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41. FirstGov – Citizen Gateway – Environment, Energy And Agriculture Home Citizens Topics environment, energy and Agriculture. environment, energy Agriculture, energy, Science and Technology. environment Where You Live. http://www.firstgov.gov/Citizen/Topics/Environment_Agriculture.shtml | |
42. Government Purchasing Project Dedicated to protecting the environment and human health through the effective use of purchasing power in addition to traditional advocacy. GPP works to encourage the government to use its immense purchasing power to promote safe, costeffective, energy-efficient, and environmentally-sound products. http://www.gpp.org | |
43. Dubrovnik Conference 2005 On Sustainable Development Of Energy, Water And Enviro June 27, 2002. Announcement and call for papers. http://powerlab.fsb.hr/Dubrovnik2002/ | |
44. SEI-B - Energy, Environment And Climate Program energy, environment and Climate Program. Many SEIBostonÂs energy and environment projects involve training, software development and dissemination. http://www.seib.org/energy_enviro_climate.html | |
45. SEI-B - Energy, Environment And Climate Program:Â Selected Projects energy, environment and Climate Program Selected Projects. Climate Change. environmental Assessment. environmental Costs of energy Facilities in South Africa. http://www.seib.org/energy_enviro_climate_sp.html | |
46. Cirene (Center Of Initiative And Research On Energy And The Environment) Conducts syntheses and studies in order to solve problems of industrial partners regarding greenhouse gases (including taxation, permits for carbon trading, technicaleconomic studies, feasibility studies for capture and storage of CO2, forecasting studies). http://www.cirene.asso.fr/ukco2.php | |
47. Dti: Energy - Home / environment / energy impact. energy Its impact on the environment and society. PDF document Impact of energy on the environment and society (PDF, 935Kb). http://www.dti.gov.uk/energy/environment/energy_impact/index.shtml | |
48. Environment Energy The wise utilization and management of our natural resources is a primary focus for researchers in Michigan State University's College of Engineering. http://web.egr.msu.edu/DER/research/ee.htm |
49. Dti: Energy - Energy And Environment Research Programme Home /environment/ energy environment Research Programme. The energy environment Research Programme. The energy environment http://www.dti.gov.uk/energy/environment/eerp/index.shtml | |
50. International Centre For Indoor Environment And Energy Based at Technical University of Denmark. Reports on research focusing on the effect of the indoor environment on humans, mainly thermal comfort and air quality. http://www.ie.dtu.dk/ | |
51. TNO Environment, Energy And Process Innovation TNO environment, energy and Process Innovation, PO.Box 342, 7300 AH Apeldoorn, The Netherlands telephone +31 55 549 34 93, fax +31 55 541 98 37, email info http://www.mep.tno.nl/homepage_eng_mep.html | |
52. South Africa Country Analysis Brief Top/Regional/Africa/South_Africa/Science_and_Environment http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/safrica.html | |
53. The Energy-Environment Nexus CASEE The energyenvironment Nexus (Print This) And to some it means energy with no environmental cost for its production and use. energy http://www.nae.edu/nae/naehome.nsf/weblinks/MKEZ-5B4RZ5?OpenDocument |
54. National Energy-Environment Law And Policy Institute © 2002 NELPI The University Of Tulsa. All rights reserved. http://www.nelpi.org/ |
55. Energy, Transport & Environment Applies economic theory to current policy issues. Downloadable working papers and project descriptions include an extensive portfolio of numerical partial and general equilibrium models for the assessment of transport, energy and environmental policies. Affiliated with the University Leuven, Belgium. http://www.econ.kuleuven.ac.be/ew/academic/energmil/default.htm | |
56. Energy-Environment Technology For further information, please contact Mr Sameer Maithel Associate Director energyenvironment Technology Division sameerm@teri.res.in. http://www.teriin.org/division/eetdiv/eetdiv.htm | |
57. Program For The Human Environment A research center at Rockefeller University that explores how longrun technical change relates to productivity and efficiency of energy, materials, land, and other resources, and the consequences for human populations. http://phe.rockefeller.edu/ | |
58. New Zealand Digital Library New Zealand Digital Library Project provides full text access to publications in the fields of agriculture, biodiversity, climate change, environmental impact assessment, energy, health, natural resources, policy, sustainable development, waste management and water. http://www.nzdl.org/cgi-bin/library?a=p&p=about&c=envl |
59. Untitled Document Information on the Chad oil industry, an economic, energy, environment overview and a political profile. http://www.eia.doe.gov/emeu/cabs/chad.html | |
60. Energy & Environmental Clearinghouse Welcome to the energy, environment Transportation (EE T) Clearinghouse. The clearinghouse facilitates informationsharing and http://www.eandeclearinghouse.com/ | |
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