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         Energy:     more books (100)
  1. Saving Energy (Help the Environment) by Charlotte Guillain, 2008-03-15
  2. Environment and Nuclear Energy
  3. Dictionary of Energy (Energy, Power, and Environment) by Hall, 1983-03-24
  4. Energy, Food, Environment: Realities, Myths, Opinions by Vaclav Smil, 1987-09-24
  5. Sustainable Energy: Opportunities and Limitations (Energy, Climate and the Environment)
  6. Ecological Economics: Energy, Environment and Society by Juan Martinez-Alier, Klaus Schlupmann, 1993-04
  7. The Home Energy Diet: How To Save Money By Making Your House Energy-smart (Mother Earth News Wiser Living Series) by Paul Scheckel, 2005-07-15
  8. The Bedrock of Opinion: Science, Technology and Society in the Siting of High-Level Nuclear Waste (Environment & Policy) by G. Sundqvist, 2002-02-28
  9. The Political Economy of Sustainable Energy (Energy, Climate and the Environment) by Catherine Mitchell, 2008-01-22
  10. Natural Ventilation in the Urban Environment: Assessment and Design (Buildings, Energy and Solar Technology Series)
  11. The Sociology of Energy, Buildings and the Environment: Constructing Knowledge, Designing Practice (Routledge Research Global Environmental Change Series, 5) by Simon Guy, 2001-01-22
  12. Energy Efficient Buildings: Architecture, Engineering, and Environment by Dean Hawkes, Wayne Forster, 2002-07-15
  13. Symposium on Energy and the Environment: The Role of Nuclear Power
  14. Energy Security: Managing Risk in a Dynamic Legal and Regulatory Environment

41. FirstGov – Citizen Gateway – Environment, Energy And Agriculture
Home Citizens Topics environment, energy and Agriculture. environment, energy Agriculture, energy, Science and Technology. environment Where You Live.
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in Federal Only All States One State Advanced Home About Us Site Map ... Topics Environment, Energy and Agriculture On this Page Environment and Natural Resources General Environment Environmental Health and Quality Environmental Maps, Research and Statistics Forestry Water, Oceans and Fisheries

42. Government Purchasing Project
Dedicated to protecting the environment and human health through the effective use of purchasing power in addition to traditional advocacy. GPP works to encourage the government to use its immense purchasing power to promote safe, costeffective, energy-efficient, and environmentally-sound products.
Project NEW
State Government Purchasing Officials: Please take the
State of Wood Survey

Press Release about survey

Environmentally Preferable Purchasing Policies
Federal Government ...
Green Building

Federal Executive Orders Executive Order 12873
Executive Order 13101

GPP Issues Wood Reduction Green Building Chlorine-Free Paper Energy Activism How to Encourage Forest-Friendly Purchasing in Your Community Whistle-Blower Page Publications About GPP ... Resource Conservation Alliance The Government Purchasing Project (GPP) is dedicated to protecting the environment and human health through market-based strategies. GPP works to encourage the government to use its immense purchasing power to promote safe, cost-effective, energy-efficient, and environmentally-sound products. The government is the largest consumer in the United States, representing 20 percent of the gross national product. This purchasing leverage can be an enormously effective tool which can save taxpayers money, set the standard for private industries, expand the marketplace for "green" technologies, and consequently make these technologies and environmentally preferable products more available to consumers as a whole. For an overview of Government Purchasing, please read our

43. Dubrovnik Conference 2005 On Sustainable Development Of Energy, Water And Enviro
June 27, 2002. Announcement and call for papers.

University of Zagreb

Zagreb, Croatia Instituto Superior Técnico
Lisbon, Portugal
In cooperation with:

Institut National Polytechnique

de Grenoble
, Grenoble, France National Technical University of Athens
Athens, Greece University of Rome "La Sapienza"
Rome, Italy Kuwait University
Kuwait Delft University of Technology
Delft, The Netherlands University of Zaragoza Zaragoza, Spain University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia ,USA Sponsors
EC , DG RTD, INCO Programme, Bruxelles UNESCO , Paris, France Companies HRVATSKA ELEKTROPRIVREDA , Zagreb, Croatia Journals Management of Environmental Quality Energy
Scope and Objectives
Sustainability is a new discourse aimed at promoting a new strategy in the development of energy, water and environmental (EWE) systems. International conferences on sustainability development offer the best opportunity for the dissemination, exchange and promotion of new ideas for interdisciplinary, multi-cultural and multi-criteria evaluation of EWE systems. It is becoming increasingly clear that the quest for sustainable development requires integrating economic, social, cultural, political, and ecological factors. It requires grassroots initiatives, as well as simultaneous consideration of the local and global dimensions, and of the ways by which they interact. It also requires broadening of the space and time horizons to accommodate the need for intra-generational as well as international equity. The behavior and properties of a EWE system arise not merely from the properties of its component elements, but to a large degree also from the nature and intensity of their dynamic interlinkages.

