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         Energy:     more books (100)
  1. Energy, Environment, and Climate by Richard Wolfson, 2008-02-16
  2. Energy and the Environment by Robert A. Ristinen, Jack P. Kraushaar, 2005-12-16
  3. Energy: Its Use and the Environment by Roger A. Hinrichs, Merlin H. Kleinbach, 2001-03-28
  4. Energy and the Environment (Mit-Pappalarado Series in Mechanical Engineering) by James A. Fay, Dan S. Golomb, 2002-02-22
  5. Energy and Environment in Architecture by Nick Baker, 2000-02-03
  6. Making Technology Work: Applications in Energy and the Environment by John M. Deutch, Richard K. Lester, 2003-11-10
  7. Energy Efficiency Manual: for everyone who uses energy, pays for utilities, designs and builds, is interested in energy conservation and the environment (Energy Efficiency Manual) by Donald R. Wulfinghoff, 2000-03
  8. Global Science: Energy Resources Environment by John Christensen, 2003-05
  9. Energy, Waste and the Environment:A Geochemical Perspective (Geological Society Special Publication) by Geological Society of London, 2004-01-01
  10. Energy, Economics and the Environment, Second Edition (University Casebook Series) by Joel B. Eisen, Jim Possi, et all 2005-12-19
  11. Renewable Energy: Technology, Economics and Environment
  12. EXERGY: Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development by Ibrahim Dincer, Marc A. Rosen, 2007-10-08
  13. Energy, Society and Environment (Routledge Introductions to Environment) by David Elliott, 2003-10-21
  14. Nuclear Power (Energy, Power and Environment, 3) by James J. Duderstadt, 1979-06

This web site is being developed to support a university level multidisciplinary course called energy environment and the Economy with special emphasis on
This web site is being developed to support a university level multidisciplinary course called Energy Environment and the Economy with special emphasis on promoting sustainable energy in small islands. The design of the site divides this complex, multidisciplinary subject into a large number of pages with an overview or outline of a sub topic with a number of links to other pages or sites with more detailed information. Thus the site should also be useful for training and education at other levels, public awareness and those responsible for making policies and decisions to build sustainable energy futures for islands.
The site provides some basic information resources on
Sources of energy such as fossil fuels and conversion of
energy from one form to another such as photovoltaics
Storage and Transmission of Energy
End Uses and Conservation
Environmental Impacts
Economic Implications and analysis
The site also provides other materials such as assignments, tests and instructions for students to assist them with their web projects.

2. Energy Environment Policy And Training Program
energy environment Policy and Training Project. Contractor Academy for Educational Development. energy environment Policy and Training Program. eept_usaid.htm
Energy Environment Policy and Training Project Contractor: Academy for Educational Development Period Covered: September 2002 to June 2004 Mechanism: Contract Background: The Energy and Environment Policy and Training Project seeks to address environmental problems related to global warming. It will support the formulation and implementation of policies in the areas of energy sector reform, renewable energy, natural gas, and reduction of vehicle emissions. These activities were selected in recognition of key issues in these areas. The Philippines still has one of the highest electricity rates in Asia. Power industry emissions in the Philippines have more than doubled over the last ten years. Recent analysis also indicates that the Philippine transport sector now produces as much carbon as the power sector, which results in excessive atmospheric pollution that directly threatens public health and discourages investments. Lastly, over 6,000 communities lack access to electricity and about 3,000 of them cannot be economically connected to electricity grids. The Energy and Clean Air is a joint program of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP). The program supports the efforts

3. Wind Energy EIS Information Center
The online center for public information and involvement in the Wind energy environmental Impact Statement (Wind Energy EIS). Skip Navigation
Wind Energy Development Programmatic EIS Information Center
This web site is the online center for public information and involvement in the Wind Energy Development Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (Wind Energy EIS). The United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM), will prepare a Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to evaluate issues associated with wind energy development on Western public lands (excluding Alaska) administered by the BLM. This web site is the online center for public information and involvement in the EIS process.
Public Participation
Public participation in the Wind Energy Programmatic EIS is important. This web site provides information and services to help you participate in the EIS process. Wind Energy Programmatic EIS
EIS purpose, scope, and schedule
Getting Involved

