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61. American Family Physician® American Academy Of Family Advanced Search. About Us News Publications Membership CME Meetings Clinical Research Practice Management Policy Advocacy Careers. http://www.aafp.org/afp.xml | |
62. Associating Style Sheets With XML Documents W3C specification that allows a style sheet to be associated with an xml document by including one or more processing instructions with a target of xmlstylesheet in the document's prolog. (W3C Recommendation 29 June 1999) http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-stylesheet/ | |
63. Cafe Con Leche XML News And Resources Cafe con Leche is the preeminent independent source of xml information on the net. Cafe con Leche xml News and Resources. Quote of the Day. http://www.cafeconleche.org/ | |
64. [synz.com] - The Igor Project 100% pure Java library that transfers database records into xml, e.g. for use with Cocoon. Open Source, LGPL http://www.synz.com/projects/igor/ | |
65. Chemical Markup Language (CML) Chemical Markup Language (CML) development site. http://www.xml-cml.org/ | |
66. Virtuoso Cross Platform Universal Server Highperformance and compact DBMS server with support for SQL-92, ODBC, JDBC, UDBC, SAX, DOM, and xml. http://www.openlinksw.com/virtuoso/ |
67. Hr-xml.org -- Home Of The HR-XML Consortium, Inc. About HRxml, Downloads, Six Additional Organizations HR-xml Certified 2004 April 6 HR-xml Expands and Improves Staffing Exchange Protocol 2003 Dec. http://www.hr-xml.org/channels/home.htm | |
68. Johdatus XML-tekniikkaan (XML) Opas xmlm¤¤rittelyn tekniikkaan sek¤ xml-dokumenttien ja rakennem¤¤rittelyjen suunnitteluun. http://www.cs.helsinki.fi/u/ruini/structure/xml/ | |
69. W3 Search Engines XML Alex Alex Catalogue of Electronic texts (previously Gopher Catalog of Electronic Texts) Goxml.com - xml Context-based Search Processor Internet Draft Index http://cui.unige.ch/meta-index.html | |
70. Python/XML Libraries A collection of libraries to process xml with Python. Open Source, Python license http://pyxml.sourceforge.net/ | |
71. XML Developer News From XMLhack: By And For The XML Community Read more. Tools. Texml an xml vocabulary for TeX. 1110, 13 Apr 2004 UTC Oleg Paraschenko. Texml is an xml vocabulary for TeX. The http://www.xmlhack.com/ | |
72. Browse And Search CPAN Collects user input, validates input and generates output in a number of ways based on the defined grammar. http://theoryx5.uwinnipeg.ca/mod_perl/cpan-search?dist=XML-MetaGenerator |
73. XML Resources xml Resources. TREX, a new, simple schema language for xml. The specification of a subset of xml called Canonical xml for use in testing xml parsers. http://www.jclark.com/xml/ | |
74. Chilkat XML ActiveX Component, XML Parser For Visual Basic, Delphi, C++ Builder, A highperformance ActiveX that is an alternative to the standard xml DOM for creating, navigating, and manipulating xml data. http://www.chilkatsoft.com/ChilkatXml.asp | |
75. Expat expat xml Parser Toolkit. Version 1.2. Expat is an xml 1.0 parser written in C. It aims to be fully conforming. It is currently not a validating xml processor. http://www.jclark.com/xml/expat.html | |
76. Object Edge - Financial, Banking, Software, Applications, Frameworks, Objects, S Components and frameworks are used in developing componentbased large-scale enterprise systems using J2EE, xml, and Smalltalk. http://www.objectedge.com/ | |
77. ZVON.org - ZVON ZVON.org The Guide to the xml Galaxy, Netscape 6 (Preview). We offer multiple views of our pages to demonstrate the power of xml. But, be http://www.zvon.org/ | |
78. Water -- Waterlanguage.org s, documents, news, events, articles, comparisons, services, products, book, community. free trial version......Allpurpose Web services language, platform prototype-based, BASIC easy, LISP powerful, OO xml, Concisexml syntax, OO Capability security. http://waterlanguage.org/ | |
79. Xmlinfo.com xmlinfo.com, Loan Refinance Web Hosting Online Degree Cash Today Health Insurance Credit Counseling . http://www.xmlinfo.com/ | |
80. Convert Comma Separated Values (CSV) To XML - Creativyst(tm) CSV To XML Conversi Online conversion of Comma Separated Values (CSV) to xml tool. http://www.creativyst.com/Prod/15/ | |
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