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61. Encyclopedia Smithsonian: Ecology Tropical Rain Forests Resources. Forest biodiversity Monitoring Project. ResearchReports Researcher drawn to intersection of technology and the environment. http://www.si.edu/resource/faq/nmnh/ecology.htm | |
62. Environment Protection And Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 Home Page Information on all aspects of the environment Protection and biodiversity Act, 1999 http://www.environment.gov.au/epbc/index.html | |
63. Guides: Biodiversity 8 June 2000 More about Latin America Caribbean, biodiversity, environment Lifeon planet Earth in danger A guide to endangered life by Tiki the Penguin http://www.oneworld.org/guides/biodiversity/front.shtml | |
64. Department For Environment And Heritage, Government Of South Australia Website topics include biodiversity, botanic gardens, coasts and marine, sustainability, parks and wildlife, and water. http://www.denr.sa.gov.au/ |
65. WR96 Table Of Contents Parity Economic Inequality Economic Growth and the environment Data Tables Chapter11 biodiversity Introduction New biodiversity Assessment Threats to Coastal http://www.wri.org/wri/wr-96-97/96tocful.html | |
66. Farming Solutions Joint Oxfam, Greenpeace, ILEIA, Pesticide Action Network site packed with examples of successful, environmentally responsible farming systems that protect the environment and agricultural biodiversity and increase food security. http://www.farmingsolutions.org | |
67. Biodiversity And Protected Areas: Related Sites Assessment; biodiversity and its Value (Department of environment,Sports, and Territories, Commonwealth of Australia); biodiversity http://www.wri.org/wri/biodiv/biolinks.html | |
68. Redirection Oaks Of The World Plant an oak with a click to improve the environment and increase biodiversity. http://www.cl-earrings.com/iforest/en/indexe.htm |
69. Saskatchewan Environment - Biodiversity Action Plan Conserving SaskatchewanÂs Natural environment A Proposed SaskatchewanBiodiversity Action Plan, October 2002. This document has http://www.se.gov.sk.ca/ecosystem/biodiversity/default.htm | |
70. Biodiversity biodiversity in South Australia's arid lands, forests and mallee, rivers and wetlands and coastal ecosystems. http://www.denr.sa.gov.au/biodiversity/index.html |
71. International Marinelife Alliance Works to conserve marine biodiversity, protect the marine environment, and to promote the sustainable use of marine resources for the benefit of local people. Program descriptions, environmental education resources, and details of current concerns. http://www.marine.org/Philippines/IMAMain.html | |
72. Biodiversity Home Page Index to pages covering biodiversity Group's responsibilities for regulating wildlife imports and exports and regulating commercial harvesting of native wildlife for export. http://www.biodiversity.environment.gov.au/plants/wildlife/intro.htm | |
73. Biodiversity Home Page biodiversity group. http://www.biodiversity.environment.gov.au/index.htm | |
74. Biodiversity And Conservation Part of the McGill School of the environment. Requirements, faculty, and courses. http://www.mcgill.ca/mse/ug_programs/bsc/biodiversity/ | |
75. MfE Biodiversity Indicators Extinct species. Introduced biodiversity Valued species. Information on Landenvironments of New Zealand (LENZ). biodiversity and the environment. http://www.environment.govt.nz/indicators/biodiversity/ | |
76. The State Of Philippine Biodiversity According to the Protected Areas and Wildlife Bureau (PAWB) of the Department of environment and Natural Resources (DENR), the present knowledge of biodiversity in the Philippines is relatively inadequate and acquired mostly from studies done by foreign biologists during the early 1900s. This site gives an overview of the diversity of the major habitats. http://www.bwf.org/bk/pamayanan/r-rpbiodiv.html | |
77. U.S. IABIN Glossary And Acronyms environmental programs and organizations (US State Department OES); Acronym Finder(general). Online Glossaries and dictionaries. biodiversity, environment http://www.iabin-us.org/glossary_acronyms/gloss_acronym_index.html | |
78. Imperial College London Distance Learning Programme Postgraduate study programmes in the following thematic areas environment, biodiversity, sustainable agriculture, rural development, applied economics, agribusiness and food management. http://www.wye.ic.ac.uk/EP/index.html | |
79. Threatened Species And Ecological Communities Home Page An overview on the decline and conservation of frogs in Australia. http://www.biodiversity.environment.gov.au/threaten/information/frogs/ | |
80. Estonia: Central & Eastern Europe, Caucasus, And Central Asia Environmental Info state of the environment in Estonia. The main environmental issuesexamined are atmospheric air, water, biodiversity and waste. http://www.grida.no/enrin/soe.cfm?country=EE |
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