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         Ecology:     more books (100)
  1. The Ecology of North America (Our Changing Environment Series) by Minn.) Creative Educational Society (Mankato, Creative Educational Society, 1980-03
  2. Environment, Technology and Health: Human Ecology in Historical Perspective by Merril Eisenbud, 1978-11-01
  3. Encyclopaedia of Ecology and Environment - 10 Vols. by Priya Ranjan Trivedi, 2005
  4. Ecology, environment, and education, (The Professional education series) by R. Thomas Tanner, 1974
  5. The Ecolinguistics Reader. Language, Ecology and Environment [A book review from: Language and Communication] by C. Owen, 2004-04-01
  6. Ecology and Environment in the Himalayas
  7. A Guide to the Study of Terrestrial Ecology (Contours, Studies of the Environment) by William A. Andrews, 1974-06
  8. Population Resources Environment: Issues in Human Ecology by Paul R. Ehrlich, Anne H. Ehrlich, 1970
  9. Environment and ecology of early man in northwest India: Geological and palaeontological evidences by Rajan Gaur, 1987
  10. Ecology in Practice (Natural resources and the environment series)
  11. Humanity and Environment: A Cultural Ecology by I. G. Simmons, 1996-03
  12. Ecology and Environment by Benu Singh, 2006
  13. Essays in Social Biology - Volume 1: People, Their Needs, Environment, Ecology by Bruce Wallace, 1972
  14. Relation of plants to environment (or Plant ecology): Outlines of a course of lectures delivered in the summer school of Cornell university 1903 and 1904, by George Francis Atkinson, 1904

121. OSAT - One Step At A Time
OSAT is a clean and sober outdoor and mountaineering club. Our mission is to provide a clean and sober environment for members and friends of 12step recovery groups in the spirit of conservation, preservation, and ecology. Lynnwood, Washington
The relationship of height to spirituality is not merely metaphorical, it is a physical reality. The most spiritual people of this planet live in the highest places. So do the most spiritual flowers . . . I call the high and light aspects of my being spirit and the dark and heavy aspect soul. Soul is at home in the deep shadowed valleys. Spirit is a land of high, white peaks and glittering jewel-like lakes and flowers . . . People need to climb the mountain not simply because it is there, but because the soulful divinity needs to be mated with the spirit.
14th Dalai Lama of Tibet S i t e L i n k s :
What's New!
OSAT Has a new look! We hope you like the new face of OSAT on the web. This new interface allows for easier navigation and some exciting new features like the Message Board, OSAT Shoppe, and Event Calendar. Simply roll your mouse over the links to the right and click on the links as they appear. We hope you enjoy our new look and we also invite your comments. Please send comments to

122. Biochemical Systematics And Ecology
Publishes in the areas of the application of biochemistry to problems relating to systematic biology of organisms (biochemical systematics) and of the role of biochemistry in interactions between organisms or between an organism and its environment (biochemical ecology).
Home Site map picswapper("picswap", [/authored_framework/ + "images/topbar_1.jpg", /authored_framework/ + "images/topbar_2.jpg", /authored_framework/ + "images/topbar_3.jpg", /authored_framework/ + "images/topbar_4.jpg", /authored_framework/ + "images/topbar_5.jpg", /authored_framework/ + "images/topbar_6.jpg"], 5000) Advanced Product Search Products Biochemical Systematics and Ecology Journal information Product description Editorial board Guide for authors Online submission ... Abstracting/indexing Subscription information Bibliographic and ordering information Conditions of sale Dispatch dates Journal related information Most downloaded articles Impact factors Other journals in same subject area About Elsevier ... Select your view
M. Simmonds

See editorial board for all editors information
Biochemical Systematics and Ecology is devoted to the publication of original papers and reviews, both submitted and invited, in two subject areas:(i) the application of biochemistry to problems relating to systematic biology of organisms (biochemical systematics);(ii) the role of biochemistry in interactions between organisms or between an organism and its environment (biochemical ecology).Papers will be grouped in each issue according to subject area. Research papers should generally be of completed investigations. Preliminary reports will be published where findings are considered to be of sufficient interest to justify rapid publication. In addition, short reports of new sources of known compounds (New Source Reports) will be accepted where they can be justified in terms of systematic or ecological significance. These reports must be written to a standard format.