How to participate in the EIS process, public meeting schedule, and how public comments are used in the EIS process
Wind Energy Guide

Wind energy basics, environmental issues, maps, photos, and links to wind energy resources on the World Wide Web.
EIS Documents

EIS and related documents for downloading or online browsing
Other resources include a list of frequently asked questions (FAQs) news updates , and e-mail notices of important events.

4. Energy Environmental Consultants, Inc. - Environmental Protection Agency
Energy conservation and environment consulting firm providing energy reduction services.

EEC is an energy conservation and environmental consulting firm.
Home About EEC Services Products ... Contact Us

5. The Energy And Resources Institute (TERI): Working In The Fields Of Energy, Envi
TERI a nonprofit, policy research organisation - working in the fields of energy, environment and sustainable development. The site provides papers, case studies, reports, feature articles, news

Job opportunities

Research positions in policy analysis division and industrial energy area

Search Select here Document database Entire web site New publications Greening the budget Governing power Partners in Change Annual Report 2002/03 ...
Free trial offer
Select topics Indian energy sector Renewables in India Climate change Biodiversity ... Environmental solutions, business opportunities Highlights
TERI Corporate Awards
for Environmental excellence and Corporate Social Responsibility
NSS - CDM implementation in India
- survey of PDD developers for Indian Industries ... - Register your energy-efficient products/services TERI in the News
"Green garb for Delhi drains"

(Hindustan Times, 1 June 2004)
TERI library Resources, services and searchable catalogue ... Bi-monthly updates on TERI's activities: now online! News Headlines 4 June 2004
- Government working on oil pricing package More...

6. Energy And The Environment Resources For A Networked World
Links and Resources for energy and the environment. The world is finally becoming globally aware that exponential resource usage in combination with finite reserves is a recipe that ensures our great
Links and Resources for Energy and the Environment The world is finally becoming globally aware that exponential resource usage in combination with finite reserves is a recipe that ensures our great grandchildren won't be born. These pages are meant as pointers to other resources that bring this problem to light including some real classes at the University of Oregon.
Be sure to check out the UO Environmental Studies Program
UO Web Classes/Resources Related to Energy and Environmental Issues
Topical Lists (from EREN mostly)
Internet Resources On Energy and Environment
Global Resources and Indices

7. :: John Kerry For President - A Cleaner And Greener America ::
energy plan that will tap America’s initiative and ingenuity to strengthen our national security, grow our economy, and protect our environment.
About John About Teresa On the Issues D-Bunker ... Blog
GET INVOLVED Contribute Kerry Core Online Action HQ MeetUp ... Online Forum
RESOURCES Photos Downloads Register to Vote Kerry Gear ...
SEARCH Home Issues
A Cleaner and Greener America Throughout his career, John Kerry has been a top leader on the environment, fighting to clean up toxic waste sites, to keep our air and water clean, and to protect the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and other pristine wilderness areas. In addition to supporting important environmental initiatives, John Kerry has turned a spotlight on the Bush Administration’s rollbacks of our hard-won environmental gains and their outdated, old-economy notions that our environment must be sacrificed in the name of short-term profit. John Kerry has the courage to take on the polluters that are trying to gut our clean air and water laws. John Kerry has the vision to create a new Manhattan Project to make America independent of Middle East oil in 10 years by creating alternative fuels like ethanol and making cars more efficient. We’ll create half a million new jobs here at home at the same time – and we’ll never have to send our sons and daughters to war for Mideast oil.
America is only as healthy as the communities in which we live, and our economic strength as a nation – and Americans’ deeply rooted love and respect for our magnificent resources – depends on our commitment to clean air, clean water, and our quality of life. Unlike the Bush-Cheney Administration, where special interests rule and the environment suffers, a Kerry Administration will build its policies around citizens’ needs and aspirations. We owe it to our families, our communities, and to our planet to elect a president who will unapologetically pursue our environmental values.

