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         Air Quality:     more books (100)
  1. The effect of mass inconsistency of the meteorological field generated by a common meteorological model on air quality modeling [An article from: Atmospheric Environment] by S.-M. Lee, S.C. Yoon, et all 2004-06-01
  2. Evaluation of the Models-3 Community Multi-scale Air Quality (CMAQ) [An article from: Atmospheric Environment] by M. Zhang, I. Uno, et all 2006-08-01
  3. The use of MODIS data and aerosol products for air quality prediction [An article from: Atmospheric Environment] by K.D. Hutchison, S. Smith, et all 2004-09-01
  4. Evaluation of professional choice of sampling locations for indoor air quality assessment [An article from: Building and Environment] by P.S. Hui, L.T. Wong, et all 2007-08-01
  5. Long-range transport of aerosols and their impact on the air quality of Taiwan [An article from: Atmospheric Environment] by C.-Y. Lin, S.C. Liu, et all
  6. Data management and archiving for the Pacific 2001 Air Quality Study [An article from: Atmospheric Environment] by W.B. Sukloff, R.J. Vet, et all 2006-05-01
  7. Mass conservation in the Community Multiscale Air Quality model [An article from: Atmospheric Environment] by Y. Hu, M. Talat Odman, et all
  8. Nucleation and growth of new particles in the rural atmosphere of Northern Italy-relationship to air quality monitoring [An article from: Atmospheric Environment] by S. Rodriguez, R. Van Dingenen, et all
  9. Air quality progress planned by Baxter.(Environment)(The air pollution agency will join the creosoting factory to draft a plan to cut fumes): An article from: The Register-Guard (Eugene, OR)
  10. Implementing the trajectory-grid transport algorithm in an air quality model [An article from: Atmospheric Environment] by D.P. Chock, M.J. Whalen, et all 2005-07-01
  11. Estimating emissions from fires in North America for air quality modeling [An article from: Atmospheric Environment] by C. Wiedinmyer, B. Quayle, et all 2006-06-01
  12. MS3DJH: A computer model for the study of neutrally stratified boundary layer flow over isolated hills of moderate slope (Report AQRB / Air Quality and ... Branch, Atmospheric Environment Service) by John L Walmsley, 1980
  13. Indoor Air Quality in the Building Environment by Ed Bas, 1993-05
  14. Indoor Air Quality in Urban Environments by V Kukadia, D Hall, 2004-11-23

81. Air Quality Publications [Ministry For The Environment]
air quality Monitoring Sites in New Zealand and an Confirmed Indicators for air,Fresh Water and Land, for Toxic Contaminants in the environment, October 1998,
Home Contact us Related links Site map ...
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About the Ministry Air quality Biodiversity Climate change and ozone layer Energy General ... Water You are here: Publications Air quality publications
Air quality publications
General Publications Best practice guides and guidelines Technical reports Consultation documents
General Publications
Name Date Reference Proposed National Environmental Standard to Control Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Landfills: Analysis of the costs and benefits May 2004 Proposed National Environmental Standards for Air Quality: Analysis of the Costs and Benefits May 2004 Proposed National Environmental Standards for Landfill Gas: Report on Submissions February 2004 Proposed National Environmental Standards for Air Quality: Report on Submissions February 2004 Emission design standard for wood and coal burning appliances in houses November 2003 Proposed Prohibited Standards November 2003
Best practice guides and guidelines
Guidance documents provide well-debated, current expert advice for managing air quality issues. These are not legislation, but can be useful for decision making under the Resource Management Act.

82. State Of The New England Environment 1996
1996 report on coastal ecosystems, air quality and transportation, mercury in the waters, resource protection and other subjects, from the Environmental Protection Agency.
Note: This information is provided for reference purposes only. Although the information provided here was accurate and current when first created, it is now outdated.
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83. E H I B - C U R R E N T . T O P I C S
from Health environment Digest Vol 10, No. 2, pages 912, May/June 1996.Fungi Indoor air quality. Sandra V. McNeel, DVM. Richard A. Kreutzer, MD.
Sandra V. McNeel, DVM Richard A. Kreutzer, MD California Department of Health Services Environmental Health Investigations Branch Introduction Molds in Indoor Air Fungi are ubiquitous organisms that make up approximately 25% of earth's biomass. They can be subdivided somewhat artificially by gross morphology into yeasts, mushrooms and molds - the fungi of most importance for indoor air. Molds are very adaptable and can colonize dead and decaying organic matter (e.g. textiles, leather, wood, paper) and even damp, inorganic material (e.g. glass, painted surfaces, bare concrete) if organic nutrients such as dust or soil particles are available. Because various genera grow and reproduce at different substrate water concentrations and temperatures, molds occur in a wide range of habitats. Constituents of indoor air are determined by both outdoor and indoor sources (Table 1). Likewise mold types and concentrations indoors are primarily a function of outdoor fungi and substrate water (related to indoor humidity level). Higher concentrations of outdoor molds and other fungi occur where trees, shrubs and landscape irrigation occur close to exterior building walls. (While most indoor molds originate from exterior sources, some species of Aspergillus and Penicillium can grow and reproduce effectively indoors and are commonly found in air samples of normal, "dry" buildings.)