123. Ecology And Environment. COURSES ONLINE ------------------------------- Ecology
ecology and environment. Building Models in ecology and environment Theory andPractice An InternetBased Course 2004 Postgraduate Official Certificate
5th Edition
Building Models in Ecology and Environment
Theory and Practice
An Internet-Based Course 2004 Postgraduate Official Certificate
  • Information
  • Organization
  • Syllabus
  • Documentation ...
  • E-mail
    Building Models in Ecology and Environment
    Diploma Postgraduate Official Certificate For: Undergraduate and Graduate Students and Professionals Course
    contents The theory of model construction is explained through the extensive use of study cases.
    It's an easy and fast way of learning to build simulation models, with excellent learning quality. Documentation In hard copy and CD ROM Software Vensim PLE 5.0 simulation software is delivered Used for Studies and Projects of : Environmental Impact, Natural Resources Administration, Ecology and in all those works about the Human - Environment relationship. Dates Each student begins the course and is coached independently, on his own schedule. Effort: 50 hours. Administration Registration: Susana Lopez
    Administration: Merce Diaz
    Tel. (34) 93 7398959 Fax. (34) 93 7398365
    F.P.C. c/Igualtat, 33 08222 Terrassa (Barcelona) Spain
  • 124. Christian Ecology Link
    Organisation for Christians concerned about care of the environment. Includes CEL's Millennium Certificate, current events information, resources and prayer guide.
    Christian Ecology Link
    CEL is a multi denominational UK Christian organisation
    for people concerned about the Environment
    Deutsch Français Italiano ... Português Thur 3 Jun 2004 Email CEL Sitemap

    CEL Home
    ... Resources of CEL and others Green Christian - CEL magazine Daily Prayer Guide Articles for parish magazines Common Worship Lectionary Sermon Notes Methodist Catholic CAMPAIGNS Operation Noah - CEL's Climate Change Campaign ... LOAF - CEL's Food Campaign ISSUES Sustainable Transport Tourism Genetically Modified Crops ... News Section of Index Page Archived News News, Issues and Comment (See also ..... Coming events ) Operation Noah
    - CEL's climate change campaign
    New resources

    to help you in your church and community
    CEL June Prayer diary now online On April 30 CEL's web editor joined JustShare (a coalition of churches and concerned bodies)
    in their Open Air Service the day before Mayday in the City, next to the Bank of England

    125. The Sacred Balance: David Suzuki, Ecology, Environment, Nature
    ecology, environment, nature, David Suzuki, Sacred Balance, earth, biology, Suzuki,genetics, planet earth, forest, rain forest, foodchain, pollution, global
    ecology, environment, nature, David Suzuki, Sacred Balance, earth, biology, Suzuki, genetics, planet earth, forest, rain forest, food-chain, pollution, global warming, climate change, extinction, desertification, culture, anthropology. archeology, cosmology, native spirituality, shamanism, gaia
    Sacred Balance Index Webcast Index Animated Introduction - low speed Animated Introduction - high speed ... Soul Tracking Guide

    126. Ecology Action Center: Local Action Makes A World Of Difference
    Promoting environmental stewardship in McLean County by educating people about the environment and coordinating communication among environmental groups.
    • About Us
    • Ecology Action Center
      202 W. College Normal, IL 61761 (309) 454-3169
      Yard Smart Certification Program (coming soon) Yard Smart Yard Walk
      June 19, 2004, 9 am call 454-3169 to sign up
      Environmental Education for McLean County, Illinois
      Come See Us!
      Monday - Thursday, 1 - 6 PM
      Friday and Saturday, 1 - 5 PM
      Can't find what you are looking for? Contact Us , we are happy to help