44. SEI-B - Energy, Environment And Climate Program
energy, environment and Climate Program. Many SEIBoston’s energy and environment projects involve training, software development and dissemination.
Energy, Environment and Climate Program
The transition to modern energy forms was the engine for the industrial revolution. The threat of global climate disruption and the lack of basic energy services for billions of people now call for a new energy transition. Clean and affordable energy technologies must be brought to the market, and energy policies and institutions must foster equitable development. The Energy, Environment and Climate Program of SEI-Boston addresses this challenge through research, policy assessment and capacity building. For over two decades, we have worked throughout Africa, Asia, Europe, and Latin America to spur innovative energy strategies that support the goals of social equity, environment quality, and efficient economic development. We work in four research areas:
  • Climate Change Mitigation
SEI-Boston projects on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions include GHG inventories, scenarios of future emission profiles, and mitigation strategies. We analyze policy mechanisms to address climate change concerns. These include the various forms of joint project development and emission trading that are under discussion in the climate negotiations, GHG externality valuation, and carbon tax studies. SEI-Boston builds the capacity by conducting training workshops on such issues as greenhouse gas mitigation, integrated energy planning, environmental analysis, and modeling.

45. SEI-B - Energy, Environment And Climate Program:  Selected Projects
energy, environment and Climate Program Selected Projects. Climate Change. environmental Assessment. environmental Costs of energy Facilities in South Africa.
Energy, Environment and Climate Program:
Selected Projects
Climate Change
  • Climate Change Courses
In collaboration with International Institute for Education and Alternative Energy Development, SEI-B staff are designing and delivering a series of comprehensive courses on key economic and policy issues facing both developing and transitional economies. (Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Ecuador, Zimbabwe, Senegal, and Bangladesh) Funded by USAID, these one week courses foster active dialogue among government policy-makers and NGOs on climate science, impacts, mitigation, and policy mechanisms such as emission trading, JI, and CDM. 1998-
  • Benchmarking Projects for the Clean Development Mechanism
With ongoing work support of the US Environmental Protection Agency, SEI-Boston is helping to resolve one of the central questions for implementing CDM: How should the baselines, which will quantify the amount of emissions reductions credited, be defined? Benchmarks have the prospect of introducing greater transparency, credibility, and simplicity into the baseline-setting process. 1997- FULL REPORT or EXECUTIVE SUMMARY
  • Joint Implementation Pilot Projects in the Baltics
A series of Swedish government supported projects have evaluated the potential for joint implementation projects to meet greenhouse gas emissions targets. Projects include improved thermal integrity, building markets for biomass fuels, and introducing efficient boiler systems for large residential buildings. The report is positive on program effectiveness, but raises a number of important questions with respect to project baselines and the amount of carbon credits generated. 1998.

46. Cirene (Center Of Initiative And Research On Energy And The Environment)
Conducts syntheses and studies in order to solve problems of industrial partners regarding greenhouse gases (including taxation, permits for carbon trading, technicaleconomic studies, feasibility studies for capture and storage of CO2, forecasting studies).
Cirene, spécialisé dans l'énergie et l'environnement : changement climatique, gaz à effet de serre, capture, stockage et séquestration du CO2. Le CIRENE réalise des études et conférences à destination des industriels, collectivités, ... CIRENE, CO2, effet de serre, energie, environnement, centre, initiative, recherche, environnemental, ecologie, etudes, conferences, rapports, reglementation, changement, climatique, capture, stockage, sequestration, climat, association, ducroux, jean-baptiste, sciences, chercheur, geosciences, taxation, technico, economique, prevision, previsionnel, energetique, industriels, institutionnels, CNRS, CEA, INRA, IFREMER, INSID, COGEMA, GDF, USINOR, ADEME, accord, internationaux, primaire, secondaire, renouvelable, nucleaire, eolien, eolienne, fossiles, petrole, charbon, electricite, hydrogene, solaire, geothermie, hydraulique, biomasse, marees, radioprotection, radon, retraitement, thermonucleaire, piles, SOFC, Kyoto, carbonique, gaz, economie.

