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121. Shirky: Grid Supercomputing: The Next Push clay@shirky.com. Grid supercomputing The Next Push. There are two reasons for this,both of which are bad news for predictions of a supercomputing revolution. http://www.shirky.com/writings/grids.html | |
122. New Scientist Flash mob to attempt supercomputing feat. We are attempting to popularise supercomputing, says John Witchel, the USF graduate student running the project. http://www.newscientist.com/news/news.jsp?id=ns99994826 |
123. Techweb > News > Tennessee Is A Rising Star In Supercomputing > Tennessee Is A R The reputation of TennesseeÂs Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) as a centerof supercomputing is gaining recognition, not just because it received a $25 http://www.techweb.com/wire/story/TWB20040518S0002 | |
124. NewsFactor Network - - The Supercomputing Speed Barrier The supercomputing Speed Barrier By Jay Lyman NewsFactor Network September 13, 2002400AM The Q supercomputer eventually will be able to surpass 100 teraflops http://www.newsfactor.com/perl/story/19391.html | |
125. D-index IAU Symposium 208 Astrophysical supercomputing using Particle SimulationsTokyo (Japan), July 1013, 2001. IAU symposium 208 Astrophysical http://grape.astron.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/iau208/ |
126. Center For Supercomputing Applications WestHost Center for supercomputing applications. St.Petersburg RUSSIA.Same in Russian Charset help Center for supercomputing applications http://www.csa.ru/CSA/ | |
127. NERSC Web Pages of Science has announced that three key computational science projects have beenchosen to receive a total of 4.9 million hours of supercomputing time at the http://www.nersc.gov/ | |
128. Linux News: Cutting Edge: Supercomputing And Visualization: SGI Moves Forward ASPIRE Alabama supercomputing Program to Inspire computational Free summer program offered at statewide training centers helping teachers to develop computer and http://c.moreover.com/click/here.pl?x149673656 |
129. SCXY Conference Series The International Conference for High Performance Computing and Communications http://www.supercomp.org/ | |
130. SC2003 Igniting Innovation THANK YOU http://www.sc-conference.org/sc2003 | |
131. TOP500 Supercomputer Sites TOP500 SUPERCOMPUTER SITES. The TOP500 project was started in 1993 to provide a reliablebasis for tracking and detecting trends in highperformance computing. http://www.top500.org/ | |
132. Top500 Supercomputer Sites Top500 Supercomputer Sites Twice a year, the Top500 Project releases a list of the 500 sites with the most powerful supercomputers. The purpose of the list is "to provide a reliable basis for http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.top500.org/&y=023E23187537F4EC&a |
133. SC04 Home The SC2004 conference will bring representatives from many technical communitiestogether to exchange ideas, celebrate past successes and plan for the future. http://www.sc-conference.org/sc2004/ | |
134. Welcome To OSC SEARCH OSC Site. Site Map. Home. http://www.osc.edu/ | |
135. Topic Area: Parallel Processing Back to Distributed Systems Online homepage. http://dsonline.computer.org/parallel/ | |
136. USA EPA - NESCC - Internal Web Site High Performance Computing, Serving US EPA and Its Partners. http://www.epa.gov/nesc/ | |
137. NCSA: File Has Moved NCSA. File has moved. This page has been moved to a new location. The new URL ishttp//www.ncsa.uiuc.edu/. Please update your links and bookmarks accordingly. http://archive.ncsa.uiuc.edu/General/NCSAHome.html | |
138. ..:: Poznañskie Centrum Superkomputerowo-Sieciowe ::.. 07/05/2004. Internetowe obchody W ramach organizowanych w dniach 47maja 2004 r. Dni Tischnerowskich w Poznaniu i Krakowie odbywa http://www.man.poznan.pl/pcss/public/main/ | |
139. David A. Bader's Parallel Sites, Sponsored By UMIACS IEEE Computer Society ParaScope. This site has moved to the following URL http//computer.org/parascope/.Please update your bookmarks. dbader@umiacs.umd.edu. http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/~dbader/sites.html | |
140. SC 2000: High Performance Networking And Computing Conference The International Conference for High Performance Computing and Communications http://www.sc2000.org/ | |
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