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161. S&TR | June 2001 Addressing the energyÂenvironment Challenge. We do not want to be forced to choose between having adequate energy supplies and enjoying a healthy environment. http://www.llnl.gov/str/June01/ComJun01.html | |
162. Stockholm Environment Institute - SEI - Energy Programme PV ESCOs Project of the Stockholm environment Institute (SEI) which attempts to demonstrate a framework through which solar electricity services can be provided in rural areas of Zambia in a sustainable manner. http://www.sei.se/energy/pvesco/pv_intro.htm | |
163. Combustion In The RainForest: Ecology, Energy And Economy For A Sustainable Envi A global holistic perspective to the world environmental predicament. http://www.geocities.com/combusem/ | |
164. Alberta Research Council Develops and commercializes technology including solutions globally to the energy, life sciences, agriculture, environment, forestry and manufacturing sectors. http://www.arc.ab.ca/ | |
165. Reports & Statements - Energy, Environment, And Science The Impact of Agricultural Biotechnology on Environmental and Food La Jolla, California, June 28 July 4, 1999 The Prospects of Nuclear energy Paris, France http://www.pugwash.org/reports/ees/eeslist.htm | |
166. AMPLIFLAIRE: More Heat Less Fuel - Conservation Of Energy And The Environment Conservation of the environment central heating and waste energy recovery systems product and alternative energy development. http://www.ampliflaire.co.uk/ |
167. DOE S Inventions Program Saves Money, Energy, Environment News Release. Media Contact Media Relations Communications and Community Outreach (865) 5744166. DOE s Inventions Program Saves Money, energy, environment. http://www.ornl.gov/Press_Releases/archive/inventions.html | |
168. Daystar: The Four Mile Island Solar Home A tour of an existing solar home with an emphasis on the experience of solar living . This site has lots of information about solar home construction, renewable energy systems and the environment. http://fourmileisland.com | |
169. FAA - Office Of Environment And Energy, Noise Division Includes noise abatement policies, regulations, guidance, models, aircraft noise levels, and reports to Congress. USA. http://www.aee.faa.gov/noise/ | |
170. Public Citizen | Energy / Environment / Nuclear Issues - Energy/Environment/Nucl For Keyword(s). advanced search. Keep up with Public Citizen through your Email! energy/environment/Nuclear Index. Public Citizen http://www.citizen.org/cmep/energy_enviro_nuclear/ | |
171. REPP: HOME Since 1994, CREST has provided science, policy and other information for students, governments, activists and others on renewable energy, energy efficiency and influence of traditional energy on global environment. http://www.crest.org | |
172. FORUM Online A quarterly policy journal that focuses on energy, the environment, economic development, and science and technology issues. It aims to make the work of policy researchers more accessible to officials in the public and private sectors. http://forum.ra.utk.edu/ | |
173. Wind Weather Instruments Data Logger Monitoring Datalogger Supplies data acquisition and control systems, sensors and instruments for energy, including solar and wind energy, agro meteorology and environment. System design and engineering, installation, training and consultancy. http://www.ekopower.nl/ | |
174. Focus On Energy : Home Wisconsins public information for reducing energy in home, businesses and the environment http://wifocusonenergy.com/ | |
175. Energy & Environmental Research Center The energy Environmental Research Center (EERC) is a research, development, demonstration, and commercialization facility at the University of North Dakota (UND) recognized internationally for http://www.eerc.und.nodak.edu/ | |
176. Environmental Energy Technologies Division Web Page Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratorys Environmental energy Technologies Division performs research and development leading to better energy technologies that reduce adverse, energyrelated http://eande.lbl.gov/ | |
177. Centre For Environment, Science And Technology(CEEST 2000) web design by nyenzicom. http://www.ceest.com/ | |
178. Ontario Ministry Of The Environment Home Page Printerfriendly version. Government of Ontario, Ministry of the environment. Features, News, Air. Local environmental Registry. environmental http://www.ene.gov.on.ca/ | |
179. Recherche : Centre Energétique - Environnement Translate this page Retour recherche. Accueil. Carte du site. Contact. CENTRE ENERGETIQUE ENVIRONNEMENT. CENTER FOR energy AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROCESSES. http://www.enstimac.fr/recherche/ener/ | |
180. Institute For Energy And Environmental Research Homepage The Institute for energy and Environmental Research (IEER) is dedicated to increasing public involvement in and control over environmental problems through the http://www.ieer.org/ | |
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