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         Air Quality:     more books (100)
  1. Indoor air quality and work environment study EPA headquarters buildings (SuDoc EP 1.2:IN 2/14/V.-) by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,
  2. Environmental Education: Compendium for Air Quality (Environment Education) by The California Department of Education, 1994
  3. Environmental impacts: Air quality, natural environment, noise (Issue paper / California Transportation Plan Task Force) by Wayne J Hoffman, 1976
  4. Indoor air quality and work environment study : Library of Congress Madison Building (SuDoc HE 20.7102:In 2/13/v.1-3) by U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, 1991
  5. Clean Air Act amendments: Joint hearing before the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations and the Subcommittee on Health and Environment of the Committee ... air quality standards, November 9, 1995 by United States, 1996
  6. Gas transfer at the air-sea interface by breaking waves (Report / Atmospheric Environment Service. Air Quality and Inter-Environmental Research Branch) by B. R Kerman, 1980
  7. Integrated air quality modelling for a designated air quality [An article from: Building and Environment] by D. Mumovic, J.M. Crowther, et all 2006-12-01
  8. Airliner Cabin Environment and the Health of Passengers and Crew by Committee on Air Quality in Passenger Cabins of Commercial Aircraft, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, et all 2002-01-15
  9. The effects of evaporating essential oils on indoor air quality [An article from: Atmospheric Environment] by H.J. Su, C.J. Chao, et all 2007-02-01
  10. Microbes in the indoor environment: A manual for the indoor air quality field investigator
  11. Temporal features in observed and simulated meteorology and air quality [An article from: Atmospheric Environment] by C. Hogrefe, P.S. Porter, et all 2006-08-01
  12. Modeling of episodic particulate matter events using a 3-D air quality [An article from: Atmospheric Environment] by Y.-J. Choi, P. Hyde, et all 2006-09-01
  13. The role of multimedia mass balance models for assessing the effects of volatile organic compound emissions on urban air quality [An article from: Atmospheric Environment] by K.L. Foster, S. Sharpe, et all 2006-05-01
  14. A pilot study of the influence of residential HAC duty cycle on indoor air quality [An article from: Atmospheric Environment] by J.W. Thornburg, C.E. Rodes, et all 2004-04-01

21. Polaris Environment
Environmental consultants for air quality; environmental impact assessment; environmental management and monitoring; serving Spain, UK, and Norway.
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European News International News Services ... About Polaris Environment Polaris Environment Polaris Environment is a leading organisation which provides free environmental consultancy services and information We are committed to serving our clients with the highest levels of professionalism, flexibility and consistency. We deliver solutions for leading business and government clients, assisting them to manage their environmental and related risks. Our primary focus is on balancing the needs of business and stakeholders with assets of the natural environment. The services offered by Polaris Environment are drawn up from a wide range of technical disciplines: - Air Quality - Ecology - Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) - Industrial Emissions Measurement At Polaris we believe that environmental concerns, social responsibilities and economic goals should work seamlessly together. POLARIS ENVIRONMENTAL NEWS Europe No New Runway at Heathrow International UN world water report: cities breeding mosquitoes and the poor paying too high a price Reverse production could solve electronic waste problems Organic food reduces pesticide residues in children Bicycle pumps and playgrounds solving energy problems You can e-mail us at:

22. Ecosystem Information - Renseignements Sur Les écosystèmes
A dynamic set of environmental indicators on priority issues for which environment Canada maintains monitoring programs, including ecological, water quality, and air quality indicators.
Important Notices Avis Importants Important Notices Avis Importants

23. GTRI | Electro-Optics, Environment And Materials Laboratory (EOEML)
s of basic and applied research programs in areas such as advanced materials, indoor air quality, hazardous wastes, and wastewater disposal.......A unit of Georgia Tech Research Institute, the applied research arm of Georgia Institute of Technology.
The Electro-Optics, Environment and Materials Laboratory (EOEML) of the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) pursues a broad spectrum of basic and applied research programs in such diverse areas as:
  • advanced synthesis and processing
  • composite ceramics
  • materials characterization
  • microporous solids
  • polymers
  • indoor air quality
  • hazardous wastes
  • pollution prevention
  • wastewater disposal.
EOEML's professional staff members are directly involved in research, technical assistance, outreach, training and technology transfer. They bring to their work a multidisciplinary perspective staff members working in occupational health and safety programs also are trained in areas such as hazardous waste management and engineering, for example. Research Areas Visit Our Divisions

