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         Vbscript:     more books (100)
  1. Microsoft WSH and VBScript Programming for the Absolute Beginner by Jr., Jerry Lee Ford, 2003-02-21
  2. Internet Programming with VBScript and JavaScript (Web Warrior Series) by Kate Kalata, 2000-12-15
  3. Laura Lemay's Web Workshop Activex and Vbscript (Laura Lemay's Web Workshop) by Rogers Cadenhead, Paul Lomax, 1996-12
  4. Teach Yourself Vbscript in 21 Days (Sams Teach Yourself) by Keith Brophy, Timothy Koets, 1996-07-01
  5. Vbscript Master's Handbook: Master's Handbook by Christopher J. Goddard, Mark White, 1996-10
  6. Vbscript by Example by Jerry Honeycutt, 1996-09
  7. VBScript for the World Wide Web (Visual QuickStart Guide) by Paul Thurrott, 1997-10
  8. The Comprehensive Guide to VBScript: The Encyclopedic Reference for VBScript, HTML & ActiveX by Richard Mansfield, 1996-11-01
  9. Vbscript Superbible: The Complete Reference to Programming in Microsoft Visual Basic Scripting Edition by Jinjer L. Simon, 1997-01
  10. Using Vbscript (Using ... (Que)) by Ron Schwarz, Ibrahim Malluf, et all 1996-10
  11. VBScript & ActiveX Wizardry: Master the Art of Creating Interactive Web Pages with Visual Basic Script and ActiveX by Scott D. Palmer, 1996-09-10
  12. Inside Vbscript and Activex (Inside) by Yusuf Malluf, Art Scott, et all 1997-03
  13. VBScript précis & concis by Childs, 2001-09-05
  14. Instant VBScript by Alex Homer, Darren Gill, 1996-11

21. VBScript Tutorial
Click here for current content programming trends and statistics. A Tutorial in vbscript. This section is a brief tutorial on vbscript. What is vbscript?
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A Tutorial in VBScript
Click Here This section is a brief tutorial on VBScript. We'll walk through the fundamentals, and along the way you will learn how to add VBScript to your existing web pages, the structure of the VBScript language, and how to use event-driven programming within your HTML documents.

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23. VBScript Tutorial
This section is a brief tutorial on vbscript. We'll walk through the fundamentals, and along the way you will learn how to add vbscript to your existing web pages, the
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A Tutorial in VBScript
Click Here This section is a brief tutorial on VBScript. We'll walk through the fundamentals, and along the way you will learn how to add VBScript to your existing web pages, the structure of the VBScript language, and how to use event-driven programming within your HTML documents.

24. Learn The Basics Of VBScript
ClientSide Corner is Intranet Design Magazine s column dedicated to enhancing browser interactivity through JavaScript, vbscript, Java applets or ActiveX
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  • 26. Didacticiel VBScript
    vbscript ? Principes de base de vbscript
    Didacticiel VBScript
    Qu'est-ce que VBScript ?

    Ajout de code VBScript dans une page HTML
    Principes de base de VBScript
    Variables de VBScript

    Constantes de VBScript

    Utilisation des instructions conditionnelles

    Conventions de codage de VBScript
    Et maintenant...
    Utilisation de VBScript dans Internet Explorer Une page VBScript simple
    VBScript et les feuilles

    Utilisation de VBScript avec les objets

    27. DevGuru VBScript Index
    Quick References Index ADO ASP CSS2 HTML JavaScript Jet SQL vbscript WML WMLScript WSH XHTML XML DOM XSLT Features Index - Ask
    Quick References





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    28. DevGuru Home Page
    Quick references, demos, products, tutorials, and help resources focusing on vbscript, JavaScript, ECMAScript, JScript, ASP, JetSQL, and Style Sheets.
    Quick References





