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61. OMEX - Leaders In Liquids For Agriculture, Environment, Nutrition And Export OMEX agriculture. OMEX Environmental. OMEXAgrifluids. OMEX Nutrition. Image Loading. http://www.omex.co.uk/ |
62. RCE: Rutgers Cooperative Extension Focuses on issues and needs relating to agriculture and the environment; management of natural resources; food safety, quality, and health; family stability; economic security; and youth development in the state of New Jersey. http://www.rce.rutgers.edu/ | |
63. ADAS International Consultancy and research organization for agriculture and food, rural development and environment in the United Kingdom and overseas. http://www.adas-international.com/ |
64. EEA - Agriculture Collection of indicators, reports, links, data sets and targets on topics related to European agriculture and the environment. http://themes.eea.eu.int/Sectors_and_activities/agriculture | |
65. Topics In Kansas History: Agriculture, Environment Colonies, Land Acquisition. Corporate Farming, Livestock. Crops, Sustainable agriculture.environment, Technology. Farm Organizations, Village Farmers (1000 1200 AD). http://www.kshs.org/research/topics/agriculture/environment.htm | |
66. EMBO - Promoting Molecular Biology In Europe. Browse Points of Discussion, Food, agriculture, environment. FAO The Food and agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The http://www.embo.org/projects/scisoc/showLinks.php?id=101&parent=1 |
67. EarthTrends: The Environmental Information Portal An environmental information portal for researching global topics. Select one of a number of environment topics, such as water resources, climate and atmosphere, population and health, energy resources, or agriculture and food. http://earthtrends.wri.org/ | |
68. Western Organization Of Resource Councils A network of six state grassroots organizations working for change on the environment and family agriculture. http://www.worc.org/ | |
69. UMBI Homepage Specializing in biotechnology research in order to improve human health, marine environment, agriculture and protein development. Explains in detail about the purpose of each of the five research centers. Includes news releases and education outreach project information. http://www.umbi.umd.edu/index.html | |
70. Fighting The Population/Agriculture/Environment Nexus In Sub-Saharan Africa Fighting the Population/agriculture/environment Nexus in SubSaharan Africa.Sub-Saharan Africa s demographic, agriculture and environmental http://www.worldbank.org/afr/findings/english/find28.htm | |
71. Horticultural Engineering - Rutgers University Coordinates agricultural engineering, plant science, computer science and control theory to engineer growing systems. http://www.cook.rutgers.edu/~horteng/ | |
72. UF/IFAS EDIS Homepage Printable handbooks from the University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences on production agriculture, natural resources and the environment, forestry, veterinary medicine, and rural development. Topics include crops, animals, organics, pest control, food safety, beekeeping, ornamental horticulture, lawns and home gardening. http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/index.html | |
73. CESP Publication - Agriculture, Environment And Biosafety Publications. Media. Support CESP. agriculture, environment and BiosafetyRegulation. Book chapter. Authors Donald Kennedy Henry Miller. http://cesp.stanford.edu/publications/10561/ |
74. SUSTAIN : Home Sustain The alliance for better food and farming advocates food and agriculture policies and practices that enhance the health and welfare of people and animals, improve the working and living environment, promote equity and enrich society and culture. http://www.sustainweb.org/ | |
75. Agriculture, Environment, Animal Services Job Profile Directory JobProfiles.org. About JobProfiles.org, Search, Donate, Email. agriculture,Food Services Natural Resources Directory. agriculture, Animal http://www.jobprofiles.org/agr.htm | |
76. Agro Consulting S.A. - Agrobusiness And Organic Farming A Uruguayan company with an office in Spain offering advice in China, Mediterranean countries, Latin America and Europe on agriculture, environment and agroprocessing, including organic production and project evaluation and management. http://www.agro-sa.com | |
77. UA Controlled Environmental Agriculture Center Details of the center, and of growing crops by protected cultivation. http://ag.arizona.edu/ceac | |
78. Home Page Of The Research Foundation Site provides information on the Foundation's work on agricultural biodiversity conservation and protection of people's rights, livelihoods and environment from centralised systems of monoculture in forestry, agriculture and fisheries. Links to many national and global movements. http://www.vshiva.net/ | |
79. Sustainable Animal Production - Visions For The 21th Century Download the proceedings of a series of conferences (held October 1999 through October 2000) on future supply and quality of food for humans and animals, animal welfare and health, the effects of animal production on the environment, the influences of new technologies, future animal production sites and global trade. http://www.agriculture.de | |
80. Agriculture, Agribusiness & Environment Consultants / Consultants & Experts En A An international network of professional agriculture, agribusiness and environment consultants. Web site is designed to enable visitors find a consultant from the network database or post an anonymous contract opportunity. http://www.agriversal.com | |
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