84. Ashkelon District Municipal Association For The Environment
air quality data and local environmental assessment.
A ir Q uality I ndex - A Q I
On-line Update Systems, Updates HOURLY
A ir Q uality I ndex - A Q I , has been built according to the US and EU norms and notifys the public about air quality condition at their location constantly and real-time. A Q I has been rebuit to fit Israeli
Environment with the use of in Israel regulations for air polution.According to the system it is majoring the concentration of air polution factors (SO2 ,PM ,NOx ,O3 ) and calculates the index of each one of the air polution factors. The lowest index, the A Q I, is published immidiatly. In case of Negative Values of the A Q I (damaging level) the public will get notification through the media. To those intersted, there is the possibility to view increasing concentration of the index till update time. We'll be glad to hear your comments/suggestions.

85. Air - Ontario Ministry Of The Environment
Improving air quality. Ontario’s Ministry of the environment ( MOE) has been protecting Ontario’s air quality for over 30 years.
central site feedback search site map ... Print Printer-friendly version Location: Ministry Home
Local Air Quality
MOE sets air standards for a large number of air toxics, and deals with individual industrial emitters on a facility-by-facility basis. Resources Setting Air Quality Standards in Ontario The Environmental SWAT Team Current Information: Environmental Compliance Reports
Regional Air Quality
Resources CAPI ): Discussion Paper ASAP Partners in Air ... Guide to Environmental Assessment Requirements for Electricity Projects (March 2001) [PDF] Mandatory Air Emissions Monitoring and Reporting [PDF] Current Information:
Global Air Quality
Global air quality issues present a particular challenge. For issues such as climate change, hazardous air pollutants or the depletion of the protective stratospheric ozone layer (as opposed to ozone at ground level, which causes smog), the pollutants are global. Since the ministry has no jurisdiction to regulate emission sources outside Ontario, innovative emissions reduction approaches are necessary and must be co-ordinated with international treaties and plans. Resources Ozone-Depleting Substances Climate Change Studies
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Located near El Paso. Noted for its quality of life, secure environment, yearround casual lifestyle. Clean air, mountain vistas, golf, tennis, peace and quiet.
You are Visitor: Last Updated on 3/3/04 Welcome to Horizon Communities
Mission statement
In 1950 the Horizon area of east El Paso County was little more than raw desert. It now boasts the fastest growing urban area in the region. Our goal is to promote and facilitate the continuing development of the area, whilst ensuring it remains a great place to live.
This website includes information on our community, local government, schools, amenities and community facilities. Businesses and families interested in moving to the area will find many of their questions answered here, as will existing residents.
City with a future
  • Horizon township boasts excellent amenities for its size, including a golf course and country club, brand new schools and good roads. More of the same is planned. The area has evolved with its own separate and distinct identity. It is no mere suburban extension of El Paso. As it grows it will become increasingly self-sufficient. Land remains relatively inexpensive.

87. Dept. Of Environment
Official city site offers information on air quality, energy, the natural environment, shoreline projects, property cleanup and redevelopment, environmental public health and safety, and recycling.
Home News Events City Departments ... Contact Us Search for:
Mayor Daley's Landscape Awards Program

2004 Application

Text Version

88. Environment Now
Protecting, preserving and restoring the environment of California. EN programs cover forestry issues, coastal issues, water conservation, air quality initiatives, endangered species conservation, wilderness protection, and urban sprawl.

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89. Air Quality Programs
Bismarck, ND 58506. The North Dakota Department of Health, Division ofAir quality works to safeguard the environment for North Dakota.
North Dakota Department of Health NDDH Homepage Air Quality Chemistry Water Quality ...

Division of Air Quality
Terry O'Clair, Director E-mail
Phone: 701
Mail: 1200 Missouri Ave.
Bismarck, ND 58506 The North Dakota Department of Health, Division of Air Quality works to safeguard the environment for North Dakota. Programs within the Division deal with issues that affect the comfort, health, safety and well being of all North Dakota citizens and their environment. Enforcement of state and federal environmental laws is accomplished through permitting, inspection, sampling, analytical services and monitoring activities of the division.
The air quality program is responsible for protecting and fostering the state's air quality resources. The program promotes clean-air activities and initiates enforcement action to correct existing air pollution problems.
The Radiation Control Program monitors the development and utilization of sources of ionizing and nonionizing radiation to protect the health and safety of the radiation user and the general public. Radon continues to be a concern to North Dakota residents. The Radon Program promotes testing and mitigation of radon, as well as use of radon-resistant construction techniques in newly built homes.

