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         Environmental Economics:     more books (100)
  1. Controlling Air Pollution in China: Risk Valuation and the Definition of Environmental Policy (New Horizons in Environmental Economics) by Therese Feng, 1999-12
  2. Economic-Environmental-Energy Interactions: Modeling and Policy Analysis (Studies in Applied Regional Science)
  3. The Economics of Waste by Porter C. Richard, 2002-06
  4. Economic Models of Climate Change: A Critique by Stephen J. De Canio, 2003-12-05
  5. Clearing the air: The costs and consequences of higher CAFE standards and increased gasoline taxes [An article from: Journal of Environmental Economics and Management] by D. Austin, T. Dinan,
  6. Faces of Environmental Racism
  7. Soil Carbon Management: Economic, Environmental and Societal Benefits
  8. The Long-Term Economics of Climate Change: Beyond a Doubling of Greenhouse Gas Concentrations (Advances in the Economics of Environmental Resources, Vol 3)
  9. The Political Economy Of Environmental Regulation (International Library of Critical Writings in Economics)
  10. The Welfare Economics of Public Policy: A Practical Approach to Project And Policy Evaluation
  11. Economic Theory for Environmentalists by John Gowdy, Sabine O'Hara, 1995-05-30
  12. Natural Resource and Environmental Economics by Tony Prato, 1999-05-11
  13. Handbook of Environmental and Resource Economics
  14. Ecological Economics and the Ecology of Economics: Essays in Criticism by Herman E. Daly, Edward Elgar, 2000-05

101. The Environmental Literacy Council - Economics
economics. economics is the field that is concerned with the allocation of scarce resources to meet human needs. This includes what is produced, how it is produced, and how the output is distributed .
Home About ELC Site Map Contact Us ... Food
Economics is the field that is concerned with the allocation of scarce resources to meet human needs. This includes what is produced, how it is produced, and how the output is distributed. It is concerned with the costs of producing and distributing goods and services. The cost of using scarce resources for any one end is that those resources could be used for some other purpose. If we choose to spend the afternoon playing basketball, we can't use that time to study. If we purchase a sports utility vehicle, we are making a decision that benefits, such as safety or convenience, outweigh the costs of purchasing a smaller, more fuel-efficient car. Economics is an important tool for making decisions about the conservation and protection of natural resources because it provides information about the choices people make, the costs and benefits of proposed measures, and the likely outcome of environmental (and other) policies. For example, if a city wants to encourage households to recycle, it might charge for trash pickup according to the total weight of trash the household generates. People would have an incentive to reduce the amount of trash they throw out. Incentives do not have to be monetary. A World Bank paper, for example, describes Indonesia's efforts to control pollution by publicizing how much each of the country's factories pollute. Avoiding bad publicity can be an incentive. Environmental and other public policies are most effective when they achieve the maximum possible benefits in the most efficient way. Resourceshuman, natural, monetaryare not infinite. Policymakers, therefore, try to understand how resources can be utilized most efficiently to accomplish the desired goals by weighing the costs of various alternatives with their potential benefits.

102. EDIRC: Resource And Environmental Economics
A searchable index of international economics institutions with environmental programs, including economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers.
EDIRC Original (U. Connecticut)
mirrored by NetEc in UK USA Japan Russia
Economics Departments, Institutes and Research Centers in the World
Resource and Environmental Economics
Please send any corrections and additions to Christian Zimmermann . Use IDEAS , the largest online database of research in Economics. Return to the EDIRC main page countries alphabetically country codes continents ...

103. Resources For The Future
A nonprofit and nonpartisan think tank located in Washington, DC that conducts independent research rooted primarily in economics and other social sciences - on environmental and natural resource issues.
Research Overview
Research Topics



Quick Links: Research Topics Agriculture Air Antibiotic and Pesticide Resistance Biodiversity and Conservation Biotechnology Climate Cost-Benefit Analysis Electricity Energy Environment and Development Environmental Liability Fisheries Food Safety Food Security Forests Hazardous Waste Health International Environmental Policy Land Use Market-Based Policy Markets and Competition Minerals Nuclear Weapons Cleanup Public Lands Public Participation Regulatory Programs and Institutions Risk Simulation Solid Waste and Recycling Space Spatial Analysis Statistical Analysis Superfund Taxation and Public Finance Technological Change Theoretical Modeling Trade and Environment Transportation Urban Sprawl Valuation of Environmental Benefits Water Researchers Albers, Heidi J. Anderson, John W. Banzhaf, H. Spencer Bauer, Carl J. Beierle, Thomas C. Bell, Ruth Greenspan Blackman, Allen Boxer, Baruch Boyd, James W. Brennan, Timothy J. Burtraw, Dallas Darmstadter, Joel Davies, J. Clarence Fischer, Carolyn

