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161. TAFORA, Senior Level Oracle Consultant, Main Consultant et formateur Oracle. Optimisation, tuning, PLsql. http://www.tafora.fr | |
162. OpenBase Conference OpenBase Dev. Conference SUCCESS STORIES LA.com deploys OpenBase sql FIGG Engineering Receives Award WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING Testimonials and Quotes. http://store.openbase.com/cgi-bin/WebObjects/OpenBaseStore?page=home |
163. ÂTÂCÂxÂ[ÂX®ÂïÂà - SYBASE K.K. sql Anywareãªã©ã®DBMS製åÂÂã§çÂ¥ãÂÂãÂÂãÂÂSybase社æÂ¥æ¬æ³Â人ã®ãµã¤ãÂÂã http://www.sybase.co.jp/ | |
164. ACCESS-VB-SQL ADVISOR® :: Guide To Using Microsoft Database And VB Language Pro Guide to using Microsoft database and VB language products, including Microsoft Access, Microsoft Visual Basic, Microsoft sql Server, Microsoft Visual Studio http://accessvbsqladvisor.com/ | |
165. SQL Plus Traducerea ®n limba rom¢nàa documentaà £iei oficiale. http://www.popeanga.go.ro/it/documentatii/sqlplus/ |
166. SQL From FOLDOC sql. language, database, standard /sql/ An industrystandard language for creating, updating and, querying relational database management systems. http://wombat.doc.ic.ac.uk/foldoc/foldoc.cgi?SQL |
167. Welcome To Sql Power Tools - Zero Impact Database Monitoring sql Power Tools Inc is the industry recognized leader in ZERO IMPACT database monitoring of enduser service levels, sql performance, top N sql and data http://www.sqlpower.com/ | |
168. UCO-WISQL Wisql, by Tom Poindexter, is an X11 version of isql (WindowingIsql) which gives you a sql query editing window, a results window, and a lot of menus and buttons. http://www.ucolick.org/~de/tcl_syb/wisql.html | |
169. Everything Oracle :: Http://www.hot-oracle.com Ian Saunder's introductory lessons on PL/sql. http://www.hot-oracle.com/topics.html?topicId=2 |
170. SANS - Internet Storm Center - Cooperative Cyber Threat Monitor And Alert System Handler s Diary Quiet, well kinda quiet, day on the Internet. Analysis. Port 1434 MSsql Worm. published 2003-01-25. Link to ISC, © 2002 http://isc.incidents.org/analysis.html?id=180 |
171. SQL Reference And Example Site * Featuring * Cinema SQL Examples of how to use sql commands http://fluffycat.com/sql/ | |
172. SQL*XL: Oracle To Excel Bridge. Brings Database Access Native Into Excel. About LIT. Contact LIT. LIT software. Your browser can t run Java! sql*XL. TinyDBClient. sql*Codes. sql*Syntax. sql*Debug. Explain. DataEntry. Hückel. MasSim. MolMass. http://www.oraxcel.com/ | |
173. Mimer SQL - Mimer Information Technology MIMER is a sql based relational database management system (RDBMS) targeted at mission critical client/server environments. http://www.mimer.com/ | |
174. SQuirreL SQL Client Home Page SQuirreL sql is an opensource Java sql Client program for any JDBC compliant database. http://squirrel-sql.sourceforge.net/ | |
175. HttpIO: Error Message Verzeichnis mit Seiten, die sich mit sql besch¤ftigen. http://vu.wu-wien.ac.at/dyn/virlib?type=doquery&errors=w&sortby=hits& |
176. Sqlclinic.net sqlclinic.net http://www.sqlclinic.net/ |
177. DataQuest Software Solutions Developers of Database Applications uising technologies such as sql, WML, XML, ASP, WAP. Design and development of Websites to support Internetbased Database Applications http://www.dqsoftware.com |
178. SQL Database Access With DBTags sql Database Access with DBTags. akarta DBTags is a custom tag library that contains tags to perform the same tasks creating http://rootprompt.org/article.php3?article=6757 |
179. Eclipse - Omondo - The Live UML Company An advanced data modeling Eclipse plugin which allows Data modeling, reverse/forward, generate DDL to sql files, dictionary validation, working with 23 RDBMS (Mysql, DB2, Oracle), database console, working at three levels (diagrams, wizard, XML or Velocity templates). By Omondo. Open source, LGPL, free and commercial versions http://www.eclipsedatabase.com/ | |
180. Practical Software Custom programming and design. Procurement, PO, travel industry, timberline, property management, Website. Visual Basic, VBScript, ASP, sql Server, Client/Server, ActiveX development. http://www.practicalsoftware.com/ | |
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