    127. R: Genetics-Ecology-Environment Triple
    . This data set contains environmental and genetics......butterfly {ade4}, R Documentation. Geneticsecology-environment Triple.
    R Documentation
    Genetics-Ecology-Environment Triple
    This data set contains environmental and genetics informations about 16 Euphydryas editha butterfly colonies studied in California and Oregon.
    butterfly is a list with 4 components.
    is a data frame with the two coordinates of the 16 Euphydryas editha butterfly colonies.
    is a environmental data frame of 16 sites - 4 variables.
    is a genetics data frame of 16 sites - 6 allele frequencies.
    is a data frame for background map (California map).
    McKechnie, S.W., Ehrlich, P.R. and White, R.R. (1975) Population genetics of Euphydryas butterflies. I. Genetic variation and the neutrality hypothesis. Genetics Manly, B.F. (1994) Multivariate Statistical Methods. A primer.
    library(mva) data(butterfly) par(mfrow = c(2,2)) s.label(butterfly$xy, contour = butterfly$contour, inc = FALSE) table.dist(dist(butterfly$xy), labels = row.names(butterfly$xy)) # depends of mva s.value(butterfly$xy, dudi.pca(butterfly$envir, scan = FALSE)$li[,1], contour = butterfly$contour, inc = FALSE, csi = 3) plot(mantel.randtest(dist(butterfly$xy), dist(butterfly$gen), 99), main = "genetic/spatial") par(mfrow = c(1,1)) [Package Contents]

    128. "Conservation From The Treetops: The Emerging Science Of Canopy Ecology" By H. B
    Article by H. Bruce Rinker explaining why the research is important, findings, and a list of forest canopy walkways and platforms.
    home search author directory updates signup ... education author bio
    H. Bruce Rinker, Ph.D., is the Director of Education and Canopy Research at Marie Selby Botanical Gardens in Sarasota, Florida, as well as the administrator for Selby's Center for... environment deforestation
    Conservation from the Treetops: 
    The Emerging Science of Canopy Ecology
    By H. Bruce Rinker
    An original article

    129. The Ecology WWW Page
    Related Topic Pages. The ecology and environment Page (part of The Need to KnowLibrary ); Internet Directory for Botany To search the ecology Page, click here.
    Ecology WWW page
    Last updated: 27 May 2004
    Mirror Sites:
    Edmonton, Canada
    Lyon, France Home - Cambridge, USA
    About This Page: Jean Thioulouse (University of Lyon, France) created and maintained the HTML and search script from 1995-1998, and maintains a mirror site in France Shunguo Liu created the current search engine and maintains a mirror site in Canada
    Please send corrections and additions to Anthony R. Brach: brach (at)
    Solomon, J.C. (ed.) 1995. Herbarium News 15(4):30-34.
    Brach, A.R. 1995. Ecology and the World Wide Web. Commentary. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America
    Related Topic Pages
  • The Ecology and Environment Page (part of "The Need to Know Library")
  • Internet Directory for Botany
    To search the Ecology Page, click here
    Any reference from the Ecology WWW Pages to any other entity, product, service or information does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the editors. We are not responsible for the contents of any "off-site" web pages referenced from the Ecology WWW Page.
    To: [ A B C D-F ... V-Z
  • A Biologist's Guide to Internet Resources by Una Smith
  • Forestry
  • 130. Index
    Works to bring together faith, ecology, and community activism. A resource center for latest news in the faith communities work in environmental justice and earth healing.
    Orange County Interfaith
    Coalition for the Environment Home Mission Statement
    The mission and purpose of OCICE is:
    To foster relationships and cooperation between the environmental and faith communities towards solving common environmental concerns.
    To share resources, ideas and tools to work toward an increase in knowledge of county environmental groups and projects.
    To increase awareness and to encourage activism of the many faith groups that are striving to live together in harmony with each other and the earth, the Creator's gift to us all. Home About Us Contact Us Calendar of Events ... OCICE Store Mark Your Calendars! May 23, 2004
    Guest Speaker, Dr. Jay McDaniel
    Topic: "Respect and Care for the Community of Life: Wisdom from the World's Religions"
    Click Here
    for more information and to register.

    131. Internet Public Library: Environmental Sciences & Ecology
    support for ecological sustainability and environmental justice. This site linksto a variety of articles and action alerts on a number of environmentrelated
    dqmcodebase = "/javascript/"
    Subject Collections



    ... Science and Technology This collection All of the IPL Advanced A branch of science concerned with the interrelationship of humans and their environment.
    The management, propagation, and exploitations of forests.
    Resources in this category:
    You can also view Magazines Associations on the Net under this heading. Environmental Issues
    A site about air pollution with a particular focus on ozone. The site is divided into sections about the health and environmental effects of air pollution, maps during the ozone season showing pollution levels around the United States, links to local and state air pollution control agencies, and information on what you can do about air pollution.
    Amazing Environmental Web Directory
    "It is the largest exclusively environmental organization directory on the Web and includes sites from over 100 countries."
    American Environmental Photographs, 1891-1936: Images from the University of Chicago Library