104. FREE - Foundation For Research On Economics & The Environment
FREE advances conservation and environmental values by applying modern science and America's founding ideas to policy debates.
FREE is an organization devoted to social change that harmonizes environmental quality with responsible liberty and economic progress. We apply economics and scientific analysis to generate and explore alternative and innovative solutions to environmental problems. FREE conducts seminars and conferences, and produces books and articles. We focus on four audiences: federal judges, law professors, business leaders, and environmental entrepreneurs.
"... FREE's seminars have given me an unparalleled opportunity to look outward. It is no exaggeration to say that they have helped me keep alive my research agenda..."
Georgia State University
FREE's Summer 2004 Bill and Reta Haynes Distinguished Scholar in Residence: Dr. Robert Thompson Past Resident Scholars
Dr. Thomas Schelling (2003)

105. CAHE News Releases
News on agriculture and environmental and human sciences, including press releases, photographs and audio clips.
Washington State University Home Search
2004 News Releases May 2004
CORRECTION: Last Ralston Field Day Set, June 1 Lind Field Day, June 10 Direct-Seed Field Day, June 24 Baldree Appointed WSU Extension District Director ... Riebe Appointed 4-H Development Director April 2004 Cleanliness Crucial to Protecting Against Avian Flu Protecting Poultry from Avian Influenza Academic Career Development Symposium Friday WSU Students and Employees Honored ... Mariners, Master Gardeners Make Spring Magic March 2004 Memorial Service Planned for WSU Student Workshops Set For Food Direct Marketers February 2004 Spokane Farm-to-Wallet Workshop Set Wenatchee Farm-to-Wallet Workshop Set Skagit Farm-to-Wallet Marketing Workshop Set 4-H Seeks Hall of Fame Nominations ... Biodiesel Workshop Set, Feb. 17 January 2004 WSU Sets Direct Food Workshop for Bremerton WSU Sets Direct Food Workshops for Renton, Puyallup

106. Graduiertenkolleg "Klimarelevante Gase"
About an interdisciplinary research project concerning the contribution of agriculture to possible climate change. Graduiertenkolleg Universit¤t Hohenheim, Department of Agricultural economics, Stuttgart, Germany.
Uni Hohenheim Uni Stuttgart Zur DFG DaiNet ... Interessante Links
"Strategien zur Vermeidung der Emission klimarelevanter Gase und umwelttoxischer Stoffe aus Landwirtschaft und Landschaftsnutzung"
English speaking? Block 5 Integrative Verknüpfung naturwissenschaftlicher und ökonomischer Teilmodelle zu Systemansätzen (Programm) Bilder
Projekte (2002-2004) ...
Zugriffe seit Juli 1996 aktualisiert von Matthias Schreiber Januar 2004

107. Agora Cosmopolitan. Economics, Ecology, And The Quality-of-Life
Provides society membership information and featured books on the rejuvenation of economics, in relationship to the qualityof-life, social justice, environmental conservation, and ecology.
Canadian Association
of Cosmopolitan
Quantuum Economics
Featured high quality/critically acclaimed,
books on a new social science of
economics, ecology, and the quality-of-life.
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... [Khanog illinga vet] (apologies concerning languages not listed. Merci). This site is a member of WebRing. To browse visit Here Click to subscribe to economics-bookslist Free Site Submit by SiteSubmitService.COM Distance Learning Directory of Schools Online Degree Programs earn online degrees from accredited universities, colleges, academies and institutions. Books For You - Your Online Directory for Books, DVDs, Video's, CDs and Software Join Now List Sites Random ... Next Sponsored Links Top Accesses Sites on Anzwers Top Quality Sites on Anzwers ... Motori di ricerca, portali

108. National Institute For Environmental Studies (Independent Administrative Institu
An independent administrative institution conducting research on environmental threats to society and governmental policy, encompassing basic sciences, engineering, agriculture, fisheries, medicine, pharmacology, and economics.
About NIES Organization Outline Research NIES Publication ... Center for Global Environmental Research (CGER) Ministry of the Environment For further inquiry, please send an e-mail to :
National Institute for Environmental Studies 16-2 Onogawa, Tsukuba-Shi, Ibaraki, 305-8506 Japan

