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1. Atmospheric Physics Branch atmospheric physics Branch. NASA Ames Research Center. Moffett Field, CA USA. Comments and suggestions, Search this site The mission of the atmospheric physics Branch (SGP) is to advance the scientific knowledge and understanding of the http://geo.arc.nasa.gov/sgp.html | |
2. Atmospheric Physics Research Group Homepage. Pages describing the research activities, and employment opportunities (including PhD) within the Group. Work within the group covers micrometeorolgy, cloud microphysics and chemistry, aerosol science, and radiative transfer. http://cloudbase.phy.umist.ac.uk/ | |
3. Department Of Atmospheric Sciences and varied program of graduate training and research in the atmospheric sciences and related fields, built around the Institute of atmospheric physics and the http://www.atmo.arizona.edu/ | |
4. The ISU Atmospheric Physics Homepage atmospheric physics Group. Professor John L. Stanford. Department of Physics and Astronomy. Iowa State University. Photo Courtesy of ISU Meteorology program) http://www.public.iastate.edu/~atmos | |
5. Research: Atmospheric Physics The atmospheric physics group is concerned with composition, transport and dynamics in the a cornerstone of the research in atmospheric physics. This impressive phasedarray http://users.aber.ac.uk/ozone | |
6. University Of Canterbury Atmospheric Physics Research activities and interests of this group, including the use of radar in atmospheric measurements . http://www.phys.canterbury.ac.nz/research/atmospheric/atmospheric.html |
7. Atmospheric Physics At MISU The atmospheric physics Group's main research is concentrated on improving our understanding of the http://www.misu.su.se/atmphy.htm | |
8. MTU Atmospheric Physics atmospheric physics at MTU. Contact Site Map. atmospheric physics Home. Faculty and Students of Philosophy degree in Physics with a research emphasis in atmospheric physics allows students http://www.phy.mtu.edu/atmos/atmosphericphysics.html | |
9. SpringerLink - Publication link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00703/tocs.htm Eventsatmospheric physics. Events. SICC, News. Wecome to Paul Kushner and Dylan Jones 2004 atmospheric physics faculty appointments. http://link.springer.de/link/service/journals/00703/ | |
10. Atmospheric Science At Dalhousie University The atmospheric science classes are Climate Change (2nd year), Introduction to Atmospheric Science, atmospheric physics I (Atmospheric Thermodynamics) and II http://www.atm.dal.ca/ | |
11. SpringerLink - Publication link.springerny.com/link/service/journals/00703/tocs.htm Imperial College London Faculty of Physical Sciences Home » Space and atmospheric physics Group. Welcome to the Space and atmospheric physics Group. Latest News Dr Horbury Receives RAS Fowler Award. http://link.springer-ny.com/link/service/journals/00703/ | |
12. SpringerLink - Publication www.springerlink.com/link.asp?id=103391 More results from www.springerlink.com Research atmospheric physicsatmospheric physics Group. http://www.springerlink.com/openurl.asp?genre=journal&issn=0177-7971 |
13. GKSS Institute For Atmospheric Physics Welcome to the Institute for atmospheric physics. Directory Director NN (komm. Dr. Dörffer) Secretary S. Hartmann Departments http://w3.gkss.de/english/ | |
14. LIDAR At Aberystwyth atmospheric physics LIDAR. Prof. The Department of Physics at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth uses two lidars to perform atmospheric measurements. http://users.aber.ac.uk/ozone/lidar.html | |
15. Live Weather Images: WeatherImages.org Live Weather Images community forums message board with chat topics primarly about meteorology and current weather events as well as discussion about atmospheric physics, dynamics and modeling. http://www.weatherimages.org/ | |
16. Imperial College London | Faculty Of Physical Sciences | Department Of Physics | Welcome to the Space and atmospheric physics Group. Latest News Rosetta Successfully Launched in both experimental and theoretical aspects of Space Physics and atmospheric physics http://www.sp.ph.ic.ac.uk/ | |
17. Institute Of Atmospheric PhysicsChinese Academy Of Sciences Institute of atmospheric physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Beijing 100029, People s Republic of China Tel +8610-6205 7555 Fax +86-10-6202 8606 E-mail why http://www.iap.ac.cn/english/iap/Default.htm | |
18. ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICS atmospheric physics Refereed publications and institute reports 2003 Beig, G., P. Keckhut, RP Lowe, RG Roble, MG Mlynczak, J. Scheer http://www.misu.su.se/~alberts/APpubl.html | |
19. Institute Of Atmospheric Physics / Ãstav Fyziky Atmosféry Institute of atmospheric physics Ãstav fyziky atmosféry. Bocnà II 1401, 141 31 Praha 4 Czech Republic. tel. +420 272 764 336. fax +420 272 763 745. http://www.ufa.cas.cz/ | |
20. Institute Of Atmospheric Physics AS CR, Prague - Department Of Meteorology Institute of atmospheric physics AS CR. Department of meteorology. Ãeská verze. http://www.ufa.cas.cz/html/meteo/ | |
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