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         Biodiversity:     more books (100)
  1. Biodiversity Assessment: A Guide to Good Practice - Review by Dept.of Environment, 1996-12
  2. Metals in the Environment: Analysis by Biodiversity (Books in Soils, Plants, and the Environment) by Prasad, 2001-07-27
  3. Mycobiota of the arid Middle East: check-list of novel fungal taxa introduced from 1940 to 2000 and major recent biodiversity titles [An article from: Journal of Arid Environments] by J. Mouchacca, 2005-02-01
  4. Biodiversity of West African Forests: An Ecological Atlas of Woody Plant Species (Cabi Publishing)
  5. Effect of ecological compensation areas on floristic and breeding bird diversity in Swiss agricultural landscapes [An article from: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment] by F. Herzog, S. Dreier, et all 2005-06-30
  6. Does organic farming benefit biodiversity? [An article from: Biological Conservation] by D.G. Hole, A.J. Perkins, et all 2005-03-01
  7. Southeastern Asian Biodiversity in Crisis (Cambridge Tropical Biology Series) (Cambridge Tropical Biology Series) by Navjot S. Sodhi, Barry W. Brook, 2006-01-16
  8. Poverty, biodiversity and institutions in forest-agriculture ecotones in the Western Ghats and Eastern Himalaya ranges of India [An article from: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment] by K.S. Bawa, G. Joseph, et all 2007-07-01
  9. Biodiversity and Conservation in Europe (Topics in Biodiversity and Conservation) (Topics in Biodiversity and Conservation)
  10. Global Biodiversity Strategy: Guidelines for Action to Save, Study, and Use Earth's Biotic Wealth Sustainably and Equitably (World Resources Institute)
  11. Towards a Methodology for Costing Biodiversity Conservation in the UK: A Report to the Department of the Environment by K. G. Willis, 1996-01
  12. Global biodiversity (UNEP/GEMS environment library) by Sarah Medina, 1993
  13. Guide To Undertaking Biodiversity Legal And Institutional Profiles: A Contribution To The Global Biodiversity Strategy (Iucn Environmental Policy and Law Paper) by IUCN Environmental Law Centre, 1998-06-28
  14. Bioremediation: An Innovative Technology to Decontaminate the Environment Through Biodiversity and Bio-Geo-Chemical Cycling by M. N. V. Prasad, 2006-12-30

41. United Nations Environment Programme - Biodiversity
polar regions. Also address the relationship between trade and theenvironment and the wider aspects of biodiversity assessment.
United Nations Environment Programme
environment for development Select an issue Atmosphere Biodiversity Chemicals Energy Environmental Assesment Freshwater Land Sustainable Consumption Urban Issues Search Home About UNEP UNEP offices News centre ... Milestones Resources for: Governments Scientists Journalists Children and Youth ... Civil Society UNEP Activities in Biodiversity
Convention on Biological Diversity

The global agreement on the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES)
CITES is an international agreement between governments that aims to ensure that international trade in wild animals and plants and their products does not threaten their survival. Convention on Migratory Species
CMS (or the Bonn Convention) aims to conserve terrestrial, marine and avian migratory species throughout their range Agreement on the Conservation of African-Eurasian Migratory Waterbirds - AEWA
The agreement covers 172 species of birds ecologically dependent on wetlands for at least part of their annual cycle, including many species of pelicans, storks, flamingos, swans, geese, ducks, waders, gulls and terns.

42. Australia's Biodiversity Clearing-house Mechanism Home Page
serves the information needs of those organisations involved in implementing the provisions of the Convention and the National Strategy for the Conservation of Australia's Biological Diversity.
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Australia's Biodiversity Clearing House Mechanism
The Clearing-House Mechanism of the Convention on Biological Diversity promotes scientific and technical cooperation at all levels among Parties to the Convention. As well, it facilitates access to and exchange of information on biodiversity around the world. At the national level, the CHM serves the information needs of those organisations involved in implementing the provisions of the Convention and the National Strategy for the Conservation of Australia's Biological Diversity.
Biodiversity Information Manager
The Department of the Environment and Heritage has developed the Clearing House Information Manager to promote the exchange of information on the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity ( CBD ) and the National Strategy for the Conservation of Australia's Biological Diversity. The objective of the Clearing-House Information Manager is to raise awareness and understanding of both the Convention and the Strategy while also facilitating access to a range of related information.

