spot.colorado.edu/~cartera/ee.html | |
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