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61. DSP.cpp: Implementation File
Home Products Services Software visual Basic Interface DSP and Data Acquisition from visual Basic.

62. Microsoft Visual C++ Tips And Tricks
the extension .tip in the sharedide/bin/ide directory where visual Studio is DevStudio\6.0\Text Editor\Tabs/Language Settings\C/C++ FileExtensions=cpp;cxx;c;h
High Programmer Alan De Smet Windows Development
Microsoft Visual C++ Tips and Tricks
by Alan De Smet If you're stuck using Microsoft Visual C++, these tips may help make the experience more pleasant. I've been collecting these little tidbits for a while, and decided to collect them in one spot. I've chosen to collect them here because I can't think of a better spot. First thing, get yourself a copy of Workspace Whiz . Workspace Whiz gives you a nice GUI interface to Exhuberant CTAGS . It also gives you a handy button to switch between the header and source files. It's cheap ($10), and makes life better. Next, get yourself a copy of STLFilt . It's completely free. It significantly cleans up the garbage error messages Visual C++ generates for STL code. (It does require Perl , but every developer should have Perl installed anyway. The easiest way to get Perl for Windows is ActiveState's free ActivePerl
Show compile duration
Simply add '/Y3' to the command line of VC (In the short cut). You'll now get reports on how long a compile took in your Build window. Update 2003-01-10: I haven't had a chance to use Visual Studio .NET yet, but I'm told that you can set this option with a switch under Options > Projects > Build.

63. Console Application Projects With Microsoft Visual C++
If you are using visual C++ 6 the files would appear within a subfolder called Now, doubleclicking on any project file (for example test.cpp) the file will be
Console application projects with Microsoft Visual C++ The most recent versions of this compiler are integrated in a development environment called Microsoft Visual Studio. The simplest method to create applications in this environment is by creating projects. We are going to create a project with the name test but you can simply follow these same instructions for any other project name just by changing any appearance of test by the name you choose.
Creating a new project
Launch the Microsoft Visual C++ environment.
If your development environment starts empty press on F ile and N ew...
A dialog box called New will appear, similar to the following one:
Follow these steps:
a. Select the Projects tab.
b. Select the project type "Win32 Console Application"
c. Type the Location of your hard drive where you want to store the files of your projects.
d. Give a name to the project, the one you wish, for example test . This name will be automatically added to the path that you specified in step c.

64. Getting Started With Visual C++.NET
visual Studio.NET has created a solution with one simple visual C++ project. The project contains several files, including assemblyinfo.cpp and quicksort.cpp. Home Site Map Home Curriculum ... Contact Us I want to... Learn about the MSDNAA program Search for curriculum resources Browse the curriculum database Submit curriculum content Discover how to use your membership Find resources on specific technologies Collaborate on projects with faculty Download MSDN Subscriber software Get the latest downloads and updates Subscribe to the monthly newsletter Learn about IT solutions MSDNAA Search MakeInputSz("", "SearchText", "TEXT", "", "", 17, ""); Advanced Search MSDNAA Program Curriculum Repository IT Solutions ... Partner Sites
Getting Started with Visual C++.NET
Printer Friendly Version
Table of Contents Introduction
(1) Starting Projects

(2) Hello, World!

(3) Program Structure
Executable Files

Through the addition of managed extensions, Visual C++ now supports .NET development while also having the power of unmanaged code. C/C++ is still intact but new features have been added to simplify .NET programming in C++. If you want to learn about developing unmanaged code, please see the Getting Started with Visual C++ guide instead.
General Description
This sample application demonstrates how to build a simple C++.NET project that implements the QuickSort algorithm. It covers the basic components of a C++.NET program, reading/writing to the console and files, creating functions, and using basic arrays.

65. GNU, Visual C++, Cpp, èñõîäíèêè èãð è ïðîãðàìì, ó÷åáíÃ
The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
GNU, Visual C++, cpp, èñõîäíèêè èãð è ïðîãðàìì, ó÷åáíèêè
Ïðèìåðû êîäà ïðîãðàììèðîâàíèÿ ïðèëîæåíèé è èãð, áîëüøîå êîëè÷åñòâî ðåàëüíî ðàáîòàþùèõ è äàæå êîìåð÷åñêèõ ïðîãðàìì ñ èñõîäíèêàìè, ó÷åáíèêè, âîïðîñû è îòâåòû ïî Visual C++ è MFC áèáëèîòåêàì.
Visual C++

