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161. Voila - Mon Site Analyste Programmeur Visual Basic / Access ,VBA et php / MySql Technicien en informatique http://site.voila.fr/AP_TM | |
162. Parallel History Project On NATO And The Warsaw Pact East Berlin, March 1957. Subscribe to the php News. php CONFERENCES. more document collections. php IN THE NEWS. Dokumente des Kalten Krieges http://www.isn.ethz.ch/php/ | |
163. CV De Fabrice Joly - Chef De Projet Informatique Et Internet Microinformatique, r©seaux, sites internet (HTML, php, MySQL), applications sous Windev. http://fabphoto.free.fr/job1.htm | |
164. Top 10 Web Hosting - Cheap WebHosting Support PHP, MySQL And FrontPage Top 10 website hosting plan supports php MySQL Web Hosting Perl ,FrontPage and etc. Web Hosts and Cheap Hosting features best rate http://www.top10webhosting.com/ | |
165. #1 Personal Web Servers Offers shared hosting and dedicated servers. Supports php, MySQL and Perl. http://www.1-personal-web-servers.com/ | |
166. RiSearch Software - Search Scripts, Geocoding And Online Mapping Tools RiSearch php Search script written in php for small sites (up to 5000 pages). Does not requre database backend for index storage. RiCoord, http://risearch.org/ | |
167. NewsFactor Network - - Developer's Dilemma: Perl Or PHP? By Joe Zonker Brockmeier. How to choose between two languages that are both very popular for Web development? Text, forum comments. NewsFactor http://www.newsfactor.com/perl/story/19912.html | |
168. DevNetwork Forums :: Home Poll. Most annoying type/bug/error in php. Missing ; 2 if ( $supersecretpw = $test_password ) 7 ((()6 } hrm http://www.devnetwork.net/ | |
169. 34SP.com - Premium Features, Budget Prices Fully customizable php blogging tool. http://adamwalker.34sp.com | |
170. Gallery :: Your Photos On Your Website photos on your own website. You must have your own website with php support in order to install and use it. With Gallery you can http://gallery.menalto.com/index.php | |
171. PHP Editor From DzSoft Ltd: Download The Best Editor For PHP Here Tool for writing, editing, and debugging php scripts and HTML pages. It has a builtin FTP client and browser, Code and File Explorer, customizable Code Templates, and other php-specific features for comfortable development. Windows 95/98/Me/NT4/2000/XP http://www.dzsoft.com/dzphp.htm | |
172. Automatic Enkoderform Automatic. Enkoder. http://www.hiveware.com/enkoder_form.php | |
173. SELFPHP 1.2 (PHP-Dateien Selbst Erstellen) Selfphp ist ein Werk f¼r Anf¤nger wie auch f¼r Fortgeschrittene und Profis. Viele Antworten f¼r den Einsatz von MySQL Datenbanken in Verbindung mit php. Es werden nicht nur Grundlagen gezeigt, sondern auch Beispiele detailiert erkl¤rt und erl¤utert. http://www.selfphp.com | |
174. GigHost.com - Virtual Hosting From $3.95 Offers virtual hosting with per gig pricing. Supports instant activation, php, MySQL, Perl, CGI, SSI, custom emails, and unlimited subdomains. http://www.gighost.com/ | |
175. Neighbor Search Use the location search (on your home address) to find those who live near you that have made presidential campaign contributions. http://www.fundrace.org/neighbors.php | |
176. Taste-E.org: Electronic Art Links List of links to festivals for the electronic arts with information on location, frequency and topic. http://www.taste-e.org/taste-e/index.php?category=fest |
177. 1st Page 2000 : Html Editor : Web Editor : Php Editor : Website Builder : Html C Unlimited Email Subdomains, FREE 1000+ Website Templates. php, mySQL, CGI, FrontPage, FREE Shopping carts SSL. Webbased Control Panel, Rated by Evrsoft Team. http://www.evrsoft.com/ | |
178. Kite Festivals Calendar - American Kitefliers Association Provides listings of events in the United States. Includes links. http://www.aka.kite.org/cal.php | |
179. PHP-GTK phpGTK, Monday, May 24, 2004. php-GTK. php-GTK is an extension for php programming language that implements language bindings for GTK+ toolkit. http://gtk.php.net/ | |
180. Mate - Professional Societies & Trade Associations List of professional societies and trade associations. http://www.marinetech.org/related/societies.php | |
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