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         Biodiversity:     more books (100)
  1. Biodiversity and Conservation (Critical Concepts in the Environment)
  2. Biodiversity and Conservation (Critical Concepts in the Environment)
  3. Southeast Asian Water Environment 1: Selected Papers from the First International Symposium on Southeast Asian Water Environment (Biodiversity and Water Environment), Bangkok, Thailand, O
  4. Biodiversity and Conservation (Critical Concepts in the Environment)
  5. Biodiversity and Environment by A. Aditya, P. Halder, 2000-04-25
  6. Biodiversity and Environment by M. Lakshmi Narasaiah, 2004
  7. Building the Next Ark: How NGOs Work to Protect Biodiversity.(Book review): An article from: Environments by Brent Doberstein, 2006-08-01
  8. Effects of the Arable Stewardship Pilot Scheme on breeding birds at field and farm-scales [An article from: Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment] by D.K. Stevens, R.B. Bradbury,
  9. Voices Unheard and Unheeded (From Rio to Rai: Environment and Development in Papua New Guinea, 2)
  10. Neotropical Montane Forests: Biodiversity and Conservation. Abstracts from a Symposium at the New York Botanical Garden, June 21-26, 1993 (Aau Reports, 31)
  11. High Altitudes of the Himalaya - Part 2 ; Biodiversity, Ecology and Environment by Y.P.S. Pangtey, 2000
  12. Biodiversity Conservation: Problems and Policies (Ecology, Economy & Environment)
  13. National Biodiversity Planning: Guidelines Based on Early Experiences Around the World
  14. Biodiversity Assessment: A Guide to Good Practice Field Guides by Dept.of Environment, 1996-12

21. Aral's Problrms
Includes information about climate, natural resources, radioactive pollution, biodiversity, and waste.
State of the Environment of Kyrgyzstan V.I.Nifadiev, V.Ya.Ogurtsov, G.A.Desyatkov, V.M.Lelevkin - Scientific-Information Center "Aral", Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University
K.J.Bokonbaev, S.A.Iliasov - Ministry of Enviroment Protection of the Kyrgyz Republic About Kyrgyzstan Climate Atmosphere Water Resources ... Waste This report is based on information from the following sources:
  • National report on state of the environment in Kyrgyzstan in 1997; National reports of Kyrgyzstan on human development in 1995-97; Materials of the Ministry of Environment Protection of Kyrgyzstan; Results of research carried out at Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University; Data provided by the National Academy of Sciences, the State Agency for Geology and Mineral Resources of the Government of Kyrgyzstan, the State Agency for Hydrometeorology of the Government of Kyrgyzstan; Materials of the assessment on hydrometeorological conditions and environment pollution in the Newly Independent States by the CIS Interstate Council on Hydrometeorology in 1996.
Please email comments or suggestions to webmaster For more information contact: Kyrgyzstan, 720000, Bishkek, Kievskaya str.44, Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic

22. Centre For Science And Environment (CSE) Home Page
International consortium dedicated to promoting democracy and sustainability. Headquartered in New Delhi. Campaign topics include biodiversity, climate change, air pollution, water pollution, forest management, rainwater harvesting, and people and wildlife .
Global Green Governance Pollution Monitoring Lab ... CSE Publications What happend to our right to clean air? Climate change, global warming, who takes all the decisions? Applying scientific research to study pollution in air, water and soil The way to sustainable industrial growth Good health and clean environment. Two sides of the same coin Taking environment into classrooms, worldwide Campaign to make water everybody's business Books, monographs, documentaries, images and much more... CSE Main Site... About CSE Down To Earth Campaigns Programmes Newsletters In the News Library CSE Store WHAT'S NEW AT CSE Sign up for our fortnightly newsletter
Industry pays a pittance
for the water it uses, and
Caught in a socio-
economical transition,
what is the future of these forest patches?
In-depth coverage and additional resources
water Prospects map of Delhi

Detailed block-wise hydro- geological data Small farmers are constantly innovating with sustainable irrigation Seven experts on the CoP-9 negotiations in Milan, Italy (Dec. 1-12)

23. Ministry Of The Environment Of JAPAN
Agency for nature and soil conservation, air and water quality management, biodiversity, and waste disposal.

