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101. An Introduction To Linux/Unix Programming Well written, entertaining, basics for 1 hour presentation. http://www.luv.asn.au/overheads/prog/ |
102. TWiki.FAQ.WebHome An overview of the ways you can program the Palm/Pilot along with commentary and links for getting started. http://flippinbits.com/twiki/bin/view/FAQ/WebHome | |
103. Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide programming Ruby. Extracted from the book programming Ruby The PragmaticProgrammer s Guide Copyright © 2001 by Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. http://www.rubycentral.com/book/ | |
104. ILOG CPLEX The CPLEX division of ILOG provides largescale mathematical programming software and services for resource optimization. http://www.cplex.com/ | |
105. Programmers' Heaven - For Free C++, Visual Basic, ASP, Sourcecode, Programming, Programmers Heaven For free C++, Visual Basic, ASP, sourcecode,programming, javascript, code, delphi, pascal and more. http://www.programmersheaven.com/ | |
106. Mathematical Programming Glossary Glossary of keywords and phrases used in the field of optimization. http://www.cudenver.edu/~hgreenbe/glossary/glossary.html |
107. Mathematical Programming Society The page you are trying to access is no longer available. The new linkis http//www.mathprog.org/. Please update your bookmarks. Thank you. http://www.caam.rice.edu/~mathprog/ | |
108. Top XML : XPL Official website of XPL Group. XPL is an application of XML, and is to programming languages what XML is to the 'Net. http://www.vbxml.com/xpl/ | |
109. CGI Programming FAQ CGI programming FAQ. Copyright © Nick Kew, 19962000. ; Should I use CGI oran API? So what are in a nutshell the options for webserver programming? http://www.htmlhelp.com/faq/cgifaq.html | |
110. Redwall MUCK - Programming Message Parsing Interpreter examples and tutorials, and a MultiUser Forth tutorial. Code archives. http://redwall.realm.limitless.org/programming/index.html | |
111. Links To Programming Tutorials On The Web Assembly Language Tutorial Pretty selfexplanatory ). C/C++ Introduction to Object-Orientedprogramming Using C++ A tutorial for people who already know C++ http://www.eng.uc.edu/~jtilley/tutorial.html | |
112. Home Page IT training, all levels, in analysis, design, programming (applications and internet) and testing. Located in the United Kingdom. http://www.talkingbear.co.uk | |
113. About Delphi Programming The starting place for exploring Delphi programming. New Chat You are here About Computing Technology Delphi programming. http://delphi.about.com/ | |
114. ABAP Hints And Tips - Home For ABAP/4 programmers to find hints and tips on programming with SAP's ABAP, useful function modules, and source code. http://abap4.tripod.com/ | |
115. Elance: Web Programming Projects Projects Elance Select, Online webform database and reporting process, Web programming, 2,4 d, 20 h+, Authentication Status. programming, 10, 1 d, 19 h+, Authentication Status. http://www.elance.com/c/rfp/main/rfpmkt.pl?catId=10224 |
116. APC Frameset Page Offers data processing services for data conversion, data entry, direct mailings, custom programs and telephony. http://members.aol.com/apc68/ |
117. DevCentral Home There are many programming alternatives to classic CGI programming, however,one of the most powerful and useful alternatives is Java Servlets. http://devcentral.iticentral.com/ | |
118. Games Official site of Macintosh game programming. Links, news, and information. http://developer.apple.com/games/ | |
119. Unix Programming Frequently Asked Questions - Table Of Contents Unix programming Frequently Asked Questions. 4.2.3 How do I verify a user s password?5. Miscellaneous programming 5.1 How do I compare strings using wildcards? http://www.erlenstar.demon.co.uk/unix/faq_toc.html | |
120. PCAUSA - Network Software Development Toolkits Specialized toolkits for Windows lowlevel network programming NDIS protocol and intermediate drivers, TDI client. http://www.pcausa.com/ | |
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