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81. Secure Internet Programming Laboratory http://www.cs.princeton.edu/sip/ | |
82. Preylude's Resume Objectoriented design and programming in C++, Java, PHP, Perl. Database experience with mySQL, Access. OS Experience with all version of Windows, Red Hat Linux, Slackware Linux, and Solaris. http://www.s3m.com/preylude/resume | |
83. Extreme Programming Roadmap Extreme programming Roadmap. Welcome NewUserPages. This site has capturedseveral years of Extreme programming discussion and evolution. http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ExtremeProgrammingRoadmap |
84. Multilizer Java Edition For Localization and Multilingual programming An compound of JavaBeans and tools for developing platform independent multilingual applications without extra programming. Free evaluation downloads. Demo applets available. http://multilizer.com/dev/java/ |
85. Extreme Programming Extreme programming. Also known as XP. I understand that is swiftly abbreviatesto something like XP, but this is the future of programming. It is. http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?ExtremeProgramming |
86. AcornCD A CDDB server for RISC OS. Includes programming specifications and demonstration program. http://eh.org/~john/acorncd/ | |
87. GRAPE - Graphics Programming Environment A package for mathematical visualization, particularly in the fields of differential geometry and continuum mechanics. Available free by FTP but only to university departments and similiar research sites and only for nonprofit purposes. http://www-sfb256.iam.uni-bonn.de/grape/ | |
88. DBLP Bibliography Links. Research Groups Database Systems Logic programming; Computer Science OrganizationsACM ( DL / SIGMOD / SIGIR), IEEE Computer Society (DL), IFIP, http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/ | |
89. GNU Tools For The HP3000 Online documentation for GNU programming tools for the HP 3000 standard with all HP 3000s with the MPE/iX POSIX shell. Tools include Make and CVS. CVS (Concurrent Versions System) a version control/software configuration management utility used by a number of HP 3000 programmers. http://www.dis.com/gnu.html | |
90. JUnit, Testing Resources For Extreme Programming JUnit Headlines. as of February 22, 2004 TestDriven Plug-In Development. TestFirst Challenges. Automated Continuous Testing. as of February 16, 2004 http://www.junit.org/ | |
91. Serial Programming Guide For POSIX Operating Systems programming serial ports in Unix. http://www.easysw.com/~mike/serial/ | |
92. Gamelan.com - A Developer.com Site For Java Articles, Tutorials, News, Discussio Interested in hearing more? Jeff Heaton provides an introduction to JSTL for someonealready familiar with JSP programming but new to the template library. http://www.developer.com/java/ | |
93. MIDITECH Provider of informational programs for television. Also offers nonEnglish programming. http://www.miditech.org | |
94. Linear Programming FAQ Linear programming Frequently Asked Questions. Optimization Technology Centerof application areas. Q1. What is Linear programming? . A (For http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/otc/Guide/faq/linear-programming-faq.html | |
95. Icarus Productions - TI And Gameboy Programming TI calculator and Gameboy Color programs as well as z80 assembly language programming information. http://icarus.ticalc.org/ | |
96. Nonlinear Programming FAQ Nonlinear programming Frequently Asked Questions. Optimization TechnologyCenter areas. Q1. What is Nonlinear programming? . A A http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/otc/Guide/faq/nonlinear-programming-faq.html | |
97. Windows 95/98/Me Device Driver (VxD) Development Tool A Windows 95/98 virtual device driver development tool. It enables you to develop Windows 95/98 virtual device driver (VxD) in C/C++. No assembly language programming skill is required with this tool. http://www.techsoftpl.com/vxd/ | |
98. The Art Of Computer Programming The Art of Computer programming (TAOCP). by Donald E. Knuth. BUT PLEASE DO NOT SENDEMAIL TO TAOCP EXCEPT TO REPORT ERRORS IN THE ART OF COMPUTER programming. http://www-cs-faculty.stanford.edu/~knuth/taocp.html | |
99. How To Learn MOO Programming. Annotated list of tutorials in MOO programming, intended for nonprogrammers. http://cmc.uib.no/moo/ | |
100. TOPLAS Browse ACM Transactions on programming Languages and Systems (TOPLAS)TOPLAS. ISSN 01640925 TOC ServiceTOC Service Current Issue http://www.acm.org/pubs/contents/journals/toplas/ | |
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