109. Biotic Baking Brigade: Speaking Pie To Power
Group which throws pies as a form of protest against neoliberal economics and environmental degradation. Provides photo gallery and multimedia, local links, BBB news releases, and background information.
Action Video!
See the Biotic Baking Brigade in action in "The Pies the Limit"!
This 28 minute video features a cornucopia of political pie-throwings in San Francisco and beyond. Plus behind the scenes interviews with real underground pie tossers! To order, CLICK HERE About the BBB Photo Gallery + Multimedia Cells + Allies + Links ... Contact the BBB! Contact us: c/o Whispered Media , POB 40130, San Francisco, CA 94140
E-mail us: Site Credits

110. The E.F Schumacher Society And Library On The Net: Welcome!
The Society is an educational nonprofit organization focusing on social and environmental sustainability. This page links to articles about local economics and materials on operating a local currency system.

Cambridge, England based environmental and developmental economics consulting group offers services in economic and social impact studies, privatisation and enterprise reform.
CAMBRIDGE RESOURCE ECONOMICS C ONTACT D ETAILS ... EWS Cambridge Resource Economics (CRE) was established in 1997 by Colin Barnes, an economist and management consultant based in Cambridge. It offers expertise in the areas of :
  • natural resource economics policy analysis economic analysis social impact analysis
CRE team experience includes consultancy and advisory work in many parts of the world including :
  • UK Europe North Africa Middle East sub - Saharan Africa South, South East and East Asia South America Caribbean

112. Institute Of Information Systems
Institute of Information Systems. Research projects focus on environmental information systems, distributed processing, pattern recognition and data warehousing of WWW data, integration of legacy and semistructured data, query processing, and reengineering.

113. BNA, Inc. - Essential Information. Expert Analysis.
Bureau of National Affairs a publisher of print and electronic news on health care, business, labor relations, law, economics, taxation, environmental protection, safety, and public policy and regulations.

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    114. The Diaper Decision - Not A Clear Issue, HYG-5503-90
    A Ohio State University Extension fact sheet on cloth vs. disposable exploring the health, economics, and environmental points of view.
    Ohio State University Extension Fact Sheet
    Textiles and Clothing
    1787 Neil Avenue, Columbus, Ohio 43210-1295
    The Diaper Decision - Not A Clear Issue
    Joyce A. Smith
    Norma Pitts
    Choice of diapers, cloth or disposable, impacts on environmental, health and economic concerns. Currently, neither diaper type is clearly superior in all areas. An understanding of the issues provides some basis for responsible choice. Introduced in 1961, disposable diapers now dominate the market, accounting for 80 percent of the diapers used in the United States. Convenience is the major reason given by parents, particularly in dual-career families where time for cloth diaper care is limited. Group day care restrictions requiring single use diapers by registrants also influence choice of diapering method. Families without access to home laundry equipment find care of cloth diapers burdensome. Associated with the convenience and market penetration of single use diapers is waste disposal. The average child uses over 5,000 diapers during the 30 month period before toilet training, contributing to a total of over 16 billion diapers or 2.7 million tons of single use diapers requiring disposal each year (1). Disposable diapers account for an estimated 1.5 to 2.0 percent of municipal solid waste, contributing to the existing problem of landfill availability and escalating cost of solid waste management (1,2).
    Disposable Diapers
    With landfills reaching capacity and dumping costs expected to quadruple by the year 2000, solutions for disposal of all solid waste, including disposable diapers, is a critical concern. Nearly $300 million is spent annually to discard single use diapers. Disposable diapers generate four times as much solid waste as cloth diapers. An archaeological study of garbage from 1977 to 1985 determined that while fast food packaging accounted for 0.1 percent by weight of solid waste in landfills, disposable diapers accounted for slightly under 1.0 percent or nine to ten times that amount (3). However, some additional concerns regarding the decomposition of disposable diapers and resulting by-products must be considered.

    115. Resurgence Magazine On-line
    An international forum of radical thought on environmental and social issues ecology, human scale education, sacred art, the economics of wellbeing, sustainability and a holistic philosophy infused with spirituality and creativity. In print and online.
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    Resurgence Magazine
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    Resurgence is the leading international forum for ecological and spiritual thinking.
    "Inspiring stories, practical examples, visionary proposals, stunning graphics, historic insights, international perspectives, and beautiful poetry. Resurgence is a valued friend and essential resource for all who believe that another world is possible." David Korten, author of When Corporations Rule the World Nominated in four categories for the
    2002 Utne Independent Press Awards
    subscribe now
    Since 1966
    Resurgence magazine has been one of the pillars of environmental thinking, generating an ecological awareness essential for human and planetary well-being and survival. We believe you that will find it a valuable source of information and inspiration, and invite you to subscribe to the printed version what's in

