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         Ecotoxicology:     more books (100)
  1. Species Sensitivity Distributions in Ecotoxicology
  2. Structure-Activity Relationships in Environmental Sciences (Chapman & Hall Ecotoxicology Series) by M. Nendza, 1997
  3. Recent applications of DNA microarray technology to toxicology and ecotoxicology.: An article from: Environmental Health Perspectives by Teresa Lettieri, 2006-01-01
  4. Soil Ecotoxicology by Joseph Tarradellas, Gabriel Bitton, et all 1997-02-01
  5. The ecotoxicology of vegetable versus mineral based lubricating oils [An article from: Environmental Pollution] by P. Mercurio, A.P. Negri, et all 2004-05-01
  6. Environmental Lead (Ecotoxicology and environmental quality series) by International Symposium on Environmental Lead Research University of c, Donald R. Lynam, et all 1982-03
  7. Ecological Risk Assessment of Contaminants in Soil (Ecotoxicology Ser)
  8. Advances in Earthworm Ecotoxicology (Setac Technical Publications Series)
  9. Using nematodes in soil ecotoxicology [An article from: Environment International] by I. Sochova, J. Hofman, et all 2006-04-01
  10. Ecotoxicology Monitoring by Mervyn Richardson, 1993-04
  11. Metal Metabolism in Aquatic Environments (Chapman & Hall Ecotoxicology Series, No. 7)
  12. Environmental Biomonitoring: The Biotechnology Ecotoxicology Interface (Biotechnology Research)
  13. Ecotoxicology: by F. Moriarty, 0000
  14. Fundamentals of Ecotoxicology, second edition [A book review from: Ecological Engineering] by M.A. Mora, 2004-05-01

81. Ecotoxicology
ecotoxicology. Mr David Brown Environmental impact assessment and auditing, pollution, product life cycle assessment, ecological management.
  • Mr David Brown : Environmental impact assessment and auditing, pollution, product life cycle assessment, ecological management
    Dr Alastair Grant
    : Life history evolution in stochastic environments, marine pollution and ecotoxicology, evolutionary biology and molecular phylogeny of marine invertebrates
    Dr Michael Steinke : Air-sea exchange, atmospheric chemistry, biodiversity, biogeochemistry, climate change,, climate modelling, ecology, ecophysiology, ecotoxicology, geochemistry, global warming, marine pollution, marine science, microbiology, micropalaeontology, oceanography, ozone depletion, palaeooceanography, remote sensing, trace gases, tracers

82. Ecotoxicology
ecotoxicology. Ecotoxicological studies of pollutant discharges on marine, estuarine and freshwater organisms and ecosystems; ecotoxicology
  • Ecotoxicological studies of pollutant discharges on marine, estuarine and freshwater organisms and ecosystems TIE (Toxicity Identification Evaluations) and TRE (Toxicity Reduction Evaluations) for NPDES (National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) permitted discharges in US waters Uptake modeling and fate and transport studies on pollutants

  • Training programs in ecological risk assessment and biomonitoring
  • Biomonitoring laboratory analyses using standard aquatic bioassay species according to US EPA protocols, Evaluation of marine and freshwater environments, in support of NPDES offshore and onshore discharges and their international equivalents
Environmental Training Environmental Impact Assessment Reclamation and Remediation Site Assessment ... GIS Environmental Management Systems Gas Well Fire Reclamation Home Ecotoxicology Ecotoxicological Investigations of RO (Reverse Osmosis) Water Treatment System Effluents, Florida. AWWARF / Mickley and Associates, 1996 - ongoing Effluents from Reverse Osmosis-based water treatment systems in Florida have caused unexplained toxicity in routine bioassays. SeaCrest, in association with Mickley and Associates, was hired to explore the causes of the observed toxicity. The SeaCrest toxicity laboratory conducted a program of tests using combinations of salinity and dilutions to determine the causes of the toxicity.

