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         Energy:     more books (100)
  1. Energy, Environment, and Climate by Richard Wolfson, 2008-02-16
  2. Energy and the Environment by Robert A. Ristinen, Jack P. Kraushaar, 2005-12-16
  3. Energy: Its Use and the Environment by Roger A. Hinrichs, Merlin H. Kleinbach, 2001-03-28
  4. Energy and the Environment (Mit-Pappalarado Series in Mechanical Engineering) by James A. Fay, Dan S. Golomb, 2002-02-22
  5. Energy and Environment in Architecture by Nick Baker, 2000-02-03
  6. Making Technology Work: Applications in Energy and the Environment by John M. Deutch, Richard K. Lester, 2003-11-10
  7. Energy Efficiency Manual: for everyone who uses energy, pays for utilities, designs and builds, is interested in energy conservation and the environment (Energy Efficiency Manual) by Donald R. Wulfinghoff, 2000-03
  8. Global Science: Energy Resources Environment by John Christensen, 2003-05
  9. Energy, Waste and the Environment:A Geochemical Perspective (Geological Society Special Publication) by Geological Society of London, 2004-01-01
  10. Energy, Economics and the Environment, Second Edition (University Casebook Series) by Joel B. Eisen, Jim Possi, et all 2005-12-19
  11. Renewable Energy: Technology, Economics and Environment
  12. EXERGY: Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development by Ibrahim Dincer, Marc A. Rosen, 2007-10-08
  13. Energy, Society and Environment (Routledge Introductions to Environment) by David Elliott, 2003-10-21
  14. Nuclear Power (Energy, Power and Environment, 3) by James J. Duderstadt, 1979-06

181. The Danish Ministry Of The Environment
Ministry of the environment. The planning. In Denmark the administration at state level is managed by the Ministry of the environment.
Ministry of the Environment
The Ministry of the Environment is in charge of administrative and research tasks in the area of environmental protection and planning. In Denmark the administration at state level is managed by the Ministry of the Environment. At regional and local level, much of the administrative responsibility has been delegated to local governments in counties and municipalities.
Ministry of the Environment agencies and research institutes with homepages in English:
  • The Department and the Spatial Planning Department Landsplanafdelingen The Danish Environmental Protection Agency Miljøstyrelsen ... Danmarks og Grønlands Geologiske Undersøgelse
  • Ministry of the Environment
    Højbro Plads 4
    1200 København K

    182. The Center For Arms Control, Energy And Environmental Studies
    Russian version. Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology. Center for Arms Control, energy and Environmental Studies. http//
    Russian version
    Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
    Center for Arms Control, Energy and Environmental Studies
    New Publications
    Threat of Terrorist Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Technical Aspects , by Eugene Miasnikov, June 1, 2004
    Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons. Problems of Control and Reduction in Russian , by Anatoli Diakov, Eugene Miasnikov and Timur Kadyshev, June 1, 2004 (PDF, 1.16 Mb)
    Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty in Russian , by Viktor Slipchenko, April 14, 2004
    Missile Technology Control Regime in Russian , by Gennadi Khromov, March 10, 2004
    Nuclear Arsenals of India and Pakistan: Current State, Development Prospects and Feasible Parameters in Russian , by Dr. Alexandr Shilin, April 14, 2004
    North Korea's Nuclear Program in Russian , by Oleg Ryzhkov, April 7, 2004
    Prevention of Arms Race in Space. Military Activity in Space: Russia's Approach in Russian , by Col. Alexandr Bobrov, March 17, 2004
    Missile Technology Control Regime: Political and Legal Aspects in Russian , by Valeri Fomin, March 10, 2004
    Present-day Problems of International Arms Control and Non-Proliferation Regime in Russian , by Dr. Mikhail Lysenko, February 18, 2004

    183. LEED - Leadership In Energy & Environmental Design
    The LEED (Leadership in energy and Environmental Design) Green Building Rating System™ is a voluntary, consensusbased national standard for developing high
    certification process
    register your project

    training workshops

    ... USGBC member committees are actively collaborating on new and existing LEED standards. Check for periodic LEED updates
    LEED was created to:
    • define "green building" by establishing a common standard of measurement promote integrated, whole-building design practices recognize environmental leadership in the building industry stimulate green competition raise consumer awareness of green building benefits transform the building market
    LEED provides a complete framework for assessing building performance and meeting sustainability goals. Based on well-founded scientific standards, LEED emphasizes state of the art strategies for sustainable site development, water savings, energy efficiency, materials selection and indoor environmental quality. LEED recognizes achievements and promotes expertise in green building through a comprehensive system offering project certification, professional accreditation, training and practical resources. Click below to view the LEED Foundations documents: Contact Terms and Conditions Search ... Site Index

    184. EEBA - Energy And Environmental Building Association
    Welcome to the energy Environmental Building Association (EEBA). EEBA promotes the awareness, education and development of energy
    Site Map Search Home What's New ... Related Sites
    EEBA promotes the awareness, education and development of energy efficient, environmentally responsible buildings and communities. The strength of the organization lies in the diversity and talent of its membership, which includes: architects, builders, developers, manufacturers, engineers, utilities, code officials, researchers, educators, and environmentalists.]
    Building America:
    Houses that Work Seminars
    • July 7, 2004 - Colorado Springs, CO July 8, 2004 - Denver, CO July 9, 2004 - Durango, CO July 27, 2004 - Oklahoma City, OK August 18, 2004 - Las Vegas September 14, 2004 - Detroit September 15, 2004 - Grand Rapids, MI September 16, 2004 - Traverse City, MI