Calendar of Events Reports and Publications Laws and Regulations ... Full draft text of the Invasive Alien Species Act submitted to the Diet from the Japanese Cabinet as of March 10, 2004. [PDF] Measures to Be Taken against Invasive Alien Species
in Japan
[PDF] Publication of Results to Date of Recycling of Home Appliances by Manufacturers of Electric Appliances -more Climate Change Acid Deposition ... Global Environment Information Center Related Groups: Public Bodies Research Institutes NGOs Others

24. EEA - Reports - Environment In The European Union At The Turn Of The Century - 3
EU Agenda 2000 represents possibilities to consider new interrelationships betweenrural areas and biodiversity agrienvironmental measures, structural funds
Glossary FAQ Site map Home ... English 3.11 Changes and loss of ... Environment in the European Union at the turn of the century
Environmental assessment report No 2 Abstract Content Summary Related Resources Create my PDF Order
Chapter 3.11 Changes and loss of biodervisity - Environment in EU at the turn of the century
The overall threat and changes in biodiversity at all scales (genes, species, ecosystems and habitats) are expected to remain high in the EU to 2010 and beyond. The pressure comes from many interconnected sources, principally land use change, pollution and the introduction of alien species. The area available for natural and semi-natural habitats and indigenous species is foreseen to decrease (e.g. the ongoing relentless spread of urban development and transport infrastructure) and the threats are foreseen to continue to increase. But ongoing and some new recoveries are also foreseen for several habitats and species. The robust and generalist species as well as the invasive species are foreseen to continue to be favoured and spread, while rare, endemic and specialist species will continue to decline. Biodiversity is changed and can be lost by the way the land is used, which results in

25. Phototheque
Provides free pictures by Bruno Locatelli about environment, forests, deforestation, agriculture, biodiversity, water and soil resources all around the world.
New adress: Nouvelle adresse :

26. Biodiversity Home Page
Part of environment Australia.
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Photographer and ©:
Annie Crawford
© Environment Australia
Australian Biodiversity
Biodiversity is the variety of all life forms: the different plants, animals and micro-organisms, their genes and the ecosystems of which they are a part. Australia is one of the most biologically diverse countries in the world, with a large portion of its species found nowhere else in the world. We depend on biodiversity for our survival and quality of life. The most significant impediment to the conservation and management of biodiversity is our lack of knowledge about it and the effects of human population and activities on it.
  • Ecosystem processes: biodiversity underpins the processes that make life possible. Healthy ecosystems are necessary for maintaining and regulating: atmospheric quality, climate, fresh water, marine productivity, soil formation, cycling of nutrients and waste disposal. Ethics: no species - and no generation - has the right to sequester Earth's resources solely for its own benefit.

27. Threatened Species And Ecological Communities Home Page
for national environment protection and biodiversity conservation is the environment Protection and biodiversity Conservation Act
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Threatened Species and Threatened Ecological Communities
Australia is home to more than one million species, many of which are found nowhere else in the world. About 85 per cent of flowering plants, 84 per cent of mammals, more than 45 per cent of birds, and 89 per cent of inshore, temperate-zone fish are endemic - that is they are only found in Australia. Changes to the landscape and native habitat as a result of human activity has put many of these unique species at risk. Over the last two hundred years many species of plants and animals have become extinct. For the other species of plants and animals whose survival is threatened a range of management and conservation measures are in place. The Australian Government is working in partnership with state, territory and local governments, non-government organisations, tertiary institutions and community groups to ensure the protection of our native species. The Australian Government mechanism for national environment protection and biodiversity conservation is the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act). The EPBC Act provides for:

28. NCL Center For Biodiversity Informatics
Disseminates knowledge about Indian biota and its environment. Requires Flash plugin.

29. The Academy Of Natural Sciences - Institute For Mongolian Biodiversity & Ecologi
Studying Mongolia's environment and assisting its peoples in both conserving these resources and encouraging economic development through ecological tourism.
You are in Research Biodiversity Research Group / Mongolian Biodiversity and Ecological Studies
Part 1

(.wav file 42megs) Part 2
(.wav file 48megs)
The Academy also offers a Traveling Exhibit -
Horsemen of the Mongolian Steppes:
Nomadic Life Beyond the Great Wall -
Photographs by Robert Peck
Click here to learn more about bringing this exciting exhibit to your location
Mongolian Home Mission Accomplishments Goals Resources Within the borders of the vast nation of Mongolia, there are incredible ecological treasures. Mongolia is home to one of the world's purest lake environments, a huge area of unique taiga forest and several endangered species, including the snow leopard. The Academy of Natural Sciences has established The Institute for Mongolian Biodiversity and Ecological Studies to study Mongolia's environment and assist its peoples in both conserving these resources and encouraging economic development through ecological tourism. For an interesting review and perspective on the Academy's program in Mongolia and its significance for biodiversity and environmental protection, please see the article written by Malcolm Scully (Special Editor) and published in the March 24, 2000 issue of the

30. Australia's Biodiversity Clearing-house Mechanism Home Page
biodiversity Information Manager. The Department of the environment and Heritagehas developed the Clearing House Information Manager to promote the exchange of
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Australia's Biodiversity Clearing House Mechanism
The Clearing-House Mechanism of the Convention on Biological Diversity promotes scientific and technical cooperation at all levels among Parties to the Convention. As well, it facilitates access to and exchange of information on biodiversity around the world. At the national level, the CHM serves the information needs of those organisations involved in implementing the provisions of the Convention and the National Strategy for the Conservation of Australia's Biological Diversity.
Biodiversity Information Manager
The Department of the Environment and Heritage has developed the Clearing House Information Manager to promote the exchange of information on the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity ( CBD ) and the National Strategy for the Conservation of Australia's Biological Diversity. The objective of the Clearing-House Information Manager is to raise awareness and understanding of both the Convention and the Strategy while also facilitating access to a range of related information.