    132. MSU Human Environment And Design Collections
    Features photographs and other information about the collection, which has been developed and maintained by the Department of Human environment and Design, College of Human ecology, Michigan State University.
    Human Environment and Design Collections
    204 Human Ecology Building West Circle Drive
    The Human Environment and Design collection began in the late 1930s with a large gift of household furnishings and clothing from the Fred Jenison Estate. In 1941-42, Carolyn Wicker made a large donation of foreign costumes and textiles, reference materials, books, and photographs. These donations defined the breadth of the department's historic collections.
    The major portion of the collection is devoted to historic costumes: about 900 pieces of men's and women's outerwear including clothing for special occasions as well as everyday dress. A small collection of children's outerwear dates to the nineteenth century. There is also a large number of accessories consisting of headgear, footwear, handbags, gloves, jewelry and others. Costumes from China, Japan, Italy, France, Czechoslovakia, and other European countries contribute to the collection's diversity. The collection of historic textiles includes oriental carpets, quilts, coverlets, samplers, and other household textiles, and various fragments of apparel textiles. The strength of the textile collection rests in its Indonesian batiks, late eighteenth- and early nineteenth-century printed French toiles, handmade laces, and various Persian textiles from the Safavid period. Reference materials also have been collected over the years. These include periodicals on fashion and interior furnishing, mail order catalogues, books, photographs, and slides.

    133. Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center
    Working to protect the natural environment of Mount Shasta and its surrounding areas in Northern California.
    The MOUNT SHASTA BIOREGIONAL ECOLOGY CENTER is a nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting and restoring the outstanding natural environment and cultural values of Mount Shasta, one of the sacred mountains of the world, and of its surrounding bioregion, recognizing this region is of great importance locally, nationally and internationally in providing pure waters to the Sacramento Valley, rich biodiversity, numerous pristine natural sanctuaries, and sacred areas of high significance to Native American cultures near and far. Based in Mount Shasta, California, approximately 60 miles south of the Oregon/California border, at the headwaters of the Sacramento River, the Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center was founded in 1988 and formally incorporated in 1990 as a 501(c)(3) nonprofit grassroots citizens' organization to which donations are fully tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. who we are join take action the center ... Laurence Cook

    134. Ecology Action Centre - Welcome
    1568 Argyle St. Suite 31 Halifax NS, Canada B3J 2B3 (902) 4292202. The EAChas moved to a new site. Please update your URL.
    1568 Argyle St. Suite 31
    Halifax N.S., Canada B3J 2B3
    The EAC has moved to a new site Please update your URL

    135. Ecology And The Environment | Glen Ellyn, Illinois
    Links to ecological, environmental and nature information relating to the village. Maintained in cooperation with the Glen Ellyn Environmental Commission.
    Message Board News Calendar HOME PAGE Houses of Worship... Parks, Sports, Recreation... Other Community Services... Cable, Broadband, DSL... Photo Gallery... Search the Site!
    Glen Ellyn
    and Nature...
    Maintained in Cooperation with the
    Glen Ellyn Environmental Commission
    Nature Preserves and Related Resources...
    Other Regional and State Resources...

    136. Home Page - The Woods Hole Research Center
    The Woods Hole Research Center addresses the great issues of environment through scientific research and education and through applications of science in public affairs.
    SiteMap Contact Information Our Mission Who's Who ... WHRC in the News
    News of the Center, June 4, 2004
    The Gilman Ordway Campus of the Woods Hole Research Center has won top honors for Green Building Design in 2004.
    Job Openings
    NEW Programs:
    Most Visited:
    New Program, Central Africa Forests The Research Center expands its program in landcover and land use analysis to the forests of Central Africa. Green Building Monitoring System The Center's building monitoring system tracks the efficiency of a high-performance building New Program, Mid-Atlantic states NASA-funded WHRC researchers use SLEUTH computer model to predict Baltimore/Washington urban growth, water quality changes. March, 2004. Innocence in Brazil Newly published and illustrated episodes in I. Foster Brown's traveler's diary of life on the Brazilian frontier.

