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61. Uppsala: Quaternary Geology Conducts research on topics such as paleoecology and cosmogenic isotopes, in Sweden and around the world. Includes course listings, news, publications, downloadable software, and links. http://www.kv.geo.uu.se | |
62. Information Pages On Baja California, Mexico One of the oldest and most comprehensive Baja sites, with information on topics from climate to geology to history to whales. http://math.ucr.edu/~ftm/baja.html | |
63. Mines & Geology - Redirect We have a new name, and a new home! The Division of Mines and geology is now the California Geological Survey. Our new web address is www.consrv.ca.gov/cgs. http://www.consrv.ca.gov/dmg/ | |
64. Bath Royal Literary And Scientific Institution Study of geology, natural history and ethnology; featuring fossil collection of William Smith, 'father of English geology.' http://www.bath.ac.uk/BRSI | |
65. University Of Calgary, Geology And Geophysics geology and Geophysics, University of Calgary Formed in 1963, the Department of geology and Geophysics is a vibrant cornerstone of the University of Calgary. http://www.geo.ucalgary.ca/ | |
66. Geological Survey Of Canada (Atlantic) Earth science for teachers and students. Search on geology, archeology, rocks and minerals, conservation, the greenhouse effect, ice ages and glaciers, planets and space, or (deep breath) geoscience careers. http://gsca.nrcan.gc.ca/education/EarthNet/ | |
67. Oil And Gas Consulting - Advanced Resources International, Inc. Provides consulting services in geology/geophysics, petroleum engineering and strategic planning, with particular expertise in unconventional natural gas resources. http://www.Adv-Res.com | |
68. Journal Of Glacial Geology And Geomorphology Glacial geology and Geomorphology is an electronic journal of The British Geomorphological Research Group developed by The Queen s University of Belfast and http://boris.qub.ac.uk/ggg/ | |
69. GeoClio Home Page Information on research in the history of geology and Earth Sciences links, news of upcoming meetings, and recent publications. http://geoclio.st.usm.edu/ | |
70. Geology Adventures Homepage geology Adventures provides collecting opportunities and learning experiences to over 1000 people per year. Just What is geology Adventures? http://www.geologyadventures.com/ | |
71. Stable Isotope Suppliers An extensive list from UVM. http://www.uvm.edu/~geology/geowww/suppliers.html | |
72. UW-Madison Geology Museum University of Wisconsin Department of geology and Geophysics. Last Updated March 22, 2004, Copyright © 19962004 the Friends of the geology Museum. http://www.geology.wisc.edu/~museum/ | |
73. Title Of JSEG Has more than 2,400 members from industrial, academic and governmental organizations to promote research and technologies on engineering geology and to improve mutual communications in this field. http://wwwsoc.nii.ac.jp/jseg/index-e.html | |
74. UW-Madison Department Of Geology And Geophysics - Redirect Dept. of geology Geophysics, University of WisconsinMadison 1215 W Dayton St. Madison WI 53706. Tel (608) 262-8960. Fax (608) 262-0693. http://www.geology.wisc.edu/ |
75. Nearctica The Natural History Of North America Comprehensive site including education, natural history, conservation, environment, ecology, evolution, geology, paleontology, and systematics. http://www.nearctica.com/ | |
76. Structural Geology And Metamorphic Petrology On The WWW Structural geology and Metamorphic Petrology on the WWW. by Jürgen Kraus. The Canadian Original Site US Mirror German Version Japanese Version . http://craton.geol.brocku.ca/guest/jurgen/struct.htm | |
77. Youth Science Institute Home Page Three nature centers in California's Santa Clara County (Silicon Valley) are dedicated to educating in science through experiential learning with classes for schools groups and individuals and exhibits featuring native animals, geology, dinosaurs, birds, insects, and a variety of natural science topics. http://www.ysi-ca.org | |
78. Coastal And Marine Geology Program - U.S. Geological Survey The US Geological Survey s Coastal and Marine geology Program studies issues in deepwater, coastal, estuarine, and lacustrine realms, such as coral reefs, gas http://marine.usgs.gov/ | |
79. BGC Engineering Geo-consultants Specialist consulting services in applied earth sciences, with specific emphasis on the application of geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering, and engineering geology. http://www.bgcengineering.ca/ | |
80. Earth Sciences:University Of Bristol Internationally renowned for its reasearch, the department offers undergraduate degree courses in geology (BSc and MSci) and Environmental Geoscience (BSc and http://www.gly.bris.ac.uk/ | |
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