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61. Sun/Java Certification And Testing - Tek-Tips Forums TekTips Sun/java certification and testing Forum. Talk testing Sun/Javacertification and testing Forum (2934 members). forum476. http://www.tek-tips.com/gthreadminder.cfm/lev2/6/lev3/46/pid/476 | |
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63. Madbean.com: Is Sun Java Certification All That? Is Sun java certification all that? My comments As a recent graduate, I waswondering what industry/employers think about Sun s java certification? http://madbean.com/blog/52/ | |
64. Forrester Research: Will The Java Certification Effort Finally Take Off? IdeaByte. Will the java certification Effort Finally Take Off? Uttam Narsu. June5, 2001. jCert is poised to take off as a meaningful certification effort. http://www.forrester.com/Research/LegacyIT/0,7208,24634,00.html | |
65. Dougsparling.com - Java Certification Links Douglas Sparling s java certification Page. Links to other java certificationsites. java certification. home certification java certification. http://www.dougsparling.com/comp/links/javacert/ | |
66. JDance: Certification - The Online Java Information Center qoqomo.com Online Shopping. java certification Top Sites SunEd; JavaRanch; JavaPrepare.com; JavaCert.com; LevTeck; java certification Archives. http://www.jdance.com/javacert.shtm | |
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69. Sitereview.org: J@Whiz1.4 - SCJP1.4 (Java Certification) Test Simulator Sitereview.org front page. J@Whiz1.4 SCJP1.4 (java certification)Test Simulator. C o d i n g. J@Whiz1.4 is a java certification http://sitereview.org/?article=1075 |
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72. A Programmers Guide To Java Certification: A Comprehesive Primer, Second Edition A Programmers Guide to java certification A Comprehesive Primer, SecondEdition. A Programmers Guide to java certification A Comprehesive http://www.edu-books.com/A_Programmers_Guide_to_Java_Certification_A_Comprehesiv | |
73. Java.net: Tips To Technical Interviewing [June 06, 2004] java certification 200405-04 191531 rickcarson I used to write thequestions for Java interviews for most of the places I worked. http://www.java.net/cs/user/forum/cs_disc/1382 | |
74. ÃùúJava¿ª·¢Ãø - Java Certification The summary for this Chinese (Simplified) page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.cjsdn.com/post/page?bid=4&sty=1&age=0 |
75. Java Certification Days Japan 2002 The summary for this Japanese page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set. http://www.sun.co.jp/service/education/news/jcd2002.html | |
76. Java Certification Polls Search for in ALL POLLS Full TargetSearch with Google. Poll Archive.java certification. SOUND OFF! Post your comments. http://search400.techtarget.com/pollResult/0,294375,sid3_gci952889,00.html | |
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78. DJUGWiki JavaCertification Search Wiki Your trail java certification. SCJP. SCJD. SCWCD. SCBCD. SCEA.BEA. java certification Resources. DenverJUG Certification Resource Page. http://www.denverjug.org/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=JavaCertification |
79. A Programmer's Guide To Java Certification: A Comprehesive Primer, Second Editio A Programmer s Guide to java certification A Comprehesive Primer,Second Edition reviews. BOOK.NU. Search Title. http://www.book.nu/0201728281 | |
80. SUN Java Certification Training CBT CD-ROM Tutorial SUN Java 2.0 Certification Training Courses on CDROM. Courses include Also AvailableC Programming Training. java certification 2.0 CBT CD-ROMs. n86001d. http://www.netwind.com/html/java_cbt_cd-rom.html | |
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