43. Biodiversity
Department for environment and Heritage, Latest News. Plants Animals. Plants Animals. Ecological Communities. Threatened Species. Ecosystem Conservation.

44. Ecosystem Conservation
of habitats is often necessary if further loss of biodiversity is to be of wetlandinventories has been completed with funding from environment Australia and

  • Introduction Wetland Inventory
      Mount Lofty Ranges Kangaroo Island ... Plans for Biodiversity Conservation Education
      To download some files below, you will need Adobe Acrobat Reader, freely available from Adobe. (Click on the graphic on the right).
      A Brush-tailed Bettong (Bettongia penicillata)
      (Photo: Peter Canty NPWSA
      Conserving our biodiversity is extremely important, not only in terms of its intrinsic values but because many of our economic activities are based on healthy and functioning natural systems. Any use of natural resources must be sustainable and the conservation and management of biodiversity is essential for the maintenance of natural systems.
      Seed collection for endangered habitat species in remnant roadside vegetation
      (Photo: Simon Lewis NPWSA
      Protecting remnant native vegetation from grazing
      In addition to the actions required to protect ecological communities directly, ongoing management and rehabilitation of habitats is often necessary if further loss of biodiversity is to be avoided. You can find out more about some of the management programs being undertaken in South Australia to conserve and restore ecosystems both on and off reserves. Such programs include the removal of threats, such as environmental weeds or grazing by domestic stock and feral animals, the eradication of introduced predators such as foxes and cats and, in some instances, the re-introduction of threatened species and the restoration of habitat through revegetation programs. Such management programs are crucial if we are to retain healthy and functioning ecosystems in the longer term.

45. Biodiversity
that perhaps is neglected more than any other is perhaps also the richest in biodiversity the Coral Reefs. Reefs are useful to the environment and to people
You are here:
  • Home Environmental Issues Biodiversity
  • Biodiversity
    by Anup Shah
    • This page: To print full details (expanded/alternative links, side notes, etc.) use the printer-friendly version: The variety of life on Earth, its biological diversity is commonly referred to as biodiversity. The number of species of plants, animals, micro organisms, the enormous diversity of genes in these species, the different ecosystems on the planet, such as deserts, rainforests and coral reefs are all part of a biologically diverse Earth. Appropriate conservation and sustainable development strategies attempt to recognize this as being integral to any approach. Almost all cultures have in some way or form recognized the importance that nature, and its biological diversity has had upon them and the need to maintain it. Yet, power, greed and politics have affected the precarious balance.
      Who Cares?

    46. IELRC.ORG
    Nonprofit research centre based in Geneva conducting research and policy studies related to connections between law, the environment, and human needs (including biodiversity, climate change, intellectual property, and human rights), with specific regional expertise in India and East Africa. Includes online reports.
    International Environmental Law Research Centre, 14 Rue Lissignol, 1201 Geneva, Switzerland
    about staff contact ... tchiwas

    47. EEDNZ: Environmental Education Directory Of New Zealand
    Directory that comprises of aspects like heritage, land, infrastructure, air and biodiversity in the environment of New Zealand.
    ~ About this Directory ~ Search the Directory ~ Print the Directory ~ Add Resources ... Notices
    A Sustainable Management Fund Project

    48. EUROPA - Environment
    Extensive information on policies, action programmes, and issues in areas such as sustainable development, climate change, biodiversity, environmental law, chemicals, and radiation protection.
    es da de el en fr it nl pt ...
    Sixth Environment Action Programme
    What kind of environment do we want to live in? What kind of environment do we want our children and grandchildren to inherit? This is the starting point for the sixth Environment Action Programme: Environment 2010: Our Future, Our Choice
    What's New?
    Information Note: Regulation on Persistent Organic Pollutants entered into force
    Environmental integration: Further efforts needed to put environment at the heart of EU policy decisions. New stocktaking of the Cardiff Process
    Call for proposals in the field of the Community Mechanism to facilitate reinforced co-operation in civil protection assistance interventions - Mechanism training