31. Home IBED
University of Amsterdam unit conducting education and research in the interactions between living organisms and their physical and chemical environment.
Home Intranet About IBED Current events ...
last update
4 June 2004 259 visitors in
June 2004
The Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics (IBED) was founded in 2000 by the Faculty of Science as a response to some of the major challenges to modern science. These challenges are to understand man-made as well as natural global change and their impact on biodiversity. A truly integrated approach is required to meet these challenges, covering the full complexity of the interactions between living organisms and their physical and chemical environment
IBED's main fieldwork areas are in Northwest and Southern Europe, Central and South America. IBED is responsible for two interuniversity Research Schools (Biodiversity and ICG) and participates in two other schools (SENSE and Functional Ecology). Contact IBED

32. New Zealand Digital Library
400 publications of ideas and solutions in the fields of agriculture, biodiversity, environmental impact assessment, natural resources, policy, climate change.

33. Aquatic Biodiversity Group - Temperate Aquarium Authority
Developing fishery management, hatchery technology and a cooperative information network about the temperate marine environment. Includes lists of available specimens. Tasmania, Australia.

AllRefer Encyclopedia biodiversity, environment (environmental reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete informationon biodiversity, environmental Studies. biodiversity, environmental Studies.

35. Biodiversity : Environment (Teck Cominco)
biodiversity. Teck Cominco recognizes that its activities may affect the naturalenvironment, including the diversity of flora and fauna and their habitats, and
Contact Us Site Map Careers Navbar: Home Our Company News Releases Investors ... Exploration Environment
Teck Cominco recognizes that its activities may affect the natural environment, including the diversity of flora and fauna and their habitats, and therefore undertakes to design and operate its projects to minimize these impacts. During operation and at closure, significant efforts are made to re-create productive habitat for species identified near the site. Our ability to integrate biodiversity and economic values in land-use management is now being enhanced through aerial photography and satellite imagery and the use of geographic information systems (GIS). Home Sitemap Contact Us
April 27, 2004

36. EEA - Biodiversity Change
Collection of indicators, reports, links, data sets and targets on changes in European biodiversity.
Glossary FAQ Site map Home ... Issues Biodiversity change Theme contents
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Biodiversity change

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Biodiversity change Europe's natural environment is a diverse one – it features a wide range of genes, species, ecosystems, and habitats. This biodiversity is the environment’s 'insurance policy', because it ensures the environment’s ability to adapt to changes caused by anything from volcanic activity to human disruption of the landscape. Declining biodiversity is also an alarm bell, indicating that society’s overall impact on the environment is too heavy. The EEA reports presented in this section should certainly set some bells ringing. Although certain pollution levels are falling, and nature protection is becoming better integrated into urban planning, agriculture, and other policies, biodiversity across the EU is still under threat from a wide range of sources.

37. Links To Biodiversity And Environmental Resources From The Centre For Plant Biod
Centre for the environment, University of California; Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad INBio, Costa Rica; Life; MendelWeb; National biodiversity Network, UK;
Centre for Plant Biodiversity Research Home CPBR
Links to Other
Biodiversity and Environmental
Herbaria, University Biology Departments and Research Institutes

38. The Ministère De L'Environnement - Overview
Information on programs and services, environmental assessments, biodiversity, and water, air and soil management and quality.

The Minister
The Ministère Air Biodiversity ... Contaminated Lands //alert (nomSection); afficheimage=""
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The Ministère de l’Environnement’s mission is to ensure, with a view to sustainable development, the protection of the environment. The Ministry contributes to the quality of life of all Quebecers by ensuring the conservation of the ecosystems, in order to meet current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
Fields of Activity
The Ministry operates in the following areas:
  • protection of Québec’s ecosystems and biodiversity, in particular by the establishment of ecological reserves and safeguarding of plant species and their habitats; prevention, reduction or elimination of water, air and ground contamination; management of the public water domain and dams; quality management and development of expertise in the field of environmental analysis; security of public and private dams;
  • 39. Australian Local Government Association Environment
    Contains environmental issues including cities for climate protection, waste management, biodiversity, reports and links.

    40. Ashoka Trust For Research In Ecology And The Environment (ATREE)
    ATREE is a nonprofit organization working to conserve India's biodiversity.
    Ashoka Trust for Research in Ecology and the Environment
    About ATREE

    Core Thematic Areas
    Programs Services ... Upcoming events
    Mission Statement
    Advancing protection of the environment,
    Conserving biodiversity and Promoting sustainable use of natural resources

    Kalakad-Mundanthurai Tiger Reserve
    MM Hills Kanakapura Nagarahole
    Visitors : 1945

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