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1. :: SCRIPPS INSTITUTION OF OCEANOGRAPHY :: Scripps Institution of oceanography today is world renowned for its preeminence in scientific disciplines relating to biology, physics, chemistry, climatology http://sio.ucsd.edu/ | |
2. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Oceanography oceanography The oceanography Virtual Library has moved to http//www.mth.uea.ac.uk/ocean/vl/. This screen should redirect in three seconds! http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/ocean/oceanography.html | |
3. American Society Of Limnology And Oceanography: Welcome Page Top/Science/Earth_Sciences/Associations http://aslo.org/ | |
4. Oceanography The Official Magazine Of The Oceanography Society oceanography. The Official Magazine of The oceanography Society. oceanography exists to promote and chronicle all aspects of ocean science and its applications. http://www.tos.org/tosmag/ | |
5. Texas A&M University: Department Of Oceanography - Main Page TAMU oceanography website http://www-ocean.tamu.edu/ | |
6. Redirection The University of Washington School of oceanography http://www.ocean.washington.edu/ | |
7. Scripps Institution Of Oceanography Library Libraries at UCSD . Scripps Institution of oceanography . San Diego's Ocean Southwest Fisheries Science Center, NMFS . oceanography Earth Science MegaSites . Web Indexes http://scilib.ucsd.edu/sio | |
8. Physical Oceanography This bimonthly journal publishes original articles on research from CIS countries on the dynamics of the ocean, observational data analyses and methods of estimating oceanic fields. Issues include experimental and research results obtained from expeditions at sea, oceanographic data from satelliteborne systems, mathematical modelling of marine systems, and automation of research carried out in seas and oceans. http://www.vsppub.com/journals/jn-PhyOce.html | |
9. ONR Science & Technology Focus: Oceanography This site is packed with exciting ocean facts and information. We ve even included some cool naval discoveries. More than 70 percent http://www.onr.navy.mil/focus/ocean/ | |
10. ASLO: Limnology And Oceanography Limnology and oceanography. Limnology and oceanography (ISSN 00243590) publishes original articles about all aspects of limnology and oceanography. http://aslo.org/lo/ | |
11. A Brief History Of Marine Biology And Oceanography Historical overview of marine sciences from the bronze age to the 20th century, with images and a timeline. http://www.meer.org/mbhist.htm | |
12. Naval European Meteorology And Oceanography Center - Rota, Spain The Navy's center for production/distribution weather and oceanography products within Europe, continental Africa, the Mediterranean, Baltic and Black Seas. http://www.nemoc.navy.mil |
13. Oceanography oceanography This World Wide Web (WWW) site, maintained by the US Office of Naval Research for students and teachers, contains information about the ocean and its inhabitants. The site is divided http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.onr.navy.mil/focus/ocean/&y=02DD |
14. The World-Wide Web Virtual Library: Oceanography VL oceanography oceanography. Information categorised by subject. For such information try posting to the sci.geo.oceanography news group. http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/ocean/vl/ | |
15. Southampton Oceanography Centre The Southampton oceanography Centre, a joint venture between the University of Southampton and the Natural Environment Research Council (NERC), is a world http://www.soc.soton.ac.uk/ | |
16. The Division On Earth And Life Studies Scope includes atmospheric sciences, climate, oceanography, solidearth sciences, radioactive waste management, polar research, environmental science and toxicology, natural disasters, and water science. Commission reports cover scientific/technical aspects of public policy issues in these areas. http://www7.nationalacademies.org/dels/ | |
17. Progress In Oceanography publishes the longer, more comprehensive papers that most oceanographers feel are necessary, on occasion, to do justice to their work. The articles cover the entire spectrum of disciplines within the science of oceanography. Essential reading for all oceanographers. An Elsevier Science Journal. http://www.elsevier.com/locate/pocean | |
18. WWW Virtual Library Oceanography WWW Virtual Library oceanography oceanography Virtual Library is a division of WWW Virtual Library http//www.vlib.org/. This document contains some pointers to information on oceanography http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.mth.uea.ac.uk/ocean/vl/&y=024DC8 |
19. The Oceanography Society The oceanography Society was founded in 1988 to disseminate knowledge of oceanography and its application through research and education, to promote http://www.tos.org/ | |
20. Oceanography In Atlantic Region Of Canada Highlights research that is taking place in the Atlantic Region of Canada, including fisheries management, aquaculture, hydrography, marine ecology and chemistry, oil exploration, and careers. http://www.eoascientific.com/oceanography/index.html | |
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