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61. American Mineralogist - An International Journal Of Earth And Planetary Material The journal of the Mineralogical Society of America (MSA), publishes the results of original scientific research in the general fields of mineralogy, crystallography, geochemistry, and petrology. http://www.minsocam.org/MSA/AmMin/AmMineral.html | |
62. HiBAm - Hydrology And Geochemistry Of The Amazon Basin HiBAm is an international research project (Brazil, Ecuador, Bolivia and France) for the study of the Amazon basin hydrology and geochemistry. http://www.unb.br/ig/hibam/hibam.htm | |
63. Geochemistry Department The Earth Sciences DivisionÂs geochemistry Department combines expertise in chemical and isotopic analysis, molecular geochemistry and nanogeoscience http://www-esd.lbl.gov/GEO/ | |
64. NCSU Department Of Marine, Earth And Atmospheric Sciences Offers BA, BS, MS, and PhD degrees in marine sciences, geology and meteorology. Focus areas include weather prediction, air quality, airsea interactions, climate modeling, hydrology, geochemistry, and surface processes. http://www.meas.ncsu.edu | |
65. INSTITUT FÃR GEOCHEMIE Translate this page ERROR - THIS IS A FRAMED PAGE, PLEASE USE NETSCAPE 3.0 or later. http://www.univie.ac.at/geochemistry/ |
66. Laboratory For Isotope Geochemistry Laboratory of Isotope geochemistry Faculty, staff and students in the Laboratory of Isotope geochemistry employ naturally occurring stable and radioactive http://www.geo.arizona.edu/researchers/mbaker/AustinLong/ | |
67. Applied Petroleum Technology Provides organic and inorganic geochemistry and basin modeling services. http://www.aptec.no/ |
68. Www.geoscience.gov.au: Australian Governments Geoscience Portal Access to geoscience (geology, geophysics, geochemistry, resource exploration, database) information from Australian governments at state and federal levels. http://www.geoscience.gov.au/ | |
69. Ocean Isotopes Neodymium Cadmium Iron Geochemistry Isotopic Composition Francois Research interests include geochemistry as applied to matter fluxes and water mass transports in the modern ocean using isotopic tracers. http://francois.lacan.free.fr/job.htm | |
70. Marine Geology international journal reporting on developments in the fields of marine geology, geochemistry and geophysics. Marine Geology provides regular access to original studies and comprehensive reviews and, in addition, has a special letters section which ensures particularly rapid publication of short papers. http://www.elsevier.nl/inca/publications/store/5/0/3/3/5/0/index.htt | |
71. :: Ez2Find :: Geochemistry Guide geochemistry, Global Guides, geochemistry. ez2Find Home Directory Science Earth Sciences geochemistry (78) Crystallography http://ez2find.com/cgi-bin/directory/meta/search.pl/Science/Earth_Sciences/Geoch | |
72. ISOGEOCHEM Information about the email discussion list for stable isotope geochemistry. Includes many isotope-related links including available positions, research laboratories, short course and workshop listings, and a searchable message archive. http://www.uvm.edu/~geology/geowww/isogeochem.html | |
73. Helios.cr.usgs.gov/ Isotope geochemistry IntroductionIsotope geochemistry Introduction. This page has now been moved to http//www2.gly.bris.ac.uk/www/teach/L2/Iso/titlepage.html and http://helios.cr.usgs.gov/ |
74. Isotope Geochemistry Laboratory of the general laboratory, analytical equipment, and facilities for sample preparation. Includes summaries of active research areas, staff, and publications arising from research in this laboratory....... http://www.geol.umd.edu/pages/facilities/igl.htm | |
75. ESN USA - Quality Environmental Services Across The U.S.A. Services in direct push sampling of soil, soil vapor, and groundwater, mobile and laboratory analysis, borehole geophysics, and environmental geochemistry. Also offers environmental seminars and technical papers. http://esn-usa.com |
76. Geochemistry & Petrochemistry Search. Chemistry, geochemistry Guide picks. These are articles, notes, and resources for geochemistry and petrochemistry. Rock Tumbler http://chemistry.about.com/cs/geochemistry/ | |
77. Lithos International English language journal publishing highquality, original research papers on mineralogy, petrology and geochemistry, emphasizing the application of mineralogy and geochemistry to petrogenetic problems. http://www.elsevier.nl:80/inca/publications/store/5/0/3/3/4/8/ | |
78. Geophysical & Geological Consultants -- Interactive Interpretation & Training, I Outsourcing geoscience for the upstream petroleum industry geophysics, geology, petroleum engineering, geochemistry, workstation rental. Landmark and GeoQuest software. http://www.iiandt.com/ | |
79. SPT S.A. ----------------------------------------------- Mud logging, formation evaluation, applied geochemistry, reservoir management, basin analysismathematical modeling, information management systems. http://www.sptsa.com.ar/ | |
80. Geochemistry - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia geochemistry. A study of the role of processes and compounds that are derived from living or onceliving organisms (organic geochemistry). See also Petrology. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geochemistry | |
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