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61. ASLO: Employment And Funding Resources for employment in the aquatic sciences. http://aslo.org/employment.html | |
62. Welcome To Project Oceanography Skip Main Page, Some links in our program video section may not be accessible at this time. Please be patient as we are improving our site. http://www.marine.usf.edu/pjocean/ | |
63. EOA Scientific Internet Campus Find educational information and interactive multimedia resources in earth science,geology,oceanography,space science, astronomy, physical science, and remote sensing. http://www.eoascientific.com/prototype/newcampus/campus.html | |
64. Marine Sciences Program At Avery Point - University Of Connecticut Information on courses offered and credits required. http://www.marinesciences.uconn.edu/academic/oceanographyminor.html | |
65. BUBL LINK: 551.46 Oceanography Home Search Subject Menus AZ Dewey Countries Types Updates Random About. 551.46 oceanography. See also marine biology. http://link.bubl.ac.uk/oceanography/ | |
66. Polar Science Center A unit of the Applied Physics Laboratory at the University of Washington that studies of oceanography, meteorology, and ice conditions in the Arctic. http://psc.apl.washington.edu/ |
67. Geology 105 Home Page General oceanography Geology 105 Fall 2003 San José State University. Greensheet MonWed Schedule Tues Thurs. Schedule Plug-in Downloads http://geosun1.sjsu.edu/~dreed/105.html | |
68. GERG GERG is a center of excellence in applied geosciences with expertise in geochemistry, oceanography, environmental/analytical chemistry, atmospheric sciences, marine chemistry, ecology, marine biology, physical oceanography, toxicology, and other environmental fields. http://www-gerg.tamu.edu/ |
69. Nasa Oceanography Home Page Graphic link says Oceans Quiz and will take you to the Oceans Quiz and Chat section Graphic link says Home and will take you to the oceanography Home Page http://oceans.nasa.gov/ | |
70. Atmospheric Science At Dalhousie University The Dalhousie program collaborates with related research in physics and oceanography, and the new Atlantic Environmental Prediction research. http://www.atm.dal.ca/ | |
71. The Department Of Oceanography At The University Of Hawai`i At Manoa Welcome to the website of the Department of oceanography at the University of Hawai`i at Manoa. Text-only version. http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/oceanography/ | |
72. School Of Ocean And Earth Science And Technology (SOEST) Biology (HIMB) Hawaii Natural Energy Institute (HNEI) Meteorology Department (MET) Ocean and Resources Engineering Department (ORE) oceanography Department (OCE http://www.soest.hawaii.edu/ | |
73. View Archives Journal of Physical oceanography. View Archives. Journal of Physical oceanography Volume 34 (2004) Author Index; Volume 33 (2003) Author Index; http://ams.allenpress.com/amsonline/?request=get-archive&issn=1520-0485 |
74. Journal Of Physical Oceanography An American Meteorological Society Journal available online. http://ams.allenpress.com/amsonline/ | |
75. Center For Coastal Physical Oceanography/ College Of Sciences Overview Graduate Program. Research Organizations. Professional Opportunities. People. Monthly Chesapeake Bay Mouth Climatology. OLD http://www.ccpo.odu.edu/ | |
76. Satlab Contains the Ocean Atlas of Hawai'i, WOCE Mean Scatterometer Wind Fields, Adriatic Sea Sea Surface Temperature Images, XSAR user kit, and an introduction to physical oceanography. http://satftp.soest.hawaii.edu/ |
77. Page Not Found Boy Scout Merit Badge Requirements. oceanography. Name four branches of oceanography. List of oceanography Resources. WWW Virtual Library oceanography. http://www.meritbadge.com/bsa/mb/079.htm | |
78. Naval Pacific Meteorology And Oceanography Center, San Diego, CA Official website for NPMOC, San Diego, CA http://www.npmoc-sd.navy.mil |
79. Ocean free online course in oceanography, looking at the physical properties of water ,seawaterocean and ocean circulation and the dynamics. oceanography. http://www.odysseyexpeditions.org/oceanography.htm | |
80. Oceanography In Atlantic Canada An interactive exercise which explores animal adaptations, specifically fish camouflage. Users drag fish images to their correct location in the ocean based on their camouflage. http://www.eoascientific.com/interactive/animal_adaptations_animals_which_camouf | |
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