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21. Aral's Problrms Includes information about climate, natural resources, radioactive pollution, biodiversity, and waste. http://www.grida.no/prog/cee/enrin/htmls/kyrghiz/soe/ | |
22. Centre For Science And Environment (CSE) Home Page International consortium dedicated to promoting democracy and sustainability. Headquartered in New Delhi. Campaign topics include biodiversity, climate change, air pollution, water pollution, forest management, rainwater harvesting, and people and wildlife . http://www.cseindia.org/ | |
23. Ministry Of The Environment Of JAPAN Agency for nature and soil conservation, air and water quality management, biodiversity, and waste disposal. http://www.env.go.jp/en/ | |
24. EEA - Reports - Environment In The European Union At The Turn Of The Century - 3 EU Agenda 2000 represents possibilities to consider new interrelationships betweenrural areas and biodiversity agrienvironmental measures, structural funds http://reports.eea.eu.int/92-9157-202-0/en/page311.html | |
25. Phototheque Provides free pictures by Bruno Locatelli about environment, forests, deforestation, agriculture, biodiversity, water and soil resources all around the world. http://membres.lycos.fr/bktm/ | |
26. Biodiversity Home Page Part of environment Australia. http://www.ea.gov.au/biodiversity/ | |
27. Threatened Species And Ecological Communities Home Page for national environment protection and biodiversity conservation is the environment Protection and biodiversity Conservation Act http://www.biodiversity.environment.gov.au/threaten | |
28. NCL Center For Biodiversity Informatics Disseminates knowledge about Indian biota and its environment. Requires Flash plugin. http://www.ncbi.org.in/ |
29. The Academy Of Natural Sciences - Institute For Mongolian Biodiversity & Ecologi Studying Mongolia's environment and assisting its peoples in both conserving these resources and encouraging economic development through ecological tourism. http://www.acnatsci.org/research/mongolia/index.html | |
30. Australia's Biodiversity Clearing-house Mechanism Home Page biodiversity Information Manager. The Department of the environment and Heritagehas developed the Clearing House Information Manager to promote the exchange of http://chm.deh.gov.au/ | |
31. Home IBED University of Amsterdam unit conducting education and research in the interactions between living organisms and their physical and chemical environment. http://www.science.uva.nl/ibed/ | |
32. New Zealand Digital Library 400 publications of ideas and solutions in the fields of agriculture, biodiversity, environmental impact assessment, natural resources, policy, climate change. http://www.nzdl.org/cgi-bin/library?a=p&p=about&c=envl |
33. Aquatic Biodiversity Group - Temperate Aquarium Authority Developing fishery management, hatchery technology and a cooperative information network about the temperate marine environment. Includes lists of available specimens. Tasmania, Australia. http://www.aquaticbiodiversitygroup.com.au/ |
34. Conbio.bio.uci.edu/link/ AllRefer Encyclopedia biodiversity, environment (environmental AllRefer.com reference and encyclopedia resource provides complete informationon biodiversity, environmental Studies. biodiversity, environmental Studies. http://conbio.bio.uci.edu/link/ |
35. Biodiversity : Environment (Teck Cominco) biodiversity. Teck Cominco recognizes that its activities may affect the naturalenvironment, including the diversity of flora and fauna and their habitats, and http://www.teckcominco.com/sustainability/environment/biodiversity.htm | |
36. EEA - Biodiversity Change Collection of indicators, reports, links, data sets and targets on changes in European biodiversity. http://themes.eea.eu.int/Environmental_issues/biodiversity/ | |
37. Links To Biodiversity And Environmental Resources From The Centre For Plant Biod Centre for the environment, University of California; Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad INBio, Costa Rica; Life; MendelWeb; National biodiversity Network, UK; http://www.anbg.gov.au/net/environment.html | |
38. The Ministère De L'Environnement - Overview Information on programs and services, environmental assessments, biodiversity, and water, air and soil management and quality. http://www.menv.gouv.qc.ca/ministere/inter_en.htm | |
39. Australian Local Government Association Environment Contains environmental issues including cities for climate protection, waste management, biodiversity, reports and links. http://www.alga.com.au/site/page.cfm?site_page_id=109 |
40. Ashoka Trust For Research In Ecology And The Environment (ATREE) ATREE is a nonprofit organization working to conserve India's biodiversity. http://www.atree.org/ | |
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