90. Environment Mississauga
Provides information about air quality, environmental programs and planning, natural green spaces, trees and urban forestry, waste and recycling and water resources.

91. EEA - Air Quality
on the state and trends of air quality in Europe for example, are presented underthe air theme European environment Agency, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK1050 Copenhagen
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Air quality Good air quality is a prerequisite for health and well-being of humans and ecosystems. Under this theme you will find information on the state and trends of air quality in Europe. Technical documents, about monitoring programmes for example, are presented under the air theme. European Environment Agency, Kongens Nytorv 6, DK-1050 Copenhagen K, Denmark - Phone: +45 3336 7100 and

92. SV Transportation Guide: Air Quality, Environmental, Health
air quality, environmental, Health Cost. The choice of transportationthat you choose has a greater effect on the environment
"The choice of transportation that you choose has a greater effect on the environment than any other choice you make as a consumer." -Union of Concerned Scientists. Although the air in the Bay Area is slowly getting cleaner, as cars get cleaner, today over 95 percent of Californians live in areas where the air quality does not meet federal health-based standards. This is because even though cars are getting cleaner, we are now diving more miles than ever before. The average car* emits one pound of toxic waste a day and 24 lbs. of C02. Although C02 is not classified as a pollutant, it is a major contributor to global warming. If one could collect the C02 emissions, this would be the equivalent to three extra garbage cans a week that we would have to haul out to the curb, assuming that we could take care of our "trash" that way. Due to less stringent pollution control requirements and poor gas mileage, SUVs pollute 3 to 5 times as much as passenger cars and emit twice as much C02. So consider using the "other car" for commuting and drive your SUV only when needed. This will also reduce the cost of your commute. Taking public transit or some alternative to driving alone just one day a week could cut our dirty air by 20% during the workweek. Trip linking, where you do several errands at one time, while the car is warmed up, can also help to reduce pollution. This is because the cars pollution control equipment does not have to warm up for each trip. Keeping your car tuned up and the tires properly inflated will also help you use less gas and run more efficiently.

93. Quality Air Care, A Breath Of Fresh Air
air quality services and products designed to improve the indoor environment. Offers online shopping.
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94. Indoor Environment Department, EETD, LBNL
indoor air quality (IAQ), thermal comfort and the health and productivity of buildingoccupants, and understanding human exposures to environmental pollutants
Indoor Environment Department The Indoor Environment Department conducts a broad program of research, technology development and dissemination activities directed toward improving the health, comfort and energy efficiency of the indoor environment. Our work focuses on reducing the energy used for thermally conditioning and distributing ventilation air in buildings, improving indoor air quality (IAQ), thermal comfort and the health and productivity of building occupants, and understanding human exposures to environmental pollutants found in indoor and outdoor air. Research Groups Research Highlights Report on IAQ Research Priorities Facilities ... Practical Information and Guidance
Energy Performance of Buildings Group
The Energy Performance of Buildings Group (EPB) works on problems associated with whole- building integration involving modeling, measurement, design and operation. Most of the Group's tasks have focused on the movement of air and the associated energy penalties. The major research areas of the group include the following:
  • Commercial building thermal distribution
  • Residential ventilation and energy
  • Residential thermal distribution
  • Ventilation standards
  • Ventilation rates, indoor pollutant transport, and effectiveness of ventilation in controlling exposures to indoor pollutants

95. Air Quality Division
human health and the natural environment, and enhance the quality of life in BrowardCounty by maintaining, protecting, and improving overall air quality. .
218 S.W. 1st Avenue
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301
Mission: "To safeguard human health and the natural environment, and enhance the quality of life in Broward County by maintaining, protecting, and improving overall air quality."
Broward County is located within the United States Environmental Protection Agency's (USEPA) designated Southeast Florida Airshed which consists of Miami-Dade, Palm Beach and Broward Counties. The main air pollutant of concern within the airshed is ozone. The air quality in Broward County is classified in the good range of the Air Quality Index over 90% of the year. The major source of air pollution in the airshed is motor vehicle emissions and as part of our mission we educate Broward county residents about the importance of good air quality and the things they can do to help keep the air clean. The Air Quality Division enforces federal, state, and local air pollution regulations through licensing and compliance activities and by promoting pollution prevention. We are responsible for the operation and maintenance of a comprehensive network of air quality monitoring stations throughout Broward County to make sure federal air pollution standards are met. Our staff also participates in local land use planning activities and informs the public about the importance of alternative means of transportation to help protect air quality. Air is an important natural resource that we sometimes take for granted. One of our major goals is educating Broward County residents about the things they can do to take action and improve air quality.

