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21. Social Sciences: Environmental Economics Group The Group at Wageningen University provides courses and project descriptions in environmental economics. http://www.sls.wageningen-ur.nl/me | |
22. Enviro7.htm Natural Resources and environmental economics. This companion web site provides a set of resources associated with the 3rd edition http://homepages.strath.ac.uk/~hbs96107/enviro7.htm | |
23. Environmental Economics In The UNEP 1996/97 Programme environmental economics. Contents However, the gap between conceptual analysis and practical application of environmental economics remains wide. http://www.unep.org/unep/sub42.htm | |
24. Welcome To The IIIEE Lund University's research and education institute with focus on preventative environmental strategies and cleaner production. http://www.iiiee.lu.se/ |
25. SAPPCREE Home Page Southern Appalachian Committee for Resource and environmental economics. The URL for this page is now http//www.davidson.edu/academic http://www.davidson.edu/academic/economics/martin/sappcree.html | |
26. Environmental Economics Program At Harvard University environmental economics Program at Harvard University A UniversityWide Research Initiative. Harvard University Center for the Environment. http://www.ksg.harvard.edu/cbg/eephu/home.htm | |
27. EDIRC: Resource And Environmental Economics Central index of economics institutions (academic, governmental and nonprofit) in Resource and environmental economics. Resource and environmental economics. http://edirc.repec.org/resource.html | |
28. Contents--the Suburbia Project A collection of essays covering urban and suburban design, transportation modalities, habitat preservation, urban farming, and social and environmental economics. http://www.living-room.org/suburbia/contents.htm | |
29. Glossary Of Environmental Economics Terms Glossary of environmental economics Terms. This glossary links each definition term to the most complete definition available in http://info.wlu.ca/~wwwsbe/faculty/rwigle/ec238/ref/glossary.shtml | |
30. LACEEN Project to promote the generation and dissemination of knowledge among academic and research institutions. Includes info on projects, management and funding. http://www.cinpe.una.ac.cr/laceen/ | |
31. Definitions Of Environmental Economics Terms Definitions of environmental economics Terms. These terms have either not been defined in my course notes, or they have not yet been http://info.wlu.ca/~wwwsbe/faculty/rwigle/ec238/ref/define.shtml | |
32. SOSIG: Environmental Economics environmental economics, Editor Biz/ed, British Library, University of Newcastle upon Tyne. Browse this resource, Economics for the Environment Consultancy Ltd, http://www.sosig.ac.uk/roads/subject-listing/World-cat/envecon.html | |
33. SOSIG: Environmental Economics environmental economics, Editor Biz/ed, British Library, University of Newcastle upon Tyne. Browse this resource, environmental economics Research. http://www.sosig.ac.uk/roads/subject-listing/World/envecon.html | |
34. Environmental Economics And Natural Resources Group environmental economics and Natural Resources Group. The chair in environmental economics and Natural Resources is held by Prof.dr. Ekko van Ierland. http://www.sls.wau.nl/enr/ | |
35. EEE Programme The Ecological and environmental economics EEE Programme is a joint three-year programme of ICTP - The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical http://www.ictp.trieste.it/~eee/ | |
36. Environmental Economics For the Student. Links. Working with Graphs. environmental economics Data and Maps Institutions. Barry C. Field s Book Natural Resource Economics. http://www.mhhe.com/economics/fieldee/ | |
37. University Of York, Environment Department environmental economics, environmental ecology, environmental science, environment, atmospheric. The Environment Department, University http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/eeem/ | |
38. Master Of Science In Environmental Economics And Environmental Management Tel +44 1904 432999 Fax +44 1904 432998, Get Acrobat Reader. Master of Science in environmental economics and Environmental Management (MSc EEEM). http://www.york.ac.uk/depts/eeem/gsp/msceeem.htm | |
39. The EnviroLink Network - Environmental Economics Suggest a Resource. environmental economics. Subtopics of environmental economics Economic Categories within environmental economics Actions http://www.envirolink.org/topics.html?topicsku=2002109191048&topic=Environmental |
40. Environmental Economics You are here Home Internet Resources Browsable listing of environmental economics resources. environmental economics. Parent section Economics General. http://catalogue.bized.ac.uk/roads/cat/envecon.html | |
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