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    HTML Color Chart
    ... Tutorials Products Index dgCharge dgEncrypt dgFileUpload Site Index Authoring Coming Soon DevGuru Resume ... What's New Partners Quick References ADO ASP HTML ... New Tutorial - XDoclet and Java Struts The Guru has yet again added a new tutorial. This tutorial was submitted by Vikas Pandya, and explains how to use XDoclet to help develop Struts. Be sure to check it out in the Tutorials Section New Tutorial - Creating a Web Service using ActiveX Components The Guru has added a new tutorial. This tutorial, submitted by Jim Milam, explains the advantages of using the SOAP Library for Web Services. Be sure to check it out in the Tutorials Section The Guru Reviews SourceGear Vault Vault, by SourceGear, is source code control software based on the new Microsoft .NET Framework. For anyone who uses Microsoft's competing product, SourceSafe, the interface will seem quite familiar. Vault also supports general features in the same way SourceSafe does projects and folders are organized into a hierarchy, there are right-click menus for file operations like Get Latest Version, Check-In, and Check-Out, and features such as notes and history on Check-In and Check-Out. However, Vault does have an advantage over SourceSafe...

    29. VBScript Articles
    181. Tuesday 31st August 1999 un-Gratuitous Gradients. Synopsis Have you ever been to a site where words or sentences are composed of what appear to be two blended colors? And of course, all
    VBScript Articles Home Articles FAQs Xref ... Articles Tuesday 31st August 1999 - un-Gratuitous Gradients Synopsis:
    Have you ever been to a site where words or sentences are composed of what appear to be two blended colors? Ever wondered how on earth to do it without using a fancy program or wracking your brain trying to figure out which letter should be what color to generate a nice blend in straight HTML coding? Well in this tutorial Ryan Detert plays around with some of the more advanced features that JavaScript offers, as well as some advanced techniques in order to get a nice shading effect.
    JavaScript, text, font, color, gradients, Gourad shading, hexidecimal numbers Monday 9th August 1999 - The Amazing ActiveX - Part 1 Synopsis:
    ActiveX is Microsoft's patented Windows technology that allows you to load a type of applet into your web browser. These applets are very much the same as Java Applets and can add an incredible amount of dynamics to your web page - By Ryan Detert.
    OLE, ActiveX, ActiveX Components, OBJECT, PARAM, VBScript

    30. CONTENTS
    vbscript ™ UNLEASHED. Petroutsos, Schongar, et al. CONTENTS. Chapter 1 Introducing HTML Scripting. Chapter 2 The vbscript Language.
    Petroutsos, Schongar, et al. CONTENTS
    Chapter Introducing HTML Scripting
    Chapter The VBScript Language
  • Review
    Chapter VBScript Functions
  • 31. Visual Basic, Vb, Vbscript,Free Source Code For The Taking. Over Five Million Li
    Thousands of lines of Visual Basic, vbscript, java, javascript and active server pages code.

    32. CONTENTS
    Laura Lemay s Web Workshop. ActiveX and vbscript. Paul Lomax and Rogers Cadenhead. C O N T E N T S. Chapter 2 Using vbscript with HTML Controls.
    Laura Lemay's Web Workshop
    ActiveX and VBScript
    Paul Lomax and Rogers Cadenhead
    C O N T E N T S
    Chapter Getting to Grips with ActiveX

    33. Web Hosting, Free Web Site Builder & Domain Name, Web Hosting Made Easy By Brink
    A collection of ASP code samples written in vbscript.

    34. VBScript Articles
    Techniques OLE, ActiveX, ActiveX Components, OBJECT, PARAM, vbscript. 165. Saturday 12th June 1999 Browser Redirection using vbscript.
    VBScript Articles Home Articles FAQs Xref ... Articles Tuesday 31st August 1999 - un-Gratuitous Gradients Synopsis:
    Have you ever been to a site where words or sentences are composed of what appear to be two blended colors? Ever wondered how on earth to do it without using a fancy program or wracking your brain trying to figure out which letter should be what color to generate a nice blend in straight HTML coding? Well in this tutorial Ryan Detert plays around with some of the more advanced features that JavaScript offers, as well as some advanced techniques in order to get a nice shading effect.
    JavaScript, text, font, color, gradients, Gourad shading, hexidecimal numbers Monday 9th August 1999 - The Amazing ActiveX - Part 1 Synopsis:
    ActiveX is Microsoft's patented Windows technology that allows you to load a type of applet into your web browser. These applets are very much the same as Java Applets and can add an incredible amount of dynamics to your web page - By Ryan Detert.
    OLE, ActiveX, ActiveX Components, OBJECT, PARAM, VBScript