83. Wiley Canada::Demography In Ecotoxicology
By Keyword, Wiley Canada Geography Earth Science Ecology Demography in ecotoxicology.
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Related Titles Ecology
Plant Strategies, Vegetation Processes, and Ecosystem Properties, 2nd Edition (Hardcover)

by J. Philip Grime
A Treatise on Limnology, Volume 4, The Zoobenthos (Hardcover)

by G. Evelyn Hutchinson, Yvette H. Edmondson (Editor) Surveys of Fisheries Resources (Hardcover) by Donald R. Gunderson Aquatic Insect Ecology, Part I, Biology and Habitat (Hardcover) by J. V. Ward Plant a Tree: Choosing, Planting, and Maintaining This Precious Resource, Revised Edition (Paperback) by Michael Weiner Toxic Nation: The Fight to Save Our Communities from Chemical Contamination (Hardcover) by Fred Setterberg, Lonny Shavelson Conservation: Replacing Quantity with Quality as a Goal for Global Management (Hardcover) by Carl F. Jordan Ecology Demography in Ecotoxicology Jan Kammenga (Editor), Ryszard Laskowski (Editor) ISBN: 0-471-49002-4 Hardcover 318 pages December 2000 CDN $246.99

84. Avian And Wildlife Toxicology, Toxicologist, Ecotoxicology, Consultants, Consult
Ardea Consulting provides avian and wildlife toxicology and ecotoxicology guidance to engineering and environmental firms, government agencies, businesses and
ardea consulting was established in 1997 to provide science-based consulting services specializing in ecological risk assessments, avian and wildlife toxicology and ecotoxicology. We work with clients to provide technical solutions to address regulatory and other ecological or environmental toxicology issues.
Since its founding, ardea consulting has worked principally on evaluating pesticide effects on birds and other wildlife. The experience gained is readily transferable to other contaminant groups. Projects have included field evaluation of potential exposure of wildlife to pesticides, metals, or PCBs, participation in ecological risk assessments, and preparation of research papers on various topics. In the summer of 2001, we relocated f rom Morrisville, Pennsylvania to Woodland, California. Our ecotoxicologists travel as needed; work has been conducted throughout the U.S. and Canada.
ardea provides technical advice and services while keeping the solutions as straightforward as possible. We fully investigate all issues and all available information is studied before we propose generating additional and possibly costly new data.

85. Biotechnology Research Institute - Applied Ecotoxicology
Biotechnology Research Institute, Environment Sector, Applied ecotoxicology Group. Applied ecotoxicology. Group Leader Dr. Geoffrey Sunahara.
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Applied Ecotoxicology
Group Leader: Dr. Geoffrey Sunahara
Tel.: (514) 496-8030
Fax: (514) 496-6265
The Applied Ecotoxicology Group is involved in a number of different research projects in the field of soil ecotoxicology, specifically in the application of ecotoxicity tests for ecological risk assessment (ERA) and the monitoring of bioremediation approaches for contaminated sites. The basic understanding and prediction of toxicological effects of complex mixtures of environmental pollutants on key components of the ecosystem are some of our other major objectives. For this purpose, we use different bacterial, plant and earthworm toxicity tests, as well as biochemical markers of exposure and toxicity, to characterize the environmentally hazardous effects of soils contaminated with chemicals. Our research interests include the ecotoxicological impact of organic pollutants such as petroleum hydrocarbons and nitro-aromatics, as well as semi-solid matrices (sludge and soil slurries) containing mixtures of both organic (phenols) and inorganic (heavy metals) substances. Different laboratory and field-based experimental approaches are being applied towards ERA of urban contaminated sites. Other environmental toxicants of interest include PCBs, dioxins, TPHs and heavy metals. The above areas of research will provide the basis for improved design and eventual application of new cost-effective ecotoxicological approaches to characterize the biological impact of pollutants on the environment for accurate and scientifically defensible environmental risk assessment