Conducting research on energyenvironment-climate issues in Asia. Objectives include mitigation of greenhouse gases and other hazardous emissions. Centered in Bangkok, Thailand.
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9. UTK - The Energy, Environment And Resources Center (EERC)
AZ Index, /, WebMail, /, Dept. Directory, Select type of search, energy, environment and Resources Center.
University Links About the University Academic Programs Administration Libraries Research Support UT The University System A-Z Index WebMail Dept. Directory Select type of search People Search Campus Search System Search
Energy, Environment and Resources Center
About the EERC


What's New
Search the EERC Site
The Energy, Environment, and Resources Center (EERC) at the University of Tennessee-Knoxville finds real-world solutions to problems related to the environment, energy, economic development, and technology. Through multidisciplinary research, our staff has assisted federal, state, and local governments, as well as the private sector, in reducing waste and environmental impacts, increasing energy efficiency, strengthening planning processes, and using new technology wisely.
We welcome you to our Web site and invite you to look around. You will find information about our organization, our staff, current projects and publications, and the university and community within which we work and live. Please contact us with your questions and comments. SiteName = 'energyenvironmentresourcecenter' OffSite(SiteName);

10. Eritrea Climate, Energy, Environment And Technology Site
Eritrea Climate, energy, environment and Technology Site. by Eritrea Technical Exchange Project, ICSEE.
Eritrea Climate, Energy, Environment and Technology Site by Eritrea Technical Exchange Project, ICSEE Site Index Climate
Met. Updates


Hi-Res Rainfall

Rainfall Data
Sea Surface Temps

Atmos. Pressure
Atmos. Temp

Climate Modeling


... Vegetation Environmental Policy Energy General Biomass Hi-Res NDVI Wind Energy ... Unicode Geez Remote Sensing Information Tech. Eritrea Image Archive Research Index Research in Progress: Miscellaneous 2003 Annual Report 2002 Annual Report Site Statistics CV of RVB About ETE Wind Instrument Set-up @ Debresina Scientific Data for Development: This site provides the latest, highest resolution, Internet-accessible maps and data on the Eritrean climate, environment, geography, energy resources, meteorology and information services. This site is intended as a resource for Eritrean planners, students, researchers, agriculturalists, meteorologists, and investors. It is hoped that with easily accessible, accurate data, Eritreans can plan and implement more effective and beneficial development projects and business investments. Ultimately through more effective and efficient public and private investment both Eritrea's national development and the Eritrean people as a whole will benefit. Accurate Eritrea-specific Models: This data is produced from country-specific research that utilizes publicly accessible satellite data and geographic modeling techniques that optimize resolution and accuracy. The methods employed in this research are cheap and easy from a technical point of view, but they provide increased accuracy for the resulting esitmates. The increased accuracy results from the fact that the correlations and models are calibrated specifically for Eritrea. This allows estimates of the relevant parameters to be much more detailed than data derived from more general regional maps and estimates. Furthermore the data contained at this site is produced by researchers who have lived and worked in Eritrea for several years. This familiarity with Eritrean conditions allows the geographic models to be more efficently customized for the Eritrean case.