96. Air Quality
are important to life, but others can harm our health and the environment. key orpriority contaminants that provide a representative picture of air quality.
Home Environmental Reports Environmental Indicators Ecological Footprint ... How are the air indicators reported? Air Quality Indicators: Particles (PM Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitrogen Dioxide (NO Sulphur Dioxide (SO ... Benzene Useful Links: Ministry for the Environment's Air Quality pages Local Government New Zealand
Indicators of Air Quality in New Zealand
There are many contaminants in the air that we breathe. As we relax in our homes, drive our car, walk through the streets and exercise in the park, we are constantly breathing in contaminants. Some are important to life, but others can harm our health and the environment. It is impossible to monitor all the contaminants in the air so we must select key or priority contaminants that provide a representative picture of air quality. These priority contaminants are commonly referred to as indicators. When air quality indicators are measured and reported on they provide the following key information:
  • the state of New Zealand's air quality and potential health impacts
  • changes in air quality over time
  • whether we are progressing towards national and regional goals
  • regional and international comparisons.

97. National Transportation Library: Digital Collection: Browse Energy And Environme
air quality. 1000 Friends of Oregon Making the Land Use Transportation air qualityConnections The Pedestrian environment Volume 4A Full Text (HTML file

98. California Indoor Air Quality Program
Laboratory Indoor environment Department. New Buildings Institute Productivity Building Science Program. Texas Department of Health Indoor air quality Branch.
Infosheets and Related Links IAQ Topics:
Mold -related links! Indoor Ozone -related links! Air Cleaner -related links! Healthy Home -related links Healthy Schools -related links! Asbestos -related links! Radon -related links! Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) -related links! VOC -related links! Guidance for Hiring IAQ Consultants Other Indoor Air Quality ... Programs and Web Sites
Mold related web sites:
California Department of Health Services (CDHS) Infosheets: Mold in My Home: What Do I Do? (HTML) or (PDF) REVISED July 2001 Also available in Spanish: ¿Moho en Mi Casa: Que Hago? (March 1998) Mold in Workplace - HESIS Infosheet (in PDF) (March 2001) Mold in My School: What Do I Do? (July 2001) Fungi and Indoor Air Quality (May/June 1996) Health Effects of Toxin-Producing Molds in California (April 1998) (Nov. 2000) Misinterpretation of Stachybotrys Serology (Dec. 2000) State Health Department Issues Warning On Indoor Molds (March 1998) California DHS List of Laboratories for Bioaerosol (Mold) Testing California Research Bureau Report: Molds, Toxic Molds, and Indoor Air Quality

99. Division Of Air Resource Management - FDEP
Clean air is important to our health, our environment, and our Act and appropriateFlorida Statutes, monitoring the state’s air quality, administering Florida
Search: DEP Home About DEP Programs Contact ... Site Map Programs
Information Air Resource Management Highlights
As a leader in adopting clean air technologies,
Florida is one of just three states east of the Mississippi that currently meets all National Ambient Air Quality Standards, and the only highly urbanized state. Our Clean Air Florida web page has tips on how you can help keep Florida's air clean. While you're there, don't miss links to information about ozone levels throughout the state.
Florida's Innovative Citrus Program
Citrus legislation enacted in 2000 effectively changes the traditional case-by-case air pollution permitting of citrus juice processing plants in Florida. Further information and documents about this program are available on the new Florida's Innovative Citrus Program page.

100. SF Environment: Air Quality
No matter if the air quality is poor inside or outside there are many detrimentaleffects, not only to humans but also to the environment we live in including
sfgov residents business government ... go !
Air Quality
How does the air taste, feel, smell and look in your neighborhood? Chances are that wherever you live, the air is contaminated. Smoke, haze, dust, odors and toxic compounds are present almost everywhere, especially in metropolitan cities like San Francisco. The quality of San Francisco's air depends on many factors. Many people commute to work by car, garden with leaf blowers and use an array of electrical appliances. Practically every appliance runs directly or indirectly from fossil-fuel burning generators, which are one of the greatest sources of air pollutants in the Bay Area. Power plants, oil refineries, automobiles and other fossil-fuel powered appliances produce emissions such as carbon monoxide and sulfur dioxide. The increasing levels of air pollution in the Bay Area negatively affect everyone, especially those with respiratory diseases and asthma and also children. Air Quality in San Francisco has greatly increased in the last fifteen years thanks to Clean Air legislation and pressures on industry by government and nonprofit agencies. However, San Francisco and the Bay Area's air quality still does not meet the federal health standards for certain pollutants like nitrogen oxides. There are numerous sources of poor air quality in San Francisco including:
  • NITROGEN OXIDES from: power plants, industry and transportation processes

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