47. Dti: Energy -
Home / environment / energy impact. energy Its impact on the environment and society. PDF document Impact of energy on the environment and society (PDF, 935Kb).
Text version Help NUCLEAR OIL AND GAS ... Environment / Energy impact
Energy - Its impact on the environment and society
This publication outlines the environmental and social impacts of energy, including the interaction between economic, social and environmental trends. It includes information on emissions and other environmental consequences from energy production and supply, and the social impacts of domestic competition, service quality issues and fuel poverty. Impact of energy on the environment and society (PDF, 935Kb) The first annual update (2003) of the booklet is less detailed than the main booklet above but has the same aims: to examine the key influences on the trends in the figures, including the interaction between economic, social and environmental trends and how Government policies have developed in response. Impact of energy on the environment and society - 2003 update (PDF, 101Kb) The 2003 update is issued as the first step towards a regular updating. It is our intention to carry out this updating as follows:
  • An annual overview of social and environmental impacts, of which this is the first, covering the main trends and developments, with signposts to more detailed information. This will be mainly made available to readers online.
  • 48. Environment Energy
    The wise utilization and management of our natural resources is a primary focus for researchers in Michigan State University's College of Engineering.

    49. Dti: Energy - Energy And Environment Research Programme
    Home /environment/ energy environment Research Programme. The energy environment Research Programme. The energy environment
    Text version Help NUCLEAR OIL AND GAS ... Environment
    • scientific and economic analysis to support and inform energy policy (encompassing issues of security and diversity of supply); resources to support sustainable development and environmental research; support for the maintenance and development of DTI's Energy Model.
    The Programme has been running since 1990 and seeks to inform the DTI's position regarding proposed energy and environmental policies, in particular by assessing their potential impact on industry. Where possible, collaborative projects are undertaken with industry and other parties, as well as other Government Departments. The Programme is funded by the DTI and managed by DTI with the support of Future Energy Solutions, part of AEA Technology. The main themes of the Programme's research are:
    • energy issues - e.g. review of gas and electricity security of supply issues; investigating the costs of moving to a low carbon dioxide emission energy system; development of the Energy Model;

    50. International Centre For Indoor Environment And Energy
    Based at Technical University of Denmark. Reports on research focusing on the effect of the indoor environment on humans, mainly thermal comfort and air quality.
    The Centre Current research Organisation Staff ...
    Selected publications issued before 1998
    Recent news
    Professor P. Ole Fangers Research Scholarship to Ph.D.-student Love Lagercrantz

    Professor Peter V. Nielsen honoured by ASHRAE

    Download the Centre's mid-term evaluation report (
    pdf ...
    Previously presented research results

    International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy Department of Mechanical Engineering Technical University of Denmark June 2004

    51. TNO Environment, Energy And Process Innovation
    TNO environment, energy and Process Innovation, PO.Box 342, 7300 AH Apeldoorn, The Netherlands telephone +31 55 549 34 93, fax +31 55 541 98 37, email info
    You can search our site with a subject index or general query.
    Are you interested in projects, products and services of other TNO institutes? Click here No rights can be derived from the TNO-MEP internet site.
    © TNO Environment, Energy and Process Innovation,
    P.O.Box 342, 7300 AH Apeldoorn, The Netherlands
    telephone +31 55 549 34 93, fax +31 55 541 98 37, e-mail
    Bioremediation and Redevelopment at the same time!
    TNO organises International Course on Environmental Practises in Offshore Oil and Gas Activities Arnhemseweg (N788) closed from and to Arnhem/Beekbergen

    52. South Africa Country Analysis Brief
    Home Country Analysis Briefs South Africa Country Analysis Brief PDF version PDB version December 2003 Background Coal Synfuels Oil and Natural Gas ... Links South Africa
    The Republic of South Africa, a major coal producer and exporter, has a highly developed synthetic fuel industry and small reserves of oil. South Africa is Africa's largest energy consumer (primarily coal and petroleum) and Africa's second largest energy producer (mainly coal) behind Algeria . South Africa is a prominent member of the African Union (AU), the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) , and the Southern Africa Customs Union (SACU). Note: Information contained in this report is the best available as of November 2003 and can change.

    Since the end of apartheid and the installation of a democratic government, South Africa has made significant progress toward closing the gap between historically privileged (White) and disadvantaged (non-White) groups. Major institutional transformations of the judicial, educational, health, housing and governance sectors have accompanied and helped facilitate these changes. Despite this progress, nearly 60% of Black South Africans live below the poverty line, income disparity is among the highest in the world, crime has increased dramatically, and the country has one of the world's highest HIV/AIDS infection rates. South Africa's economic growth averaged 1.8% from 1980 to 2000, but growth has accelerated recently; real gross domestic product (GDP) grew at 3.5% in 2000 , 2.8% in 2001 and 3.0% in 2002. Real GDP is predicted to grow by 2.5% in 2003. In the 1980's, South Africa experienced double-digit inflation, but government fiscal policies have helped to reduce inflation significantly. Inflation was 5.5% in 2001 and 9.3% in 2002. Despite these positive trends, Foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows remain below expectations. FDI, which had averaged $2.7 billion from the previous five years (1997-2001) fell to $754 million in 2002.