11. Energy For Sustainable Development
energy for Sustainable Development Overview Contact Us. UNDP energy environment. Practice. UNDP Home
Energy for Sustainable Development: Overview What's New UNDP is launching two major energy partnerships - the Global Village Energy Partnership (GVEP) and The LPG Challenge click here to download the information on the GVEP launch event on 31 Aug 2002) UNDP is launching " Energy for Sustainable Development: A Policy Agenda " at WSSD ( click here to download the information on the launch event on 27 Aug 2002). UNDP's energy brochure " UNDP and Energy for Sustainable Development " UNDP convened a high-level roundtable on energy for sustainable development (25-26 April 2002) in Brussels Outcome and highlights of the UNDP CDM Roundtable (11-12 April 2002) in The Hague Energy for Sustainable Development: The Challenge Strategies and interventions are needed that promote energy as an engine for equitable economic growth and sustainable development. Energy use is highly unequal between North and South, rich and poor, men and women. In April 2001 at the ninth session of the Commission for Sustainable Development the governments of the world concluded: "To implement the goal accepted by the international community to halve the proportion of people living on less than US$ 1 per day by 2015, access to affordable energy services is a prerequisite."

12. CORDIS: EESD: Energy, Environment And Sustainable Development Home Page
energy, environment and Sustainable Development. energy, environment and Sustainable Development is one of the four thematic programmes
Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development "Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development" is one of the four thematic programmes of the Fifth (EC) RTD Framework Programme (1998-2002). In addition to this programme, there is a separate Specific Programme on Nuclear Energy , based on the Euratom Treaty. Its objective is to help exploit the full potential of nuclear energy to contribute to energy and environmental objectives. For implementation purposes, the EESD Specific Programme is divided into two sub-programmes, Environment and Sustainable Development, and Energy. Within Environment and Sustainable Development, the work is divided into Key Actions and generic research activities Implementation of RTD activities is through calls for proposals launched according to a well-established time schedule. The budget of the programme is 2,125 million euro, 1,083m euro of which is for the Environment and Sustainable Development sub-programme and 1,042m euro for the Energy sub-programme (not including nuclear energy), for the period 1998-2002. The ESD programme is actively contributing to the implementation of the European Research Area in the domain of sustainable development:

13. AEA Technology Environment
An environmental and energy consultancy services company.
Welcome to
Contact us
Recruitment AEA Environment aims to be the leading provider of energy and environmental solutions to governments, agencies and industry. We are organised into 5 strategic business units - please click an icon to find out more or use the search facility to help with your enquiry. Search all AEAT Environment Web Sites:
Select Topic Accreditation Schemes Air Quality Atmospheric Transport Modelling Best Practice Chemical Emergency Climate Change Contact Us Corporate Environmental Reports Culture Change Emergency Response Energy Consultancy Energy Management Energy Programmes Energy Technology Environment Environmental Compliance Environmental Consultancy Environmental Legislation Environmental Management Environmental Policy Environmental Reports Global Positioning Satellite Software Good Practice Government Policy Health HSEQ Data Collection Impact Assessment Implementing ISO 14001 Industry IPPC Laboratory QA Programs Management Systems Managing HSE Information Market Transformation Marketing Communications Marketing Strategy National Government Noise Odour Management Performance Indicators

14. CORDIS FP5: Programmes: Fact Sheet: Energy, Environment And Sustainable Developm
Fifth (EC) Framework Programme energy, environment and sustainable development. Programme Fact Sheet. Title. energy, environment and sustainable development.
What's New Site Map Fifth (EC) Framework Programme -
Energy, environment and sustainable development Programme Fact Sheet Last updated: 28-12-2001 Title Energy, environment and sustainable development Objectives To contribute to sustainable development by focusing on key activities crucial for social well-being and economic competitiveness in Europe. Research Areas A. Environment and sustainable development Key Actions Research and Technological Development Activities of a Generic Nature
  • Fight against major natural and technological hazards Development of generic earth observation satellite technologies Study of socio-economic aspects of development of environmental change within the perspective of sustainable development (impact on society, the economy and employment)
Support for Research Infrastructures
    Facilities supported include:
  • Climate and global change research facilities Marine research facilities Natural hazards research facilities
B. Energy

15. U.S.-China Energy And Environment Technology Center
Established by Tsinghua University (China) and Tulane University (U.S.). News and contact information. In Chinese and English.

