Pacific Institute, 654 13th Street, Preservation Park, Oakland, CA 94612, U.S.A. Last updated: 7/19/2001 Bibliography: Environmental Change and its Impact on Species/Ecosystems Prepared by Wil Burns , Pacific Institute This bibliography of peer-reviewed and gray literature (including journal articles, newspaper articles, reports and materials on the Internet) focuses on environmental change (defined herein as global warming or ozone depletion) and its impacts on flora and fauna species and critical supporting ecosystems. 2880 citations have been included to date and the bibliography will be updated every two months. Ultimately, each entry will be categorized in a variety of ways, permitting key word searches and compilations by subject, region, or author. Any corrections or suggestions for additional citations should be sent to Wil Burns at the Institute. We would like to thank everyone who was thoughtful enough to contribute citations for the bibliography. Full text - HTML version] Full text - PDF version (577 KB)] The bibliography may be searched by entering key words in the box below. Ultimately, the search engine will be improved to facilitate Boolean logic, but for now single words or phrases should be entered. | |