    137. Ecology/Environment Videos And Software
    We have some great educational software and videos on the environment and ecology. ecologyand environment. The Highest Quality The Lowest Prices Always!!!
    Ecology and Environment
    The Highest Quality The Lowest Prices Always!!! 1-800-332-9094 FAX 3911 Nevada Street Alexandria, MN 56308 Email Us Great Ocean Rescue The Great Ocean Rescue Grades 5 - 8 Turn your students into scientist who explore the world's oceans ! With this cooperative learning program, students face four challenging rescue missions that take them deep into the world's oceans. To solve each problem, students must draw on information about ocean ecosystems, marine biology, Earth and environmental science and a host of other subjects. Open up the world the oceans as never before, and turn your students into sciences and interdisciplinary problem solvers. The missions cover coral reefs, deep sea vents, ocean pollution and marine bio-diversity. Contains a fantastic library of over 85 short movies and stills. Each segment is tied to a comprehensive lesson plan in the Teacher's Guide. Includes:
    • CD-ROM 4 student reference books Teacher's Guide with lesson plans, worksheets, and activities.

    138. Movile Cave-The Entrance
    About the Movile cave, a unique and fragile underground environment near the Black Sea in Romania, a cave whose evolution is driven by chemosynthesis, with special emphasis on cave biota and ecology.
    The Movile Cave Project

    Geography Ecology
    Map of the cave

    Research facilities in the area



    Contact the custodians Related links Site map Overview of the site If you want to know more about strange environments we are working... Movile Cave, located in Romania, near the Black Sea coast is probably one of the caves that have received the most attention during the last years, both from the mass media and from the scientific community. What is the reason for such a high interest from such a diverse audience? ... it is a peculiar, practically unique environment, until now the only cave ecosystem completely driven by chemosynthesis ( chemosynthesis = production of organic molecules using chemical energy rather than light ... it is an extremely small and fragile environment which deserves our protection ... it is one of the richest cave ecosystems regarding the number of species ... more than 30 new species for science were described from this cave,and all are endemic (i.e, they live only in this ecosystem)...

    139. All About The Yukon River - ExploreNorth
    A guide to information about the river system including ecology, environment and the geography of the river. Also includes travel, adventure and tourism information.
    All About the Yukon River
    The Basics
    • one of 3 rivers that roughly tie as the 2nd longest river in North America - 2,300 miles (the Mississippi and Missouri are also 2,300 miles, the Mackenzie River is 2,600). Th elength is often stated as 1,980 miles, but that is much out-of-date, and defines the Yukon River as starting at Hootalinqua, where the Pelly River joins what used to be called the Lewes River - for more information about that issue, see this article
    • a federal hydrologist, Rick Janowitz, determined in 1999 that the source of the Yukon River is a stream fed by the Llewellyn Glacier at the south end of Atlin Lake.
    • total drainage area - 840,000 square kilometers (327,600 square miles). Of that, 323,800 square kilometers (126,300 square miles) is in Canada. As a comparison, the total area is more than 25% larger than Texas or Alberta.
    • discharges 195 cubic kilometres of water per year.
    • there are only 4 bridges across the Yukon River - at the foot of Marsh Lake, in downtown Whitehorse , at Carmacks and on the Dalton Highway north of Livengood.
    • historically, the two major hazards to navigation were

    140. Thai Wastewater Water Processing Air Treatment Pollution Control Ecology Environ
    purifier purifiers odor odours green technology technologies knowhow vapor vapourvapors vapours remover Control ecology ecological environment system systems
    Main Category listing Products description and contact information pages AIR POLLUTION CONTROL SYSTEMS COOLER DISTILLED WATER DRINKING WATER ... A. YANG THAI MANUFACTURING 1992 CO., LTD.
    Tyres Distributor

    Pollution Control Systems Distributor

    Water treatment systems design and installation

    Waste Water Treatment Product Distributor

    Filter Bags, Pollution Control Equipment Distributor
    Waste Water Treatment System Products Distributor B.K. SIMMEX CO., LTD. Water Temperature Control BOONOB LTD., PART. Air treatment systems dealer C.C.T.WASTE WASTE WATER TREATMENT CO., LTD. Waste Water Treatment System Distributor C.T. TECH CO., LTD.

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