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1. Certification - Java Technology Home Support and Training US Training Certification CertificationJava Technology. Certification. Java Technology ». Application and Directory Server ». Solaris Operating System ». Network Storage ». Testing Objectives » Earning a Sun Java technology certification provides a clear demonstration of http://suned.sun.com/US/certification/java | |
2. Java Programmer Certification FAQ Valid CSS! java certification FAQ. www.enthuware.com for JQ+ www.whizlabs.com forJWhiz. 2.8) Are any newsgroups/mailing lists dedicated to java certification ? http://www.jchq.net/faq/jcertfaq.htm | |
3. Java Programmer Certification, SCJP FAQ, Tutorial, Mock Exam, Demo Applets, Syll Java Programmer Certification Exam And Training. This site is entirely independent athttp//www.whizlabs.com The java certification Web Ring. http://www.jchq.net/ | |
4. JavaRanch - A Friendly Place For Java Greenhorns Includes study material for java certification, a discussion forum and articles geared towards Java beginners. http://www.javaranch.com/ | |
5. Free Java Certification Training This site focuses on giving you resources to help you prepare for the Sun Certified Java Exam. Also, you will find information on Web Development, UML, XML, Success topics, etc Search Click Here http://www.michael-thomas.com/ | |
6. Javaprepare: Java Certification Preparation Site This site provides all the information you would need to prepare for Sun s java certificationexam (SCJP2). A detailed FAQ for Sun s Java TM Certification exam. http://www.javaprepare.com/ | |
7. Bill's Java Certification Resources Bill s java certification Resources. The number of sites devoted to java certificationhas grown so much that I am moving the full list to a new page. http://www.lanw.com/java/javacert/default.htm | |
8. Quick Java Referencenoter rettet mod forberedelse til Java 2 programmer certification . http://home.worldonline.dk/~qjava/ | |
9. Sun Java Certification Exam Training Evaluation. SCJP 1.4. SCWCD. SCBCD. CNE. CNA. Sun java certification.Sun Certifications. When should you think of java certification? http://www.whizlabs.com/jwhiz.html | |
10. Java Certification Exam Questions - Index java certification, java, exams, exam, certification, programmer, java programmercertification, certification question and answers, examples, certified, sl270 http://home-1.tiscali.nl/~bmc88/java/javacert/ | |
11. Java Certification Success, Part 1: SCJP java certification success, Part 1 SCJP. Level Introductory PradeepChopra, Cofounder, WHIZlabs Software November 2003. This tutorial http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/edu/j-dw-java-scjp-i.html | |
12. Java Certification ( SCJP) - Mock Exam, Study Notes And Links java certification. After I became a Sun Certified Java Programmer (conductedby Sun Microsystems), I thought of trying to help other aspirants. http://www.akgupta.com/Java/certification.htm | |
13. Go4java- Java Certification Site... A place for all java programmers. Help to prepare for java certification.Visitfor Mock Exams, Tutorials,Useful pages. http://www.mycgiserver.com/~go4java/ | |
14. Bill's Java Certification Resources Bill's java certification Resources. The Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform certification is the first level of certification for the Java language. http://www.lanw.com/java/javacert | |
15. Javaprepare - Java Certification Tutorial javaprepare.com your tool for java certification. The tutorial coversall the topics that are part of the java certification exam. http://www.javaprepare.com/notes/intro.html | |
16. WitScale's SCJP (java Certification) Study Notes - Contents. Java tutorial for SCJP (java certification) Preparation. Tutorial consists of short study notes with adequate examples. http://www.witscale.com/scjp_studynotes/contents.html | |
17. Vel's Java Home Page - Sun Java Certification Study Notes SCJP SCWCD study notes, resources and tips. http://www.geocities.com/velmurugan_p/ | |
18. William D. S. Zhang's Homepage Resume, various Java projects including java certification exam simulator, career recruiter system. http://www.cs.uh.edu/~dszhang/ | |
19. Computer Technologies And Life Science Provides resources and examples regarding IBM test for XML certificate and Sun test for JAVA certificate. http://www.csc.vill.edu/~zchen | |
20. JGuru: JavaCertification Forum Home Page Forum to pose and view the who, what, where, why and how questions on java certification. http://www.jguru.com/forums/JavaCertification | |
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