    116. The Center For Grazinglands And Ranch Management
    Focus on processes that natural resource managers must face to integrate resources, including production, economics, social policy and environmental practices into sustainable grazinglands and ranch management.
    Home TXLEWS Tx Digital Diagnostics Discussion Board ... Ranchers Roundup Articles Center for Grazinglands and Ranch Management
    Animal Industries Building, Room 225D
    College Station, TX 77843-2126
    Phone: (979) 862-7580
    Toll Free: 1-888-799-4442
    FAX: (979) 845-6430 Texas/Mexico Field Days March 23,April 24, May 22

    117. ChemicaLogic Corporation
    Technical and management consulting firm offers expertise in chemical production , product applications, market dynamics, production economics, environmental and safety analysis, risk management, and software development.
    news services products download ...
    Site Information
    ChemicaLogic Corporation
    Since 1995, ChemicaLogic Corporation, a technical and management consulting firm, has been serving the worldwide chemical and allied industries. We fully integrate technical expertise, business knowledge, management experience and computer skills to provide you with a unique resources for problem solving. ChemicaLogic also develops custom software tools. Our products are benefiting industry leaders in power plants, utilities, chemical companies, engineering firms, and universities. Find out how these tools can help you increase your productivity. You may contact us at any time if you have a burning question, technical problems, management issues, or software problems. We are always ready to answer any of your questions. We may not always have an answer, but we will do our best to steer you in the right direction. Find out what's new and different about us. If you are unable to locate any specific information on this site, you can search for it or email us and we will try and help you find it.

    118. MGM - Home Page
    Consultancy services in biodiversity conservation and management, institutional strengthening, resource economics, environmental assessment, GIS and remote sensing. Global scope. Based in UK.
    Home About MGM Services Site Map ... Martyn's Page
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    Welcome to MGMSolutions.Com
    Site created on: 21st May 2000

    Last updated on: 22nd September 2003
    What's New:-

    View chapters and photos from
    The Storm Leopard:
    Travels in the Ecological Conscience
    Martyn Murray's forthcoming book on
    the human-wildlife relationship
    Martyn's Page

    Learn more about MGM's Director Visit the new publications page

    119. Conservation Law Foundation, New England's Environmental Advocate
    Uses law, economics and science to solve the environmental problems that threaten the people, natural resources and communities of New England.
    CLF Goes Back to Court to End Overfishing
    and Protect Georges Bank Cod
    Continued overfishing endangers the rich marine life of Georges Bank.
    Sign up for CLF's free email newsletter today! CLF and the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) are going back to court to ask a federal judge to force the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) to end overfishing of Georges Bank cod and four other severely depleted groundfish species. In December 2001, in response to CLF's landmark lawsuit, a federal court required the New England Fisheries Management Council (NEFMC) to create new rules to end overfishing. At a contentious meeting in November 2003, NEFMC approved a new management plan, known as Amendment 13, aimed at rebuilding New England's depleted groundfish stocks. In their complaint, filed today, CLF and NRDC allege that the new rules do not meet the requirements of the court order because they allowing overfishing to continue. Read more Georges Bank Cod in Trouble
    Once New England's signature fish species, Georges Bank cod shows almost no signs of recovery from record low numbers hit in the mid-1990s. The current population for Georges Bank cod is less than 15% of what is considered healthy and sustainable. Amendment 13 allows fishing of Georges Bank cod and other species to continue at levels far higher than recommended by NMFS' own scientists.

    120. Master Of Science In International Studies: St. John Fisher College
    International Studies is an academic discipline that draws on multidisciplinary sources to examine past, current and future trends in a variety of related fields and in theories of international relations. Fields examined include international security, economics, politics, environmental issues and law.
    Master of Science in International Studies St. John Fisher College
    The International Studies Discipline
    International Studies is an academic discipline that draws on multidisciplinary sources to examine past, current and future trends in a variety of related fields and in theories of international relations. Fields examined include: international security, economics, politics, environmental issues and law.
    A Unique Program in Rochester
    • Members of the business community: Rochester is the leading foreign export economy in New York State, outside of New York City. A Master of Science in International Studies degree is a career-enhancing tool in the current global climate of this area, and of the 21st century workplace in general. A thorough understanding of the political, cultural and historical aspects of foreign policy and relationships will make the Rochester business person more valuable and well-positioned for leadership roles. Middle and High School teachers:
    People with an undergraduate background in International Studies, History or Political Science who have a serious intellectual interest in the discipline: The M.S. program can balance undergraduate performance, leading to advanced research at the doctoral level.

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