    53. The Energy-Environment Nexus
    CASEE The energyenvironment Nexus (Print This) And to some it means energy with no environmental cost for its production and use. energy

    54. National Energy-Environment Law And Policy Institute
    © 2002 NELPI The University Of Tulsa. All rights reserved.

    55. Energy, Transport & Environment
    Applies economic theory to current policy issues. Downloadable working papers and project descriptions include an extensive portfolio of numerical partial and general equilibrium models for the assessment of transport, energy and environmental policies. Affiliated with the University Leuven, Belgium.
    Home Events Links Location ... Print
    Welcome to ETE
    Gradually, ETE has expanded and currently it has become a group of about 18 researchers. The working group formally consists of three subdivisions: Energy, Transport and Environment. The general aim of ETE is to apply state of the art economic theory to current policy issues at the Flemish, Belgian and European level. An important asset of ETE is its extensive portfolio of numerical partial and general equilibrium models for the assessment of transport, energy and environmental policies. ETE is a part of the which is the research division of the Department of Economics of the Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (K.U.Leuven) . It is also one of the founders of the spin-off transport consultancy and of the Energy Institute (E.I.)
    What's new?
    Johan Eyckmans
    Production: Jasper Knockaert

    56. Energy-Environment Technology
    For further information, please contact Mr Sameer Maithel Associate Director energyenvironment Technology Division
    The TERI Europe Sustainable Energy Award 2001

    , TERI's model of a sustainable habitat
    Multimedia coverage of Renewables 21 conference
    ... Recent innovations Research areas
    ...promotion of technological solutions to meet the challenge of ensuring adequate supplies of energy through conservation, innovation, and management For further information, please contact
    Mr Sameer Maithel
    Associate Director
    Energy-Environment Technology Division
    Biomass Energy Technology Applications Centre for Research on Environmentally Sound Technology Applications Industrial Energy ... Information Sources

    57. Program For The Human Environment
    A research center at Rockefeller University that explores how longrun technical change relates to productivity and efficiency of energy, materials, land, and other resources, and the consequences for human populations.
    Program for the Human Environment The Rockefeller University 1230 York Avenue, Box 234, New York, NY 10021-6399
    phone: fax: e-mail: HOME What's new Publications ... Related links
    New or Notable:
    Who we are and what we do
    The Program for the Human Environment recognizes the growing connection between the biological and other research underway at The Rockefeller University and environmental concerns. The Program houses research , organizes meetings on topics of interest to the campus community, hosts visiting scientists in environmental fields, and encourages collaborations between faculty and students. The Program is responsible for communicating widely the scientific results of environmental studies involving the University in an effort to inform environmental practices and policies. It also houses selected studies concerned with the health of the scientific enterprise. Our core group consists of Perrin Meyer Mark Stoeckle Nadejda Makarova Victor Jason Yung ... Tony Barrett , and me Iddo Wernick , Andrew Johnson, Peter Elias, and Dionel Lopez.

    58. New Zealand Digital Library
    New Zealand Digital Library Project provides full text access to publications in the fields of agriculture, biodiversity, climate change, environmental impact assessment, energy, health, natural resources, policy, sustainable development, waste management and water.

    59. Untitled Document
    Information on the Chad oil industry, an economic, energy, environment overview and a political profile.
    This Country Analysis Brief is no longer maintained. Please see the new Chad-Cameroon Country Analysis Brief at the following URL:

    60. Energy & Environmental Clearinghouse
    Welcome to the energy, environment Transportation (EE T) Clearinghouse. The clearinghouse facilitates informationsharing and
    June 6, 2004
    The clearinghouse facilitates information-sharing and communication about executive orders, policies, statutes, consent orders, and other strategies that fit in the context of integrated energy, environment and transportation approaches. The clearinghouse also showcases specific projects that state and local agencies have used or adopted as examples of this integration effort. By offering this information through a central resource, state and local agencies will be able to more quickly and effectively replicate the results and successes of integrated efforts that have occurred in other states. [ Read More
    “Summer Energy Savers” Awarded To Energy Efficiency, Clean Energy Leaders In Connecticut
    The Silver Bullet for High Gasoline Prices Technology
    This site is supported by:
  • American Association of State Transportation and
    Highway Officials (AASHTO)
  • Environmental Council of the States (ECOS)
  • National Association of Regulatory Utility
    Commissioners (NARUC)
  • National Association of State Energy Officials (NASEO)
  • Ozone Transport Commission (OTC)
  • State and Territorial Air Pollution Program Administrators/
    Association of Local Air Pollution Control Officials (STAPPA/ALAPCO)
  • U.S. Department of Energy
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