24. International Centre For Indoor Environment And Energy
Based at Technical University of Denmark. Reports on research focusing on the effect of the indoor environment on humans, mainly thermal comfort and air quality.
The Centre Current research Organisation Staff ...
Selected publications issued before 1998
Recent news
Professor P. Ole Fangers Research Scholarship to Ph.D.-student Love Lagercrantz

Professor Peter V. Nielsen honoured by ASHRAE

Download the Centre's mid-term evaluation report (
pdf ...
Previously presented research results

International Centre for Indoor Environment and Energy Department of Mechanical Engineering Technical University of Denmark June 2004

25. ADEQ: Air Quality
The mission of the air quality Division is to protect and enhance public health andthe environment by controlling present and future sources of air pollution.
Keyword Search: Home Contact Us Help Subscribe BROWSE AIR QUALITY Air Quality Monitoring Compliance Permits Preventing Air Pollution ... Vehicle Emissions BROWSE BY CATEGORY About ADEQ ADEQ Newsroom Assistance Compliance ... Doing Business with ADEQ BROWSE BY PROGRAM Air Quality Waste Programs Water Quality AIR QUALITY Welcome to the ADEQ Air Quality Division The mission of the Air Quality Division is to protect and enhance public health and the environment by controlling present and future sources of air pollution.
  • Developing and implementing programs designed to ensure that Arizona meets national air quality standards Regulating the emission of air pollutants from industries and facilities by issuing and ensuring compliance with permits that ensure emissions are within healthful limits Developing state rules governing air quality standards
Air Quality Standards Other Jurisdictions

26. Welcome To AFM
Offers Safecoat and SafeChoice products, which are designed to prevent bad indoor air quality, provide healthy homes and offices, and protect the environment. Includes a list of products, dealers, tips for using the products, and photos of projects where the products were used.

27. - ÇáÑÆÇÓÉ ÇáÚÇãÉ ááÃÑÕÇÏ æÍãÇíÉ ÇáÈíÆÉ - Preside
Contains a short history and offers forecasts, satellite imagery, air quality, climate analysis, and specialized Early Warning and Aviation products. In Arabic and English.

28. EPA - Transportation And Air Quality
Protects public health and the environment by controlling air pollution and encouraging travel choices that minimize emissions.
Transportation and Air Quality Recent Additions Contact Us Print Version Search: EPA Home Transportation and Air Quality Overview: Pollutants
Consumer Information

Nonroad Engines, ...
EPA is announcing two additions to its series of Clean Diesel Programs . First, the Clean Air Nonroad Diesel Rule part of the suite of inter-related rules collectively known as the Clean Air Rules of 2004 , combines more stringent emission standards for engines used in nonroad diesel equipment with cleaner nonroad diesel fuel, which will result in significant environmental and public health benefits. In a separate action, EPA is announcing its intent to propose new emission standards for locomotives and marine diesel engines U.S. EPA's Office of Transportation and Air Quality (OTAQ) protects public health and the environment by controlling air pollution from motor vehicles, engines, and the fuels used to operate them, and by encouraging travel choices that minimize emissions. These "mobile sources" include cars and light trucks, large trucks and buses, nonroad recreational vehicles (such as dirt bikes and snowmobiles), farm and construction equipment, lawn and garden equipment, marine engines, aircraft, and locomotives.
Transportation and Air Quality key topics are:
Overview: Pollutants and Programs: Information on how much air pollution and greenhouse gases are emitted by mobile sources, the programs OTAQ has undertaken to control these emissions, and the impact of those programs on air quality and climate change.

