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121. OSAT - One Step At A Time OSAT is a clean and sober outdoor and mountaineering club. Our mission is to provide a clean and sober environment for members and friends of 12step recovery groups in the spirit of conservation, preservation, and ecology. Lynnwood, Washington http://www.osat.org/ | |
122. Biochemical Systematics And Ecology Publishes in the areas of the application of biochemistry to problems relating to systematic biology of organisms (biochemical systematics) and of the role of biochemistry in interactions between organisms or between an organism and its environment (biochemical ecology). http://www.elsevier.com/gej-ng/10/12/38/show/toc.htt | |
123. Ecology And Environment. COURSES ONLINE ------------------------------- Ecology ecology and environment. Building Models in ecology and environment Theory andPractice An InternetBased Course 2004 Postgraduate Official Certificate http://www.catunesco.upc.es/cursos/angles.htm | |
124. Christian Ecology Link Organisation for Christians concerned about care of the environment. Includes CEL's Millennium Certificate, current events information, resources and prayer guide. http://www.christian-ecology.org.uk/ | |
125. The Sacred Balance: David Suzuki, Ecology, Environment, Nature ecology, environment, nature, David Suzuki, Sacred Balance, earth, biology, Suzuki,genetics, planet earth, forest, rain forest, foodchain, pollution, global http://www.sacredbalance.com/baliextra.html | |
126. Ecology Action Center: Local Action Makes A World Of Difference Promoting environmental stewardship in McLean County by educating people about the environment and coordinating communication among environmental groups. http://www.ecologyactioncenter.org/ | |
127. R: Genetics-Ecology-Environment Triple . This data set contains environmental and genetics......butterfly {ade4}, R Documentation. Geneticsecology-environment Triple. http://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/ade4html/butterfly.html | |
128. "Conservation From The Treetops: The Emerging Science Of Canopy Ecology" By H. B Article by H. Bruce Rinker explaining why the research is important, findings, and a list of forest canopy walkways and platforms. http://www.actionbioscience.org/environment/rinker.html | |
129. The Ecology WWW Page Related Topic Pages. The ecology and environment Page (part of The Need to KnowLibrary ); Internet Directory for Botany To search the ecology Page, click here. http://pbil.univ-lyon1.fr/Ecology/Ecology-WWW.html | |
130. Index Works to bring together faith, ecology, and community activism. A resource center for latest news in the faith communities work in environmental justice and earth healing. http://www.geocities.com/ocice_eco_faith | |
131. Internet Public Library: Environmental Sciences & Ecology support for ecological sustainability and environmental justice. This site linksto a variety of articles and action alerts on a number of environmentrelated http://www.ipl.org/div/subject/browse/sci16.00.00/ | |
132. MSU Human Environment And Design Collections Features photographs and other information about the collection, which has been developed and maintained by the Department of Human environment and Design, College of Human ecology, Michigan State University. http://www.msu.edu/dig/newinfo/todo/humen.htm | |
133. Mount Shasta Bioregional Ecology Center Working to protect the natural environment of Mount Shasta and its surrounding areas in Northern California. http://www.mountshastaecology.org/ | |
134. Ecology Action Centre - Welcome 1568 Argyle St. Suite 31 Halifax NS, Canada B3J 2B3 (902) 4292202. The EAChas moved to a new site. www.ecologyaction.ca. Please update your URL. http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/Environment/EAC/ | |
135. Ecology And The Environment | Glen Ellyn, Illinois Links to ecological, environmental and nature information relating to the village. Maintained in cooperation with the Glen Ellyn Environmental Commission. http://www.glen-ellyn.com/environmental/index.html | |
136. Home Page - The Woods Hole Research Center The Woods Hole Research Center addresses the great issues of environment through scientific research and education and through applications of science in public affairs. http://www.whrc.org/whrc.htm | |
137. Ecology/Environment Videos And Software We have some great educational software and videos on the environment and ecology. ecologyand environment. The Highest Quality The Lowest Prices Always!!! http://www.biologyproducts.com/Ecology_Environment_Page.htm | |
138. Movile Cave-The Entrance About the Movile cave, a unique and fragile underground environment near the Black Sea in Romania, a cave whose evolution is driven by chemosynthesis, with special emphasis on cave biota and ecology. http://www.geocities.com/rainforest/vines/5771/ | |
139. All About The Yukon River - ExploreNorth A guide to information about the river system including ecology, environment and the geography of the river. Also includes travel, adventure and tourism information. http://www.explorenorth.com/library/weekly/aa100199.htm | |
140. Thai Wastewater Water Processing Air Treatment Pollution Control Ecology Environ purifier purifiers odor odours green technology technologies knowhow vapor vapourvapors vapours remover Control ecology ecological environment system systems http://www.thailandpages.com/industry46_11.cfm | |
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