66. CTA++ Integration To Visual Studio
a new visual Studio project (here vsList, a Win32 Console Application) and add these files to the project. The code under test (list_bug.cpp) compiles as such.
Home Company CTA++ CTC++ ... What's new
Testwell CTA++ / Integration to Visual Studio
(This integration assumes Visual Studio 6.0)
What is CTA++/VSI
When CTA++ is used on a Windows platform with Visual C++ the use of CTA++ is significantly eased with an add-on component called CTA++/Visual Studio Integration (CTA++/VSI)
It provides a wizard helping the use of CTA++. The actual testing (what to test, with what kind of test cases, what are the expected results of the test runs, etc.) is as difficult and challenging as it has always been. CTA++/VSI helps you to concentrate on the "intelligence part" of the testing. The wizard does much of the test bed building for you. CTA++/VSI facilitates:
  • Generating portions of the test bed and setting up its infrastructure into a Visual Studio project Allowing you to edit in the "intelligence logic" of the tests straight in the Visual Studio environment using its source editor Running and debugging the test bed straight in the Visual Studio environment and capturing the test results Viewing the test result in textual and HTML format straight from the Visual Studio Should you need to use a code coverage tool, the Testwell CTC++, Test Coverage Analyzer for C/C++, is just a few mouse clicks away (see more

67. Compiling Newmat09 Under Visual C
Create a directory such as VC where you want to keep all your visual C++ projects key and click all the files needed in the project (this is all the .cpp and .h
Compiling newmat under Microsoft Visual C++
VC++5 or 6
Here are my instructions for compiling a program with newmat under VC++5 or 6 to work in console mode (i.e. run in an MS-DOS window). VC++ 7 (i.e. the version that comes with Visual Studio .NET) is a little different and there are some preliminary notes below I assume you are familiar with the idea of writing and running a program in C++, in the old fashioned way, and just need advice how to compile and run such a program using Visual C++. Otherwise get a book on C++. I am using VC++'s graphical interface. You write a main program to carry out your analyses and calling the newmat functions you need. My file example.cpp is an example of such a main program. Follow the following steps for setting up your project. For a start use one of my examples (eg example.cpp ), use console mode and don't try to generate a library version of newmat
  • Create a directory such as VC where you want to keep all your visual C++ projects. I suppose this on the f: disk. Make a subdirectory newmat10 Copy all my newmat files to that directory together with your main program. I am going to compile my example program which is included with newmat10
  • 68. DtSearch Engine Build Tips For Visual C++ Programmers
    By default, the visual C++ project wizard sets up a project to use stdafx.h To fix the problem, change the build settings for dtsearch.cpp, dtsviewr.cpp, and
    dtSearch Support Support index Search dtSearch Home Downloads ... Quick Start dtSearch Engine build tips for Visual C++ developers Last Reviewed: December 1, 2000 Article: DTS0105 Applies to: dtSearch Engine 5.x, dtSearch Engine 6 This article describes some common problems that Visual C++ developers encounter when building an application with the dtSearch Engine. Compile Errors Precompiled header errors when compiling Compile errors in debug builds relating to DEBUG_NEW Link Errors Undefined symbols "_dtssDoInit", "_dtssDoIndexJob", etc. The dtSearch Engine import library is not linked in. Add dtengine.lib (for version 5.2 and earlier) or dts600.dll (for version 6) to your project. Undefined symbols "dtsInitInfo::dtsInitInfo", "dtsIndexJob::dtsIndexJob", etc. Error LINK1106: "invalid file or disk full" Visual C++ 5.0 Service Pack 3 or Visual C++ 6 is needed to link with dtengine.lib. Earlier versions of Visual C++ produce this error message. Obtain Service Pack 3 from the Microsoft Visual C++ web site, or upgrade to Visual C++ 6. Multiple definitions of symbols new, delete, main, dllmain, etc.

    69. Re-assoicating .cpp, .c, .h With Visual C++ 6 - GameDev.Net Forums
    GameDev.Net Forums General Programming Reassoicating .cpp, .c, .h with visual C++ 6 Send Topic To a Friend View Forum FAQ Watch this thread,

    70. C++ Source Code For Tetris (Visual C++)
    . GTetris.cpp, GTetris.h, Defines the entry point for the...... visual C++ source code show you the method of making VC project. Source Code Name, Head File,
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    C++ Source Code for Tetris (Visual C++) Home Download Buy Now Contact Us Tetris Visual C++ 6 Source Code Project Files Visual C++ source code help you to learn C++ programming.
    Visual C++ source code use a lot of Win32 API functions.
    Visual C++ source code show you how to make classes.
    Visual C++ source code give you some useful code, such as LED component.
    Visual C++ source code show you the method of making VC project. Source Code Name Head File Description GTetris.cpp GTetris.h Defines the entry point for the application. App.cpp App.h Implementation of the CApp VC class. Game.cpp Game.h Implementation of the CGame VC class. (Define game rule) MainWnd.cpp MainWnd.h Implementation of the CMainWnd VC class. ModBox.cpp ModBox.h Implementation of the CModBox VC class. Modules.cpp Modules.h Implementation of the CModule VC class and its children Graphics.cpp Graphics.h Implementation of the CGraphics VC class. Timer.cpp

