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21. Glossary Of Physical Oceanography And Related Disciplines Maintained by Steven K. Baum, Department of oceanography, Texas A M University. Browsable. Large bibliography. http://stommel.tamu.edu/~baum/paleo/ocean/ocean.html | |
22. List Of Oceanography Resources oceanography Resources on the Internet. The following is a list of some of the oceanography resources that can be found on the Internet. http://www.esdim.noaa.gov/ocean_page.html | |
23. Bedford Institute Of Oceanography A center for ocean research, it studies the marine and coastal habitat. It surveys, measures, describes and charts Canada's oceans, seas, rivers and lakes. Extensive links to oceanographic and geosciences and the fishery. http://www.bio.gc.ca/ENTER/INDEX_ENG.HTM | |
24. Oceanography Offers a program leading to MSc and PhD degrees in oceanography and Atmospheric Science. http://www.dal.ca/~wwwocean/ | |
25. CCS - Stellwagen Bank - A Guide To The Natural History Of This Marine Sanctuary. Underwater plateau of sand just offshore of the Massachusetts coast and a place of biodiversity. Information on oceanography, whale rescue, research, programs, endangered species, programs and projects. http://www.coastalstudies.org/stellwagen/index.htm | |
26. Oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center Part of the Earth Observing System Data Information System, the Physical oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center is responsible for archiving http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://podaac.jpl.nasa.gov/&y=021165AA928A3 |
27. Careers In Oceanography oceanography And Your Career. What is oceanography? There are two types of oceanographers in the Naval Meteorology and oceanography Command. http://pao.cnmoc.navy.mil/PAO/Educate/career-o.htm | |
28. Skidaway Institute Of Oceanography Skidaway Institute of oceanography, The Skidaway Institute of oceanography (SkIO) is an autonomous research unit of the University System of Georgia. http://www.skio.peachnet.edu/ | |
29. Center For Coastal Physical Oceanography Promotes research on the physical oceanography of the coastal ocean and related oceanographic processes. http://www.ccpo.odu.edu/ccpo-main.html | |
30. Sea Grant In The Mid-Atlantic Region: Jobs, Internships & RFPs Mostly academic internships, fellowships and job postings in oceanography and related fields. http://www.mid-atlantic.seagrant.org/Jobs/ | |
31. Physical Oceanography DAAC Home Page The Physical oceanography Distributed Active Archive Center (PO.DAAC) is responsible for archiving and distributing data relevant to the physical state of the http://podaac-www.jpl.nasa.gov/ | |
32. The Great Web Of Science Providing links for science, astronomy, biology, chemistry, electronics, medicine, meteorology, oceanography,physics and space. http://www.imagine-Hawaii.com/science.html | |
33. IOLR - Israel Oceanographic & Limnological Research Institute staff conduct a multifaceted research program in the fields of oceanography and marine biotechnology. http://marine.ocean.org.il/goto.dbm?URL=NIO |
34. Scripps Institution Of Oceanography Archives Inventories, contact information, and access policies. Features a chronology and bibliography on the history of the Institution, and digitized photographs. http://scilib.ucsd.edu/sio/archives/index.html | |
35. TAMU Oceanography: Oceanography Careers oceanography Careers. To view the PDFs, you need the Free Adobe Acrobat Reader.. Information for prospective Texas A M oceanography students http://www-ocean.tamu.edu/Careers/ | |
36. Bibliographies In Oceanography And Related Areas Lists of published scientific research categorized by subject. http://scilib.ucsd.edu/sio/guide/bibliographies.html |
37. ScienceDirect - Progress In Oceanography - List Of Issues JSTOR Limnology and oceanographyLimnology and oceanography. JSTOR coverage Vols. Journal Information for Limnology and oceanography. Publisher American Society of Limnology and oceanography http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/00796611 | |
38. Careers & Jobs In Marine Biology & Oceanography Careers Jobs in Marine Biology oceanography. Careers in Marine Science Mote Marine Lab; Careers in oceanography - Texas A M Sea Grant Program; http://www-marine.stanford.edu/HMSweb/careers.html | |
39. Canadian Meteorological And Oceanographic Society, La Société Canadienne De Mà Mission is the advancement of meteorology and oceanography in Canada. Provides information on services, membership and links. http://www.meds-sdmm.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/cmos/ | |
40. WAFO. Wave Analysis For Fatigue And Oceanography free A toolbox for statistical analysis and simulation of random waves and random loads. http://www.maths.lth.se/matstat/wafo | |
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