16. Office Of Environment, Safety And Health
ES H Program/Topics, environment, Facility and Nuclear Safety, Health, ErgoEASER, ES H Site Safety/Field Info, Inside energy, Integrated Safety Management (ISM), MSDSs,

Inside Energy
Scroll Down for the Latest News!

Quality Assurance
December 2-4, 2003

PAAA Coordinator Training

December 2-4, 2003
Corrective Action Management Program Fourth Quarter Report, FY 2003
(October 6, 2003)
New DOE Handbook Integration of Multiple Hazard Analysis Requirements and Activities available on Technical Standards Web Site.
New Approved Standard Configuration Management available on Technical Standards Web Site. New Draft for Review Technical Training Functional Area Qualification Standard available on Technical Standards Web Site. Chemical Management (Volume 3 of 3) Consolidated Chemical User Safety and Health Requirements is now available on Technical Standards Web Site. New Draft Standard for Review Construction Management Functional Area Qualification Standard on Technical Standards Web Site. October’s Status Reports for Projects Initiated,

17. Almanac Of Policy Issues: Environment
Links and background information on U.S. and global environmental issues, including issues such as air quality, water quality, global warming, wildlife, and energy conservation.
Almanac of Policy Issues
Search Archive
In many ways, America's environment has improved dramatically since the first Earth Day in 1970. The quality of the nation's air has improved substantially with respect to many pollutants, particularly lead after it was phased out as a gasoline additive several years ago. Water pollution from "point sources" like industrial facilities and wastewater treatment plants has seen similar improvement, though pollution from "nonpoint" sources principally urban, suburban and agriculture runoff has proved an intractable problem of ongoing concern. While these and other domestic environmental issues draw continued attention, however, many environmentalists are now placing international issues at the top of their list of priorities. Issues like global warming, population growth, deforestation, and the continued loss of many species of plants and animals have reached increasing prominence on the environmental agenda. These issues are not without controversy. While few people consider themselves anti-environment, many environmental policies draw considerable opposition from those who are adversely affected economically. Domestically, industries complain of a heavy regulatory burden and question the benefits of new environmental proposals. Property owners complain that their rights are being infringed. There is also significant conflict in the international arena, where poor, developing nations argue that they can not afford new environmental restrictions and that rich, industrialized nations, who have until recently been the world's primary polluters, should shoulder most of the burden.

18. Energy & Environment - FTC Bureau Of Consumer Protection
appliances, plumbing lighting. electricity. environment. home insulation energy efficiency Whether you need energy information about an appliance purchase, guidance for

19. Office Of Environment, Safety And Health
Commercial and Industry Standards. Inside energy. DOE Technical Standards. DOE Orders and Directives. External Web Sites Council on Environmental Quality. DNFSB.
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Click on a topic to go to its web sites. Environment Web Sites Biological Safety CEQ NEPAnet Environmental Policy and Assistance Envirotext ... Pollution Prevention (P2) Safety Web Sites Behavior Based Safety Biological Safety Chemical Safety Chronic Beryllium Disease Prevention ... Worker Safety and Health Health Web Sites Biological Safety Health Programs HEPA Office of Worker Advocacy ... Respirator Protection Corporate Safety Assurance Web Sites Corporate Safety Assurance Enforcement Web Sites Price-Anderson Enforcement Program Publications Web Sites Commercial and Industry Standards Inside Energy DOE Technical Standards DOE Orders and Directives ISM-Related Web Sites Business Performance Systems ISM Resource Center Performance Assessment and Analysis Web Sites Performance Assessment and Analysis Suspect/Counterfeit or Defective Items DOE Lessons Learned The Society for Effective Lessons Learned Sharing External Web Sites Council on Environmental Quality DNFSB DOE Main Web Site Environmental Protection Agency ...

20. International Energy Agency Environment
Policy analyses on several topics related to energy technology and the environment.

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