    71. [Projectaxis-cvs] Projectaxis/projectAxis/src/visual Pgtest3.cpp ...
    Projectaxiscvs projectaxis/projectAxis/src/visual pgtest3.cpp From Vovan. Subject Projectaxis-cvs projectaxis/projectAxis/src/visual pgtest3.cpp
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    [Projectaxis-cvs] projectaxis/projectAxis/src/visual pgtest3.cpp ...
    From Vovan Subject [Projectaxis-cvs] projectaxis/projectAxis/src/visual pgtest3.cpp ... Date Sat, 20 Sep 2003 23:01:23 -0400 reply via email to
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    72. Problem With Visual C++ 6.0
    problem with visual c++ 6.0 CgiInput.cpp(48) getenv no element fom std . Subject problem with visual c++ 6.0 CgiInput.cpp(48) getenv no element fom std .
    help-cgicc Top All Lists Advanced Date Prev ... Thread Index
    From hans . schmidt Subject Date Thu, 11 Apr 2002 16:08:27 +0200 ">mailto: reply via email to
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    • hans . schmidt
      • Hans Schmidt

    73. ÈÙÒ«
    1985 C Windows API pentacle.c Borland C++ Compiler 5.5.1 bcc32 tW pentacle.c 1992 C++ MFC pentacle.cpp visual C++ 7.0 / MFC 7.0 2001 C /C++ Windows Forms
    DelimitedFile µÄATMÄ£Äâϵͳ ÓïÑÔ£º±ê×¼C++ ¿â£º±ê×¼¿â ±àÒë»·¾³£º GNU C++ 3.2¡¢Borland C++ 5.5¡¢ Visual C++ 7.0 BankingSystem.rar BusinessFunction.htm... HenryBank.ppt BankingSystem_EXE.rar CSDelimitedFile ÓïÑÔ£º±ê×¼C# ¿â£º.NET¿ò¼ÜÀà¿â ±àÒë»·¾³£º Visual C# .NET Compiler 7.10/ .NET Framework 1.1 C#°æµÄ DelimitedFile £ºCSDelimitedFile.cs dftest.cs Èç¹ûÄãÀÖÒ⣨ÇÒÓÐÄÜÁ¦£©±àдCSDelimitedFile£¬Çë JD elimitedFile ÓïÑÔ£ºJava ±àÒë»·¾³£º Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition Version 1.4.1 Java°æµÄ DelimitedFile Ò»×éΪC++³õѧÕ߶øдµÄ´úÂë ÓïÑÔ£º±ê×¼C++ ¿â£º±ê×¼¿â ±àÒë»·¾³£º GNU C++ 3.2¡¢Borland C++ 5.5¡¢ Visual C++ 7.0 vectorlite.h vltest.cpp stringlite.h sltest.cpp ... words_count_3.cpp ʹÓmap£º words_count_4.cpp words_maxmin_1.cpp words_maxmin_2.cpp C++С²âÑé¼°²Î¿¼´ð°¸ email.cpp * SimpleTimer SimpleTimer ÊÇÒ»¸öÓÓÚ¸ú×ÙCPUʱ¼äÏûºÄµÄ¸¨ÖúÀà ¡£ SimpleTimer£º simple_timer.h

    74. Visual C++ MFC Components : Welcome To UCanCode Software!
    Source 65KB (Build with MS visual C++ 6.0). 1.CFOColorButton File ReferenceFOColorButton.h, FOColorButton.cpp. product/colorpicker.htm
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    75. C, C++ (CPP), C#, Borland Builder C++, Microsoft Visual C++ Элект
    The summary for this Russian page contains characters that cannot be correctly displayed in this language/character set.
    C, C++ (CPP), C#, Borland Builder C++, Microsoft Visual C++
    Addison Wesley - Algorithms, Data Structures and Problem Solving with C++ (transparencies) (PDF download) (992 K)
    Algorithms in C++ Source Code (HTML download)
    (191 K)
    ANSI/ISO C++ Professional Programmer's Handbook (PDF download)
    (1029 K)
    Borland C++ Builder 5 Developer's Guide (PDF download)
    (16478 K)
    Borland C++ Builder 5 Quick Start (PDF download)
    (13824 K)
    Borland C++ Builder 6 VCL Object Hierarchy Poster (PDF download)
    (129 K)
    Borland C++ Delphi VCL Object Hierarchy Poster (PDF download)
    (57 K)
    Charlie Calvert's Borland C++ Builder Unleashed (PDF download)
    (8705 K)
    Building Applications With ClientDataSet and InterBase Express - by Conference Speaker (MHT download)
    (600 K)
    C++ Builder 5 Developer's Guide (PDF download)
    (13786 K)
    C++ Builder 5 Developer's Guide (other version) (PDF download)
    (15638 K) C++ Builder 5 Developer's Guide Samples (HTML download) (TXT.ZIP download) (17746 K) Sharam Hekmat C++ Programming (DOC.ZIP download) (385 K) Data Structures and Algorithms with Object-Oriented Design Patterns in C++ Bruno R. Preiss (HTML.ZIP download)