29. EUROPA - Environment - Air Quality
The objective considered in the Sixth environment Action Programme is to achievelevels of air quality that do not give rise to unacceptable impacts on, and
en EUROPA European Commission Environment Policies ... Resources
Air Quality
Air pollution has been one of Europe’s main political concerns since the late 1970s. European Union policy on air quality aims to develop and implement appropriate instruments to improve air quality. The control of emissions from mobile sources, improving fuel quality and promoting and integrating environmental protection requirements into the transport and energy sector are part of these aims. The Sixth Environment Action Programme (EAP), "Environment 2010: Our future, Our choice" , includes Environment and Health as one of the four main target areas where new effort is needed. Air pollution is one of the issues included under Environment and Health. Whilst overall air quality trends in the Community are encouraging, continued efforts and vigilance are still needed. The objective considered in the Sixth Environment Action Programme is to achieve levels of air quality that do not give rise to unacceptable impacts on, and risks to, human health and the environment. The Community is acting at many levels to reduce exposure to air pollution: through EC legislation, through work at the wider international level in order to reduce cross-border pollution, through working with sectors responsible for air pollution and with national, regional authorities and NGOs, and through research. The focus for the next ten years will be implementation of air quality standards and coherency of all air legislation and related policy initiatives.

30. Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij
Public Flemish institution that prepares and implements policy. Summary if its activities, contact information and information on air and water quality.
Vlaamse Milieumaatschappij: Vlaamse Openbare Instelling die via onderzoek en metingen het leefmilieubeleid mee helpt bijsturen en voorbereiden. Zij rapporteert over de kwaliteit van het leefmilieu in het algemeen en lucht en water in het bijzonder. De VMM beheert de kwaliteit van het oppervlaktewater afvalwater, broeikaseffect, CO2, dioxine, educatie, heffingen, investeringsprogramma, klimaat, lucht, luchtkwaliteit, MAP, milieu, milieubeleid, milieuheffing, milieurapport, milieuvergunning, mira, oppervlaktewater, ozon, pesticiden, riolering, RWZI, vlaamse milieumaatschappij, VMM, water, waterkwaliteit, waterverontreiniging, waterzuivering, zwemwater

31. EUROPA - Environment - Air Pollution - Ambient Air Quality
air. In 1996, the environment Council adopted Framework Directive96/62/EC on ambient air quality assessment and management. This
en EUROPA European Commission Environment Policies ... Resources
Ambient Air Quality
Air Quality is one of the areas in which Europe has been most active in recent years. The EC aim has been to develop an overall strategy through the setting of long-term air quality objectives. A series of Directives has been introduced to control levels of certain pollutants and to monitor their concentrations in the air. In 1996, the Environment Council adopted Framework Directive 96/62/EC A Community-wide procedure for the exchange of information and data on ambient air quality in the European Community is established by the Council Decision 97/101/EC . The decision introduces a reciprocal exchange of information and data relating to the networks and stations set up in the Member States to measure air pollution and the air quality measurements taken by those stations. The information exchange relates to the pollutants listed in Annex I of Directive 96/62/EC . The Annexes of the Decision were amended by Commision Decision 2001/752/EC . A Guidance report on the Annexes to Decision 97/101/EC pdf on Exchange of Information as revised by Decision 2001/752/EC is now available.

32. Aviation Environment Federation - AEF
Deals with the adverse environmental impacts of aviation, including noise, air quality, climate change and sustainability issues.
UK Government's Air Transport White Paper
Please Click Here

or visit
"Airport Watch"

Join the AEF
and help support our work!
Contact the AEF
The AEF is a UK based not-for-profit Non-Governmental Organisation that works exclusively on the environmental impacts of aviation. The AEF promotes a sustainable future for aviation which fully recognises, and takes account of, all its environmental and amenity effects. We work closely with local, national and international decision-makers to achieve this objective, having representation on UK Government and European Commission working groups and observer status to the environmental committee of the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO).
Latest News - Click here for full list of AEF's latest news
Westminster Hall Debate - The Air Transport White Paper
Hansard's Full Text Bulletin Board Topics Discussion Document: A New Compensation Scheme for Homeowners around UK Airports
Noise from Light Aircraft in the East Anglia Region

Links AirportWatch Airfields Environment Trust GreenSkies International Coalition for Sustainable Aviation Aviation Environment Federation (AEF) ::Home:: ::News:: ::About Us:: ::Membership Information:: ... ::Search::

33. Border EcoWeb Home Page: Border EcoWeb Is Designed To Facilitate Public Access T
Clearinghouse for information about the environment along the border. Includes articles, publications lists, and links on topics including water supply and quality, air pollution, environmental health, hazardous waste, regional NGOs, and current issues.

