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21. Food Environment Agriculture Consulting (Henry Brown) Previously a senior civil servant in the United Kingdom Ministry of agriculture, Henry Brown offers advice on strategic analysis, grant applications, foodchain collaboration and industrial crops to an international clientele. http://www.henrybrown.net/ | |
22. AccessIndiana :: Agriculture And Environment Related Agencies. Board of Animal Health; Commissioner of agriculture; Departmentof environmental Management; Show Navigation agriculture and environment. Team Ag http://www.in.gov/ai/ag_environment/ | |
23. Indianapolis OnLine: Agriculture & Environment Search the Site. Concept. Keyword(s) Search Tips. A project of. Collaboration 2000, Inc. Copyright copy. 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999. Indianapolis OnLine. agriculture environment. Local and State Sites. Ag Answers. AgriLogic. Farm Bureau. Gardening National and International Sites. agriculture Online. Empowerment Zone and Enterprise Community http://www.indianapolis.in.us/home/agric.htm | |
24. SD : People : Asia's Women In Agriculture, Environment And Rural Production : IN labour is underestimated  There are high degrees of interstate and intra-statevariations in gender roles in agriculture, environment and rural production. http://www.fao.org/sd/WPdirect/WPre0108.htm | |
25. New Zealand Digital Library New Zealand Digital Library Project provides full text access to publications in the fields of agriculture, biodiversity, climate change, environmental impact assessment, energy, health, natural resources, policy, sustainable development, waste management and water. http://www.nzdl.org/cgi-bin/library?a=p&p=about&c=envl |
26. EUROPA - Environment - Environment And Agriculture European Commission environment - The task of the agriculture sector in the environment DG is to pursue the integration of environmental concerns into the Common Agricultural Policy. European http://europa.eu.int/comm/environment/agriculture | |
27. Environment And Natural Resouces Series No. 4 Development Department Organic agriculture, environment and food security.edited by Nadia ElHage Scialabba and Caroline Hattam. FOOD http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/005/Y4137E/y4137e00.htm | |
28. Home Official web site of the St. Lucia Ministry of agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and the environment http://www.slumaffe.org/ | |
29. Environment - Department Of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection We work with the landowner and other government agencies to promote public healththrough sound environmental practices in protecting the land and promoting http://datcp.state.wi.us/core/environment/ | |
30. US Senator Sam Brownback Agriculture, Environment, And Energy agriculture, environment, and Energy. PRESS RELEASES. agriculture, environment,and Energy Press Releases. RESOURCES. Kansas Dept. of agriculture. http://brownback.senate.gov/LIAgEnvEnergyText.htm |
31. Phototheque Provides free pictures by Bruno Locatelli about environment, forests, deforestation, agriculture, biodiversity, water and soil resources all around the world. http://membres.lycos.fr/bktm/ | |
32. US Senator Sam Brownback Agriculture, Environment Energy agriculture, environment ENERGY The issues affecting agriculture, theenvironment and energy policy are of particular importance to Kansas. http://brownback.senate.gov/LIAgEnvEnergy.cfm |
33. Eden Foundation Working for the preservation of biodiversity, against monoculture agriculture, and for better ways for humans to live in harmony with their environment. http://www.eden-foundation.org/ | |
34. World Food RD Ltd. International Society Of Food, agriculture and environment. ISFAE. Welcome to the International Society of Food, agriculture and environment. The value of a http://www.world-food.net/scientjourn.php | |
35. Faculty Of Agricultural And Environmental Sciences can earn internationally recognized degrees at the undergraduate and graduate levelin the fields of natural sciences, environment, agriculture, food, applied http://www.mcgill.ca/macdonald/ | |
36. National Agricultural Biotechnology Council US body, sponsors meetings and forums to discuss biotechnology issues as they apply to agriculture and the environment. Lists goals and meetings. http://www.cals.cornell.edu/extension/nabc/ | |
37. Green Party Of Iran - Hezb-e-sabz Hayeh Iran Includes news articles about Iran's drought, air and water pollution, agriculture, flora and fauna. http://www.iran-e-sabz.org/news/news.html | |
38. The National Grange Rural family fraternity founded in 1867, the nation's oldest general farm organization. The Grange is comprised of families and individuals who share a common interest in community involvement, agriculture, and working together in a family environment. http://www.nationalgrange.org/ | |
39. BMLFUW Austrian Federal Ministry Of Agriculture, Forestry, Environment And Water Translate this page agriculture, Forestry, environment, Water, Foodstuffs, Ministry,Austria, Europe. BMLFUW Austrian Federal Ministry of agriculture http://www.lebensministerium.at/en/ | |
40. Willkommen Im Bundesministerium Für Land- Und Forstwirtschaft, Umwelt Und Wasse Provides details of statutes and responsiblities, news releases, photos and publications. http://www.lebensministerium.at/ | |
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