86. Altweb-ECVAM Reports: The Use Of Fish Cells In Ecotoxicology
The Use of Fish Cells in ecotoxicology. The Report and Recommendations of ECVAM Workshop 47 1,2. The Use of Fish in ecotoxicology.
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... ECVAM 47
The Use of Fish Cells in Ecotoxicology
The Report and Recommendations of
ECVAM Workshop 47
Reprinted with minor amendments from ATLA Niels Bols, Thomas Braunbeck, Paul Dierickx, Marlies Halder, Boris Isomaa, Kazumi Kawahara, Lucy E. J. Lee, Carmel Mothersill, Guillermo Repetto, Juan Riego Sintes, Hans Rufli, Richard Smith, Chris Wood and Helmut Segner Animal Health Research Centre, Spanish National Institute for Food and Agrarian Research and Technology (CISA-INIA), 28130 Valdeolmos, Madrid, Spain; Department of Biology, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1, Canada; Aquatic Ecology and Toxicology Group, Department of Zoology I, University of Heidelberg, Im Neuenheimer Feld 230, 69120 Heidelberg, Germany; Laboratory of Biochemical Toxicology, Institute of Public Health, Wytsmanstraat 14, 1050 Brussels, Belgium; ECVAM, Institute for Health and Consumer Protection, European Commission Joint Research Centre, 21020 Ispra (VA), Italy;

87. QEA, LLC > Science & Engineering Expertise > Ecology And Ecotoxicology
Ecology and ecotoxicology. QEA s approach to Inc., 1991. The Use of ecotoxicology and Population Models in Natural Remediation. D
Coastal Engineering Sediment Transport Environmental Chemistry Environmental Modeling ... Fisheries Biology Ecology and Ecotoxicology



... Groundwater-Surface Water Interactions
Ecology and Ecotoxicology Representative Experience
  • Development of Advanced Eutrophication Models - QEA assisted the U.S. EPA by extending a traditional eutrophication model by dynamically modeling the components of the food web responsible for most of the carbon oxidation, oxygen utilization and nutrient recycling: bacteria, protozoan, and metazoan zooplankton. EPA Aquatic Effects Assessment Model - QEA personnel developed a mathematical modeling framework for assessing the effects of toxicants on the structure and function of aquatic ecosystems. Southern California Bight Natural Resource Damage Assessment - QEA evaluated exposure pathways for p,p'DDE and total PCBs. Extensive contaminant data sets were integrated into a series of graphical representations that were presented in court testimony. Bioaccumulation models were developed for fish, birds and California sea lions to quantify pathways of exposure.

  • Models
  • Bioaccumulation Models Eutrophication Models Population Models

  • Links
  • The Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry - SETAC is a professional society for individuals and institutions engaged in over a dozen disciples involving the study and management of environmental issues,natural resources conservation, education, and research and development.
  • 88. Handbook Of Ecotoxicology - Book Information
    Handbook of ecotoxicology. The Handbook of ecotoxicology provides a readily accessible, yet critical collection of information on ecotoxicological testing.

    89. Science Search > Ecotoxicology
    Current location Biology Ecology ecotoxicology, 9. ecotoxicologyL Archives Provides discussion list focusing on risk assessment and ecotoxicology issues.

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    Current location: Biology Ecology > Ecotoxicology
    Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme

    Information about studies of contaminants in the Arctic environment, including sources, transport, and effects on biota and humans. detailed information
    Rating: [7.00] Votes: [2098]
    Ecological Risk Analysis Tools and Applications

    Information for use in conducting ecological screening and baseline risk assessments, from Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). detailed information Rating: [7.00] Votes: [966] EXTOXNET - The EXtension TOXicology NETwork Fully searchable and selectively retrievable databases of pesticide toxicology and environmental chemistry information. detailed information Rating: [7.00] Votes: [532] Graduate Study in Toxicology at Iowa State University Nationally recognized toxicology research are the foundation of the Interdepartmental Graduate Major in Toxicology at Iowa State Univ

    90. Environmental Chemistry And Ecotoxicology Research Groups
    Environmental Chemistry and ecotoxicology Research Group, Lancaster University, UK. Environmental Science Home Page, Courses , Admissions

    Queries/comments may be mailed to
    Last updated March 2003

    91. Ecotoxicology Component Of UC TSR&TP
    Program. ecotoxicology Component. quality. The ecotoxicology Program is located at UC Davis near the center of California s Central Valley.
    UC Systemwide Toxic Substances Research and Teaching Program
    Ecotoxicology Component
    The goal of this component is to define characteristics of environmental degradation in California and to develop and verify approaches designed to improve environmental quality through natural and anthropogenic remediation, reclamation and restoration efforts. The primary focus is on the transport, fate, exposure and effects of toxic compounds on ecosystems and ecosystem components.
    Self Description
    Contact Information for Ecotoxicology Component
    Funding Opportunities For Graduate Students
    Ecotoxicology Home Page Home ... Comments
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    92. Department Of Chemical Ecotoxicology
    Staff. Department of Chemical ecotoxicology. Head of Department Secretary Tel. (0341) 2352309 Fax (0341) 235-2401 Permoserstraße 15 04318 Leipzig.