    Draft Agenda of the 29th meeting of the SRG and Draft Agenda of the 30th meeting of the Committee on Trade in wild fauna and flora
    New LIFE publication: "A Cleaner, greener Europe: LIFE and the European Union waste policy"

    Communication: Reinforcing the Civil Protection Capacity of the European Union

    EU Environment related indicators

    Updated IMPEL website
    Updated Eco-label website
    Consultation: Development of an EU Mercury Strategy List of the leading cases and judgements of the ECJ on environment Handbook for environmental project funding Launch of the Green Week 2004 website ... More...

    49. Environment, Biodiversity And Agricultural Change In West Africa
    environment, biodiversity and Agricultural Change in West Africa •Perspectives from Ghana •. Table of contents (157 p.). Edited
    Environment, Biodiversity and Agricultural Change in West Africa
    Table of contents (157 p.) Edited by Edwin A. Gyasi and Juha I. Uitto United Nations
    University Press
    TOKYO - NEW YORK - PARIS © The United Nations University, 1997
    The views expressed in this publication are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United Nations University. United Nations University Press
    The United Nations University
    53-70 Jingumae 5-chome, Shibuya-ku
    Tokyo 150, Japan
    Tel.: (03) 3499-2811. Fax: (03) 3406-7345.
    Telex: J25442. Cable: UNATUNIV TOKYO. UNU Office in North America
    2 United Nations Plaza, Room D2-1462-70, New York, NY 10017 Tel: (212) 963-6387 Fax: (212) 371-9454 Telex: 422311 UN UI United Nations University Press is the publishing division of the United Nations University. Cover design by Takashi Suzuki UNUP-964 ISBN 92-808-0964-4 01495 P
    Preface Acknowledgements Opening address The context ... Contributors Back to United Nations University Press Page

    50. Home Page Of The Research Foundation
    Site provides information on the Foundation's work on agricultural biodiversity conservation and protection of people's rights, livelihoods and environment from centralised systems of monoculture in forestry, agriculture and fisheries. Links to many national and global movements.

    S H I V A N E T
    RFSTE was founded in Dehra Dun, Uttar Pradesh (INDIA) in 1982 by Dr. Vandana Shiva. It works on biodiversity conservation and protecting people's rights from threats to their livelihoods and environment by centralised systems of monoculture in forestry, agriculture and fisheries. What is new in Navdanya / RFSTE Navdanya's Nature Bazaar - 16th - 30th November at Dilli Haat Peoples Struggle against Coca Cola RFSTE / Navdanya / DWD events at WSF 2004 (Mumbai) Peoples World Water Forum 12 - 14 Jan New Delhi Global Water Warrior Gathering 10th Jan Plachimada, Palakkad, Kerala Water March (Jal Yatra) to Tehri / Ganges and Narmada after the WSF. Living Demo cracy Convention (Jaiv Panchayat Adhiveshan) on 17 th th November 2003 at Indian Social Institute, 10 Institutional Area, Lodhi Road, New Delhi.

    51. Environmental Defense
    other species to extinction, we need to protect biodiversity for our own Most Streamlining Transportation Projects Bad For The environment And Public Health

    52. Nurlan's EcoPage: Environmental Issues In Kyrgyzstan
    Covers a wide range of issues related to the environment in Kyrgyzstan biodiversity, air and water pollution, wastes. Included, fulltexts of new environmental Kyrgyz legislation (in Russian).
    Survey: Kyrgyzstan Have you ever been in Kyrgyzstan? I live in Kyrgyzstan Never been in Kyrgyzstan I am going to Kyrgyzstan I lived in Kyrgyzstan Vote results New! (07/01/2004) - Published information about participation of Kyrgyzstan in different international environmental treaties New! (23/12/2003) - New design of Nurlan's Ecopage was applied. New! (07/12/2003) - Updated Russian and English versions of the Law on Ecological Expertise (Environmental Review) (amendment #102 of June 11, 2003) were published. New! (22/11/2003) - Institutional Framework section was updated in environmental law. New! (23/10/2003) - New data are added to biodiversity section: area occupied by Nature National Parks and Strict Protected Areas. New! (09/2003) - Nurlan's Ecopage celebrates 4 year anniversary! New! (22/04/03) - Added a new report in Books section. New! (27/10/02) - Added English (unofficial translation) version of the Law on Ecological Expertise (Environmental Review).