34. Environment Canada: Clean Air - Introduction
Site Map, Clean air, What s New. April 1, 2004 environment Canada positionson US EPA regulatory proposals for air quality and mercury.
What's New
April 1, 2004
Environment Canada positions on U.S. EPA regulatory proposals for air quality and mercury
The are strong links between air pollution and health problems, especially for the elderly, children and for those with respiratory and cardiac problems. A large number of studies, including some from the Government of Canada, the Ontario Medical Association and the Toronto Public Health Department show that air pollution can lead to premature death, increased hospital admissions, more emergency room visits and higher rates of absenteeism. While progress is being made to improve air quality, we still have a lot to do and everyone (inviduals, communities and governments) has a role to play. On your journey through this site, find out more about the sources of air pollution, their impact on the quality of the air we breathe and on your health, the actions undertaken by governments and communities and the activities you and your community can adopt to help clean the air.
I Want to Learn More About:
What's New About Us Topics Publications ... Canada Site The Green Lane TM , Environment Canada's World Wide Web site Important Notices

35. CCHRP Home Page
Joint venture between UConn and the Connecticut Department of transportation that addresses issues of air quality and the environment, public transit, intelligent vehicle highway systems, transportation planning, GIS, highway safety, bridges, transportation administration and management, and construction and materials.
We are located on the
Depot Campus of
University of Connecticut.
Send mail to:
179 Middle Turnpike, Unit 5202
Storrs, CT 06269-5202
Ph: (860) 486-5400
Fax: (860) 486-2399 Contact Us Connecticut Department
of Transportation
H. James Boise
L. Brian Castler Arthur W. Gruhn - Vice Chairman Keith R. Lane University of Connecticut Lisa Aultman-Hall John T. DeWolf - Chairman Ian Greenshields Erling Smith James M. Sime, Secretary Connecticut Dept. of Transportation Stephanie G. Merrall, Coordinator University of Connecticut Last Updated: March 27, 2003. Contact web site manager with comments or questions about this site.

36. Environment Agency - Air Quality
Several organisations in England and Wales are involved in improving air quality.The environment Agency plays a major role by regulating the release of

37. The Kansas Department Of Health And Environment
A site for information Kansas birth, death and marriage records, as well as air quality, waste management, water quality, lab information.
KDHE Search Most Popular Destinations Birth/Death/Marriage Certificates
Kansas Oral Health Initiative

Child Care Lic. and Regulation

Office of Local and Rural Health
Health Occupations Credentialing
Bioterrorism Links Kansas Bioterrorism Program
Health Alert Network Website
Chemical / Hazmat Links Chemical Spills and Events
Clandestine Meth Labs

Mercury Spills
Job Opportunities With the State of Kansas ... Kansas Statute Search KDHE's Mission To optimize the promotion and protection of the health of Kansans through efficient and effective public health programs and services and through preservation, protection, and remediation of natural resources of the environment. What's New at KDHE? KDHE News Releases Updated
Public Notice - Radiation Fee Regulations

ZIPS Newsletter - June, 2004

Guidelines for Serving Students With Special Health Care Needs
... Immunization Manual Updated Hot Topics for June Public Notice Radiation Fee Regulations Kansas Primary Drinking Water Regulation Package Redevelopment Opportunities ... School-Age Programs and Drop-In Programs Regulations Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccination is going to be required for school entry in Kansas for the

38. Environment Agency - Air Quality Facts & Figures
Sources of information on air quality in your area, emissions to air and pollution incidents.

39. A Study Of Environmental And Health Consequences Of Oil Spills In Nigeria's Nige
Investigation by three Nigerian environmental scientists on the impact of continuous oil spills in the Niger Delta, covering human health, air quality, fish health, and agriculture.
Urhobo Historical Society OIL SPILLAGE
COMPLETE CONTACT ADDRESS: International Association for Impact Assessment Nigeria (IAIA)
#13 Ekere Street, Rumuomasi, P. O. Box 5161, T/Amadi, Port Harcourt
Nigeria. Tel/Fax: 084-2344622

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40. N.C. Department Of Environment And Natural Resources (NCDENR) : Division Of Air
NC Department of environment and Natural Resources. Home, Events Calendar, StaffDirectory, Contact DAQ, Search. air quality Officials Issue Health Notice.
Home Events Calendar Staff Directory Contact DAQ ... Think. Act. Breathe. North Carolina Division of Air Quality - 1641 Mail Service Center - Raleigh, NC 27699-1641 - (919) 733-3340

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