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1. Geochemistry.com Organized collection of links, including news, organizations, universities, laboratories, publications, and databases. Has search and ability to submit links for inclusion. http://www.geochemistry.com/ | |
2. Geochemistry Web Links A selection of geochemistryrelated WWW links. Professional Societies. Journals. USGS Denver Spectroscopy Lab. Sandia National Lab geochemistry Dept. http://www.geo.cornell.edu/geology/classes/Geochemweblinks.HTML | |
3. Geol Sci 455 Chapters Chemistry 10.3 Mb 11/06/2003 Chapter 7.pdf Trace Elements in Igneous Processes 704 Kb revised 1/09/2001 Chapter 8.pdf Radiogenic Isotope geochemistry 511 Kb http://www.geo.cornell.edu/geology/classes/geo455/Chapters.HTML | |
4. Geochemistry UU Vacant PhD position in Marine geochemistry. For general information about the department, contact Pien van Minnen. Department of Earth Sciences geochemistry. Faculty of Geosciences http://www.geo.uu.nl/Research/Geochemistry | |
5. Chemical Oceanography - Vents Program Hydrothermal Vent geochemistry. Hydrothermal circulation occurs when seawater penetrates into the ocean crust, becomes Staff geochemistry. Vents Program. Plume Chemistry http://www.pmel.noaa.gov/vents/chemocean.html | |
6. Igneous Geochemistry of this geochemistry Website.......geochemistry of Igneous Rocks. An eText of Geochemical Data Interpretation. This problems. http://www.geokem.com/ | |
7. Groundwater Geochemistry And Remediation | Earth Sciences | University Of Waterl Summaries of research activities on the fate, transport and remediation of dissolved metals, metalloids and nutrients in groundwater, as well as development and application of in situ permeable reactive barrier technologies and reactive transport modelling. http://www.science.uwaterloo.ca/research/ggr/ | |
8. Mars Pathfinder - Science Results - Mineralogy And Geochemistry Mars Pathfinder Mission Mineralogy and geochemistry Science Operations Group. Return to Science Results Directory. Mars Pathfinder Home Page. http://mars.jpl.nasa.gov/MPF/science/mineralogy.html | |
9. Welcome - 6th International Symposium On Environmental Geochemistry Edinburgh 7- Edinburgh, UK. 711 September 2003. The meeting will consider the issues of geochemical surveys, analytical geochemistry, health, mining, contamination and cleanup, and archives about pollution. http://www.iseg2003.com/ | |
10. Exploration Technologies, Inc. - Online Provides exploration and environmental geochemistry services, including soil vapor site assessments, seismic geochemistry, and product fingerprinting for contaminant spills. Site includes a collection of published professional papers. http://www.eti-geochemistry.com/ | |
11. Geochemistry Teaching Petrology in the 21st Century. Montana State University, Bozeman, MT. Educational Resources for Teaching Petrology. geochemistry. Binary Phase Diagrams. These lecture notes from California http://serc.carleton.edu/NAGTWorkshops/petrology03/geochemistry.html | |
12. ACS Division Of Geochemistry American Chemical Society. Division of geochemistry, Inc. PROGRAM PLANNING FOR THE SAN DIEGO (SPRING 2005) MEETING IS. STARTING! USE THE SYMPOSIA SUGGESTION FORM OR CONTACT THE. PROGRAM CHAIR WITH YOUR SYMPOSIUM IDEAS! Join the Division of geochemistry. Division Newsletters and Meeting Abstracts http://membership.acs.org/G/GEOC | |
13. GeoTech.org - Basic Geology And Surface Geochemical Exploration On The World Wid Educational site for those interested in learning about surface exploration techniques used for oil and gas. Includes images, analogs, bibliographies, and services. http://www.geotech.org/ | |
14. Geochemistry.com - Jobs Jobs. AJob4Scientists.com. American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Anadarko Petroleum Corporation. Association for Women Geoscientists (AWG). http://www.geochemistry.com/jobs/ | |
15. SpringerLink - Publication Publishes contributions to geochemistry (including isotope geology), petrology and genesis of igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, experimental petrology and mineralogy, distribution and significance of elements and their isotopes in the rocks http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00410/index.htm | |
16. Environmental Geochemistry Laboratory Describes research projects at the University of Aalborg (Denmark) in environmental geochemistry and biogeochemistry, applying physical inorganic and organometallic chemistry to environmental and geological systems. http://knicholson.netfirms.com | |
17. ScienceDirect - Applied Geochemistry - List Of Issues www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/01466380 More results from www.sciencedirect.com Kluwer Academic Publishers Aquatic geochemistry http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/08832927 | |
18. Petroleum Activities In The Department Of Geology & Geophysics At Texas A&M Univ Facilities, education, and research activities in applications of tectonophysics, stratigraphy, geochemistry, and seismic data processing. http://geoweb.tamu.edu/petroleum/index.html | |
19. BENthic Biology And Geochemistry Of A North-eastern Atlantic Abyssal Locality (B The BENGAL project is a high resolution temporal and spatial study of the BENthic biology and geochemistry of a northeastern Atlantic abyssal Locality. This project has the general objective of understanding how the physics, chemistry and biology of the abyssal benthic boundary layer respond to, and modify the incoming chemical signal from the overlying surface layers and thus affect the palaeoceanographic record in the underlying sediment. http://www.marine.ie/information services/data and info products/cd-roms/bengal |
20. Martindale's Geoscience Center: Geochemistry, Geomorphology, Geophysics calculations" For more information see the Geology 428/628 geochemistry or the Department of Geosciences contains summary data on the geochemistry of all reservoirs in the Earth http://www.martindalecenter.com/GradGeoscience_4_GC.html | |
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