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21. Center For Supercomputing Research & Development The Center focuses on creating new hardware and software approaches to speed distributed computation. Specific research includes integrating advances in optimizing and parallelizing compilers, new parallel architectures, and parallel algorithms. http://www.csrd.uiuc.edu/ | |
22. ASPIRE - Alabama Supercomputing Program To Inspire Computational Research In Edu Free summer program offered at statewide training centers helping teachers to develop computer and Internet research skills. Online textbook and workshop manuals, news, annual student expo summaries. http://aspire.cs.uah.edu/ | |
23. NSF MetaCenter Computational Science Highlights contains descriptions of some of the 10,000 scientific research projects that haveused the resources of National Science Foundation supercomputing centers. http://www.sdsc.edu/MetaScience/welcome.html | |
24. Supercomputing '95 s. supercomputing '95. Conference and Hotel Registration Exhibitor Prospectus. supercomputing '95 Information. Exhibition Industry, Research, Posters...... File scinet. Program http://www.sdsc.edu/SC95 | |
25. Wasserbau Im Küstenbereich - [Bundesanstalt Für Wasserbau] Ein Magazin der BAWAK, welches in regelm¤Âigen Abst¤nden erscheint. Berichte ¼ber laufende Entwicklungen, praktische Anwendungen und neue Software aus dem Bereich der numerischen Simulation der Str¶mungs- und Transportprozesse. http://www.hamburg.baw.de/scn/index-de.htm | |
26. SuperComputing Resources On The Internet supercomputing Resources on the Internet. In addiiton, he also has a collectionof supercomputer gifs.along with a list of supercomputing research groups. http://www.research.umbc.edu/~jack/supercomputer-resources.html | |
27. Supercomputing Sites List of supercomputing and Parallel Computing Sites. CarnegieMellon maintainsa listing of supercomputing parallel computing research groups. http://www.cacr.caltech.edu/Contact/other_sites.html | |
28. Scientific Visualization At The Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center Research and development by the Data Intensive Systems group at the PSC is concentrated in two areas the production of scientific graphics and animations and graphics software development. http://www.psc.edu/research/graphics/graphics.html |
29. Kluwer Academic Publishers - The Journal Of Supercomputing http://www.kluweronline.com/issn/0920-8542/contents | |
30. Forbes.com: Apple's Supercomputing Scientists Some biology and genetic scientists are big fans of the Mac. http://www.forbes.com/sciencesandmedicine/2004/01/12/cx_mh_0112apple.html | |
31. CNN.com - Bell, Torvalds Usher Next Wave Of Supercomputing - May 21, 2002 CNN http://cnn.com/2002/TECH/industry/05/21/supercomputing.future.idg/index.html | |
32. CNN.com - Supercomputing Made Simple - Jun. 6, 2003 CNN http://cnn.com/2003/TECH/ptech/06/05/popsci.supercomputing/index.html | |
33. NASA Advanced Supercomputing Division Research and development of high performance computing technologies, device modeling, nanotechnology, and scientific visualization. Information about research and publications. http://www.nas.nasa.gov/ |
34. ZIDEK Inc. International computer consultants for academia, industry, and governments. Specializing in HPCN, supercomputing. http://www.zidek.com/ | |
35. Alabama Supercomputer Authority Description Providing supercomputing time and related resources to Alabama's academic researchers and industry, facilitating research in advanced scientific and engineering disciplines. http://www.asc.edu/ | |
36. Swinburne University Centre For Astrophysics And Supercomputing http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/ |
37. Home Page Of The Moose Senior Systems Researcher and Administrator for the Pittsburgh supercomputing Center. Former contrib.andrew.cmu.edu administrator. http://www.contrib.andrew.cmu.edu/~moose/ | |
38. MIT LCS Theory Of Computation Group Research areas include algorithms, complexity theory, computation and biology, cryptography and information security, distributed systems, numerical analysis and scientific computing, semantics, and supercomputing technologies. http://theory.lcs.mit.edu/ | |
39. Supercomputing '94 supercomputing 94. Sponsored by IEEE Computer Society and ACM SIGARCH http://sc94.ameslab.gov/ | |
40. Computer Science Department Offers B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in computer science. Home of the UAH Information Technology and Systems Center (ITSC), and Project ASPIRE, the Alabama supercomputing Program to Inspire computational Research in Education. Online research papers available. http://merlin.cs.uah.edu/ | |
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