    35. Introduction To Visual Basic Scripting (VBScript)
    Lawrence Elliot introduces vbscript to, describing the major difference between vbscript and JavaScript, and describing how to include vbscript in a web page
    Introduction to Visual Basic Scripting (VBScript) Home Articles FAQs Xref ... VBScript Published on: Friday 18th September 1998 By: Lawrence Elliot
    VBScript is a subset of the Visual Basic Programming language. The result of the slimming down process is a very small language that is easy to use. You may be interest to know that there is also available Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) for use with Microsoft Word, Excel, Access etc. JavaScript can do all that VBScript can do and far more. So why use VBScript instead of JavaScript? Because VBScript is much easier to learn than JavaScript. For instance, here is the VBScript code to request the users name and display it in a message box on your web page and print your name in large letters: There is one big drawback to using VBScript and that is that it isn't supported by non-Internet Explorer browsers. Much of the power of VBScript comes from its ability to control the thousands of ActiveX controls that are available. It is a fairly straight forward exercise to create your own ActiveX controls using ActiveX Control Pad which is free from Microsoft. For the people who still use Notepad to write their HTML files, you really need to use Control Pad. For instance, you may call a text box a "text box" but to every machine in the world its name is really: The reason behind this great long number is that if the person displaying your web page speaks a different language, the persons computer displays everything in the other language. Don't be put off by the long CLASSID number, you don't have to remember it or even type it in, Control Pad does it all for you.

    36. SQL Server DBA, ASP.NET, VB.NET, And C# Expertise From Kohnen Consulting - See R
    Resume Highlights SQL Server DBA, ColdFusion, ASP (Active Server Pages), JavaScript, HTML, vbscript, IIS, Java, VB, PowerBuilder, Test, NT, C, C++
    Kohnen Consulting
    a business unit of IPS, Inc. Resume Highlights: SQL Server DBA, ASP and ASP.NET, VB.Net, C#, ColdFusion, JavaScript, HTML, VBScript, IIS, VB, PowerBuilder, Test, NT, C, C++ Home
    Resume (HTML or Word)


    Home Office/Msg. (360) 438-0437 Consulting provides IT expertise in:
    • SQL Server DBA (Database Administration) and Development
    • Web Development with Database Integration
    • Client/Server Development
    • Software Test

    37. VBScript Links
    vbscript links. Microsoft vbscript The Microsoft information site on vbscript. (Microsoft). vbscript FAQ Frequently asked questions about vbscript. (Microsoft).
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    Amazon Links Templates Hire coders Domain names PHP site ... Logo design VBScript links Microsoft VBScript The Microsoft information site on VBScript. (Microsoft) VBScript 5.5 Download Location The Microsoft URL for downloading the current version of VBScript. (Microsoft) WROX VBScript Tutorial A WROX tutorial on client-side VBScript covering variables, objects, subroutines, functions, and forms. VBScript FAQ Frequently asked questions about VBScript. (Microsoft)

    38. Cream Software :: Sprytne Programy
    Program designed for creating DHTML scripts in JavaScript and vbscript, which are used on WWW pages.
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    39. 1001Line ASP (Active Server Pages Og VBScript)
    Med downloads, forum, links, artikler og nyheder.

    40. CommenceGuru - A Commence Programming Guide For Power Users And Developers
    vbscript programming for Commence RM. Features advanced topics and solutions.
    Commence Programming Guide: Find a way to get the job done
    Main Menu Home General Programming Commence Scripting Commence API ... Build Traffic to your site Programing Help Find ways to enhance your Commence database applications, speed up your development process, write high quality, transportable code and more with the help of the CommenceGuru team's online Commence Programming Guide. Commence Consultants: Read This! Take an hour to read this complimentary e-book on pricing your consulting products and services. Make Your Price Sell! is the best course on pricing services for your business and it's now absolutely free Just about every Commence power user (or developer) out their could use a little helping hand when it comes to the Commence programming framework. The Commence Programming Guide is a great resource for you since there aren't really any others available. Most Commence users would be surprised to know that with the right motivation, and just a little bit of help from the Commence Programming Guide, they could vastly improve the quality and functionality of their homegrown Commence solution. If you're like most Commence power users, you probably don't have a lot of extra cash laying around to repeatedly hire Commence consultants. All you may need to do is learn a little bit about Commence Programming with vbscript; which the Commence Programming Guide delivers.

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