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61. South Asia Regional Country Analysis Brief An overview of Bhutan's energy, electricity, oil, economy and environment. http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/bhutan.html | |
62. Energy Probe Research Foundation, Consumer Policy Institute, Energy Probe, Envir Comprised of Probe International, energy Probe, environmental Bureau of Investigation, environment Probe, Urban Renaissance Institute, Consumer Policy Institute, and Margaret Laurence Fund. One of Canada's leading environmental and public policy research institutes. http://www.e-p-r-f.org/eprf/index.html | |
63. CPD - Energy/Environment - HUD energy/ environment. HUD energy and environment policy is coordinated by the Office of Community Viability. The energy web site describes http://www.hud.gov/offices/cpd/energyenviron/index.cfm | |
64. Paying For Pollution-How Taxpayers Subsidize Dangerous And Polluting Energy Prog Report in PDF and HTML formats on subsidies in the United States for polluting industries who benefits from these subsidies, why they hurt Americans and the environment, and what should be done instead. http://www.foe.org/camps/eco/payingforpollution/ | |
65. Index energy, environment, Science Technology Program The EEST Program at SAIS addresses the crosscutting issues of international affairs, including questions like http://www.sais-jhu.edu/programs/ir/eest/ | |
66. Welcome To Marbek An environment and energy management consulting firm, providing policy and program advice in energy efficiency, sustainable development, and environmental assessment. http://www.marbek.ca/ | |
67. Wind Energy, Environment, And Fuels Wind energy Reference Manual Part 5 environment and Fuels. http://www.windpower.org/en/stat/unitsenv.htm | |
68. Energy/Environment/Safety Choose another category. http://www.gelighting.com/na/faq/faq_energy_env.html | |
69. Chicago Department Of Environment Information on Chicago's energy programs including daily updates of power outages. http://www.cityofchicago.org/Environment/EnergyManagement |
70. Energy, Environment And Natural Resource Law energy, environment AND NATURAL RESOURCES LAW Students must complete a minimum of 12 credit hours in energy, environment, and natural resources courses. http://www.law.uh.edu/llm/eenrprog.html | |
71. Energy And Environment At The University Of Washington University course on energy consumption and production patterns, fossil energy conversion and resources, nuclear energy, and environmental consequences. http://swhite.me.washington.edu/~malte/ | |
72. Building Environmental Science & Technology (B.E.S.T.) Technical and information services and unique perspectives on building practices, development, energy and the environment. http://www.energybuilder.com | |
73. Energy, Environment & Infrastructures energy, environment INFRASTRUCTURES DIVISION Everyday and with growing frequency, civil and industrial engineers are facing problems related to human http://www.dappolonia.it/e/energy_struct_envir_div.htm | |
74. ECCJ ÂÃÂGÂlÂÂÂMÂ[ÂZÂÂÂ^Â[(Japanese) Home Provides information and resources for efficient use of energy, protection of the Global environment and sustainable development. http://www.eccj.or.jp/ | |
75. Energy/Environment Services Quick Link energy/environment Services. Two business groups perform most of our energy and environment-related projects. These groups are listed http://www.lmi.org/Services/link_energyenviron.htm | |
76. Fuel Economy Find cars that protect the environment and save you money; advanced technology, links, from the U.S. Dept. of energy. http://www.fueleconomy.gov/FEG/ | |
77. EU-Büro Des BMBF: Energy/ Environment Translate this page Network Forum - Sector energy/ environment. ICT/ Bank. Contributions to the Sector energy/ environment will be published on this website as soon as possible. http://www.eubuero.de/arbeitsbereiche/fraueneuforschung/wir/energy | |
78. Environmental Engineering At Humboldt State University - Environmental Resources BSc study areas are Water and energy Resources, Geo environment, Air Quality. MSc in environmental Systems with three options. Provides resources for future and current students, alumni, information on staff, student life, research projects and schedules. http://www.humboldt.edu/~ere_dept/ | |
79. E3ME: An Energy-Environment-Economy Model Of Europe industry and goverment. UK Regional and Sectoral, European Regional and Sectoral, and energy and environment forecasting. http://www.camecon.com/e3me/ | |
80. Center For Energy And Environmental Resources (CEER) Central liaison for energy and environmental research and education. Focuses on efficient and economical uses of energy and on ensuring a cleaner environment by developing ecologically sound energy related technologies. http://www.utexas.edu/research/ceer/ | |
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