    Click on image for more information Breaking News
    Reward someone today with a Gift Certificate from EEBA's Online Bookstore!
    Call 952.881.1098.
    EEBA Institute Online Courses Now Available

    March 30, 2004
    EEBA 2004 Building Solutions Conference to be held in conjunction with the Sunbelt Builders Show

    Texas Builder First To Receive MasterBuilder Designation

    November 5, 2003

    185. Environmental News & Energy News
    The Geocities Server Has Been Slow Lately, So We Are Going To Try Our Homepage Server Click Here For Today s Environmental and energy News.
    The Geocities Server Has Been Slow Lately, So We Are Going To Try Our Homepage Server Click Here For Today's Environmental and Energy News.

    186. 1999 Course
    1999 Course.
    1999 Course
    1999 Course

    187. Untitled Document

    188. ::Departement Für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie Und Kommunikation::
    Translate this page Untersuchungsbericht zum Flugzeugunglück von Überlingen Bundesrat anerkennt Fehler und ersucht um Entschuldigung Die Umstände, die am 1. Juli 2002 im




    Zögerliche Absenkung des Treibstoffverbrauchs neuer Personenwagen

    Der durchschnittliche Treibstoffverbrauch der in der Schweiz verkauften neuen Personenwagen hat im Jahr 2003 um 1,36 % abgenommen und liegt erstmals knapp unter der 8 Liter Grenze pro 100 km. Das zwischen UVEK und auto-schweiz vereinbarte Jahreszwischenzielwert wurde jedoch trotz der weiteren Zunahme von Dieselfahrzeugen und technischen Verbesserungen verfehlt. Dafür verantwortlich ist vor allem die ungebrochene Nachfrage der Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten nach grösseren und schwereren Fahrzeugen. mehr
    Bundesrat Leuenberger für weitere Förderung der erneuerbaren Energien

    Die Internationale Konferenz für Erneuerbare Energien in Bonn ist am Freitag zu Ende gegangen. Die Schweiz zeigt sich befriedigt über den internationalen Willen, die erneuerbaren Energien zu fördern und ihren Anteil an der Energieproduktion zu erhöhen. Bundesrat Moritz Leuenberger leitete gemeinsam mit dem marokkanischen Energieminister eine Ministerrunde zum Thema Kapazitätsaufbau auf dem Gebiet der erneuerbaren Energien. Die Schweizer Delegation hat insbesondere die Bedeutung der Intensivierung von Forschung und Entwicklung unterstrichen. mehr
    Die Ära des digitalen Rundfunks kann beginnen

    Die Regionale Rundfunkkonferenz (RRC-04) der ITU hat in ihrer dreiwöchigen Sitzungsrunde (10. bis 28. Mai 2004), die in Genf abgehalten wurde, die technischen Parameter für die Planung des Dienstes des digitalen terrestrischen Fernsehens und Rundfunks definiert. Diese werden in Europa, im Nahen Osten, in Afrika und in der Islamischen Republik Iran gelten. Besonders der Schutz der analogen Sender während der Phase des Übergangs zur digitalen Technik und die Definition des gerechten Zugangs zum Spektrum wurden ausführlich diskutiert. Das Bundesamt für Kommunikation (BAKOM) vertrat die Interessen der Schweiz.

    189. China E-News
    Note Graphical limitations prevent display of Chinese islands. Send comments and suggestions to Paulette Wright or Robert E. Allen, Webmaster.
    About ChinaE-News
    China Energy Efficiency Newsletters
    Current Issue
    Note: Graphical limitations prevent display of Chinese islands.
    Send comments and suggestions to Paulette Wright or Robert E. Allen, Webmaster Please Thank you for minimizing and recycling paper printed from this site. Joint Global Change Research Institute, 8400 Baltimore Ave, Suite 201, College Park, MD 20740 Last updated: February 12, 2004.

    190. Velkommen Til Miljøministeriets Hjemmeside
    Nyheder Pressemeddelelser, Styrelser Institutioner. Indsatsen mod dioxiner i miljøet og fødevarer fortsætter Fødevareministeriet
    Alfabetisk oversigt
    Skrivebordet Startside ...

    Højbro Plads 4
    1200 Kbh K
    tlf: 33 92 76 00
    Ny dynamik til det internationale samarbejde om vedvarende energi

    Ministre og højtstående embedsmænd fra 154 lande har i denne uge været samlet for at fremme vedvarende energi på globalt plan. Miljøminister Hans Chr. Schmidt deltog i konferencen, som sluttede i dag.
    Departementet den 4. juni 2004 Vedvarende energikonference i Bonn 154 lande har været samlet i Bonn til konference om vedvarende energi. På konferencens sidste dag talte miljøminister Hans Chr. Schmidt bl.a. om behovet for at styrke de internationale forpligtelser vedrørende vedvarende energi. Læs talen her (PDF) Læs den politiske deklaration fra konferencen her Departementet den 4. juni 2004

    191. Wuppertal Institut Für Klima, Umwelt, Energie - Wuppertal Institute For Climate
    Wuppertal Institut, Wuppertal Institut Schriftzug, Willkommen, Welcome, International Climate Symbol,
    Willkommen Welcome Willkommen Welcome

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