    76. STL Error Decryptor For C++
    Component. Version Number. Last Updated. Perl script for visual C++. 2.70a. 2/21/2004. CL.cpp Proxy CL for visual C++. 2.43a. 1/15/2004.
    If you enable JavaScript, you'll see a cool dynamic navigation menu here. Otherwise, use the links at the bottom of the page to navigate.
    An STL Error Message Decryptor for C++
    Open Source Freeware by Leor Zolman, Supporting:
    Comeau C++
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    Borland C++ / C++Builder
    Intel C++ 7/8
    EDG Front End ( G eneric
    Digital Mars C++
    STLFilt-ing is now selectable on both the Comeau and Dinkumware online compiler pages!
    STLFilt simplifies and/or reformats long-winded C++ error and warning messages, with a focus on STL-related diagnostics (and for MSVC 6, it fully eliminates C4786 warnings and their detritus). The result renders many of even the most cryptic diagnostics comprehensible. Here is the rationale The active ingredient in each distribution is a Perl script, so you'll need a Perl interpreter installed;

    77. Third Party Add-On Tools: C CPP
    Actipro Wizard enables you to easily create wizard forms within the visual Studio .NET designer. DemoShield is a completely visual demo creation tool.
    #Grid - The Sharpest Grid Control on the Market
    140XiIII Thermal Transfer Demand Printer ABACO Drivers drivers and supplemental utilities ABCUpload allows you to upload files from a web browser to your IIS web server. ... Request More Information

    All products mentioned in this site are trademarks of their respective owners.

    78. Building C++ Applications With Template Classes In Visual Studio
    Building C++ Applications with Template Classes in visual Studio a C++ header file, eg myClass.h, and the implementation in a C++ source file, eg, myClass.cpp.
    Building C++ Applications with Template Classes in Visual Studio Background When working with "normal" C++ classes the recommended procedure is to put a class definition in a C++ header file, e.g. myClass.h, and the implementation in a C++ source file, e.g., myClass.cpp. The source file is then made part of the project, meaning it is compiled separately. The client program, e.g., driver.cpp, then has an #include "myClass.h" so when it is compiled the compiler will know about myClass. However, a problem arises when this recommendation is applied to template classes. In a nutshell, it just won’t work. The reason for the problem and possible solutions are discussed below. Why there is a Problem The fundamental problem is that a template per se cannot be compiled. Or, perhaps it is more accurate to say there is nothing to be compiled in the template itself. For example, consider the template class definition: template(class ObjectType)
    private: ObjectType x; Etc.
    If the compiler sees only this, it can’t compile anything because it doesn’t know what ObjectType is going to be! Nothing can be compiled until you actually instantiate an object from the template. At that time you specify the typename: Once the compiler sees this, it can substitute

    79. Visual C++ Tutorial
    6.0 you will already have the folders, Source Files , Header Files and Resource Files created, if your are in visual C++ 5.0 Source Files is cpp;c and
    Visual C++ Tutorial
    Please note, this tutorial is now quite old and is only accurate with Visual C++ 6.0 and OpenPTC for Windows!
    This tutorial is designed to teach a programmer new to Visual C++ how to create a project and workspace for their own applications that use OpenPTC. It describes the method used by myself to setup each of the example and demo program projects. It may look long winded, but once you know what you are doing its a snap. promise. 1. Run Visual C++ 2. Go to the file menu and select 'new'
    3. In the projects list choose 'Win32 Application', then setup the name and location of your project in the topright of the dialog. press ok. In this tutorial i will create a project called 'Test'.
    4. If you are asked by Visual C++ what type of project you would like to create, just select 'An empty project'.
    5. You should now have an empty workspace (.dsw) and empty project (.dsp). You should see in the project tree over to the left of your Visual C++ window, something like 'Test classes' (if your project was called test).
    6. Select 'File View' in the project view tree, instead of 'Class View'.

    80. ! # C / C++/ Cpp / C## / @ Tecni.Com _ A Advanced Applications Directory _ Techn
    Advanced C++ tools C++, C / C++ Tutorials / Introductory Material; How to Compile a visual C++ Program; visual C++ Help Page; visual C++ tips, tricks, FAQs.
    Soluciones de Internet a su Medida Tecni.Com Tecnología Servicios Afiliados ... Información Agregar sitio Invitar a un amigo Agregar a Favoritos Su Pagina inicial English C / C++ / C# Advanced C++ tools

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