    93. Ecotoxicology Of Amphibians And Reptiles
    ecotoxicology of Amphibians and Reptiles. Chapter 6a ecotoxicology of “New Generation” Pesticides to Amphibians Deborah F. Cowman and Laura E. Mazanti, 233.
    Ecotoxicology of Amphibians and Reptiles
    Contents: List of Figures ix List of Tables x Acknowledgments xiii Preface xiv Chapter 1: The Current Status of Amphibian and Reptile Ecotoxicological Research -Donald W. Sparling, Christine A. Bishop, Greg Linder Chapter 2: Diversity and Distribution of Amphibians and Reptiles -Roy W. McDiarmid and Joseph C. Mitchell Chapter 3a: Aspects of Amphibian Anatomy and Physiology -Paula F. P. Henry Chapter 3b: Aspects of Reptilian Anatomy and Physiology -Brent D. Palmer Chapter 4a: Aspects of Amphibian Ecology -Joseph E. Murphy, Christopher A. Phillips, Val R. Beasley Chapter 4b: Aspects of Reptile Ecology -Peter Niewiarowski Chapter 5: Diseases and Pathology of Amphibians and Reptiles -Graham J. Crawshaw Chapter 6a: Ecotoxicology of “New Generation” Pesticides to Amphibians -Deborah F. Cowman and Laura E. Mazanti Chapter 6b: Ecotoxicology of Pesticides in Reptiles -Bruce D. Pauli and Stacey Money Appendix 1: Pesticide residues reported in reptiles Appendix 2: Species and common names for species codes in Appendix 1 Chapter 7: Ecotoxicology of Metals -Greg Linder and Britta Grillitsch Appendix: Summary table of metal concentrations in tissues of reptiles Return to Alphabetical List Contact Webmaster

    94. CBL - File Not Found
    Chesapeake Ecotox Research Program (CERP). The Chesapeake Ecotox Research Program (CERP) is a multiinstitutional program that will
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    95. Ecotoxicology
    Translate this page ecotoxicology, Short name, Ökotoxikologie. Tel. (++49)0711/459-2257. Head, Priv. Doz. Dr.rer.nat. J. Böhmer. Email,
    University of Hohenheim Faculties Faculty of Natural Sciences Institute 220 - Zoology ... General and Systematic Zoology - Division: Aquatic Ecology
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    Forschungsprojekte Fische und Benthos eines belasteten Baches
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    96. Battelle - Environment - Ecotoxicology
    ecotoxicology. The Battelle Marine Sciences Laboratory (MSL) in Sequim, Washington, is recognized as a national leader in ecotoxicological evaluations.

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    Specialized Facilities:
    • Two independent intakes supply high-quality, Class AA seawater from Sequim Bay through an all-PVC system
    • Four separate distribution systems for both sea- and freshwater
    • A redundant system of three pumps provides a continuous supply of filtered and unfiltered seawater to experimental tanks.
    • An emergency diesel generator ensures continuous supply in event of electrical failure
    • A 16,000-gal reserve tank provides filtered seawater for up to 18 h in the event of failure of all three pumps.
    • Fresh water is supplied from uncontaminated groundwater reservoirs.
    • Twenty-two 5m2-water tables are fully integrated into the water distribution systems
    • Two aquatic animal isolation facilities for infectious disease work
    • A variety of tank configurations available for drug metabolism and physiological studies on fish and shellfish.
    • Large tanks available to maintain pathogen-free, genetically characterized aquatic animals for studies
    • Holding and breeding facilities for fish, shellfish, and freshwater, estuarine, and marine plants

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