    53. ENDS Environment Daily, Europe's Environmental News Service
    29/03/04 Trittin seeks to wrest green power from states, biodiversity, general,23/03/04 More UK action on marine environment urged, biodiversity, marine,

    54. Vanuatu's Biodiversity - Clearing House Mechanism | Homepage
    concerned. click to enter CBD site. is managedby environment Vanuatu, with funding from UNEP/GEF. Site Last
    Home Feedback Site Map EnvironmentUnit


    Information Services

    Contact us

    Vanuatus biodiversity

    Important species


    VATHE PICCAP IW Research Code of ethics Application form Information for cultural research Environment Managment Agriculture Fisheries Forestry Land Use Planning ... Quarantine We use these plug-ins on this web site. Click to download. The Environment Unit is the government agency responsible for providing technical advice on environmental matters to the government and peoples of Vanuatu. It is responsible to the Minister of Lands, Natural Resources, Geology, Energy and Environment. The Environment Unit's functions include + programmes for the development, conservation and management of Vanuatu's natural resources; + liaison with government institutions, ngos, community leaders, private sector; regional and international organisations to promote sound and sustainable environmental management;

    55. Eden Foundation
    Working for the preservation of biodiversity, against monoculture agriculture, and for better ways for humans to live in harmony with their environment.
    Eden Foundation
    Founded 1985 in Sweden
    Active in Tanout, Niger, since 1987 auf deutsch nederlands Friends of Eden
    Eden's philosophy
    There are 250,000 known plant species in the world, but only 20 of them provide 90% of our food. We believe that the key to prosperity for the poor lie in underexploited, edible trees and bushes
    - the lost treasures of Eden.
    Our mission is to find those treasures and bring them to people who really need them. Welcome to Eden.
    Welcome to us!

    Site map
    Philosophy Home ... Friends School Think Tank Contact

    56. Index_english
    Monitors and evaluates the natural environment and its present level of biodiversity, and to assemble and maintain a public library of objective information.

    57. Community Biodiversity Network Media Release: Biodiversity - Environment Laws Ne
    Community biodiversity Network Media Release. environment laws need realisticassessment of risks and opportunities. Date 03 August 1999.
    Community Biodiversity Network Media Release
    Environment laws need realistic assessment of risks and opportunities
    Date: 03 August 1999
    Environment laws need realistic assessment of risks and opportunities John Connor, ACF National Campaigns Director The Australian Conservation Foundation appreciates the opportunity for a brief response to the above article and looks forward to a more detailed contribution in the next article. We recognise that there are many positive improvements to the draft legislation ranging from greater transparency to strengthening of threatened species provisions. Our concern is, however, that most of the positive amendments to the EPBC Bill will be lost by enabling the hand over of responsibilities to the states. Our concerns are shared by leading environmental lawyers and practitioners including the Director of the Australian Centre for Environmental Law, Associate Professor Rob Fowler. The government legal advice referred to above does not address the real point that it will be virtually impossible to legally prevent abuse of the system. Lack of political will is always a problem for environmental campaigners but this new legislation has formalised a process for handing on environmental responsibilities. This did not exist in the old system.

    58. LIFE: Australia's FIRST Official WWW Service
    Collection of biological information and links, especially the environment and biodiversity, from Charles Sturt University. Includes resources on biodiversity, complexity, natural heritage, and Australian biological resources.

    About This Service
    Australia Biological Information Complexity ... Frames
    About This Service
    Further information about the service:

    59. Conservation Of Biodiversity
    Although most problems affecting the North American environment are on the Strategicand Cooperative Action for the Conservation of biodiversity in North

    60. Tropical Conservancy
    Canadianbased organization working to conserve world biodiversity and environment.


    The official site of the international journal:
    Biodiversit y

    The official site of the international journal:
    Biodiversit y ...
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