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121. Codewalkers.com - Main Page - PHP Help php Coding Contest posted by Matt on 05/21/04. A new php Coding Contest has been released. php arch May 2004 posted by notepad on 05/18/04. http://codewalkers.com/ | |
122. Paginafacil.com .:: Hosting Gratis Para Tu Pagina Web php Nuke en catal . Traducci³ de les ºltimes versions de m²duls php al catal . http://paginafacil.com/ircestopa/ | |
123. WINAMP.COM | Player Search Classic Skins For. Winamp 5.03 Player Download, Features, Lite, Full, Bundle, MP3 Audio Support, http://www.winamp.com/player/free.php | |
124. RoWiki - A Free, Simple Wiki A small php script, using a textfile database, with a nonrestrictive license. http://www.rowlff.de/rowiki/ | |
125. XOOPS Official Site - News XOOPS is a dynamic Object Oriented based open source portal script written in php. http://www.xoops.org/ | |
126. Website Hosting And Website Development, Subtitling, Closed Captioning And Forei Features include php, MySQL, RealAudio, RealVideo, Windows Media and encoding audio and video services. http://www.blue105.com/ | |
127. Smarty : Template Engine Smarty Makes the Front Page. 15April-2004 John Coggeshall talks about Smarty and Internationalization in the April 2004 issue of php architect. http://smarty.php.net/ | |
128. The Pit - Forums And Tutorials For All Your Internet And Programming Needs Forums to help anyone with HTML, DHTML, ASP, Perl, php, XML, VB, Flash, and just about any other type of internet programming language. http://www.the-pit.net/ | |
129. Ru.Host - Ãëà âÃà ÿ ñòðà Ãèöà Ã¥þÃÂÃÂøýó ø ÃÂõóøÃÂÃÂÃÂðÃÂøàôþüõýþò. ÃÂðÃÂúþòúð ôþüõýþò. ÃÂþôôõÃÂöúð Perl, php, MySQL. http://ru-host.com/ | |
130. PhpInfo.net - Les Archives Translate this page php · MySQL · Apache · Zend · El Roubio · phpScripts · Apérophp · Infos du Web, php.net MySQL.com Apache.org phpMyAdmin Smarty El Roubio Synseo OVH. http://www.phpinfo.net/ | |
131. Metaweb Internet - Link 1Gbit Com Disponibilidade E Suporte Incomparáveis Windows e Linux com PERL/CGI, php, ASP, extensµes FrontPage, Real Audio, Access e mySQL. Inclui programa de franquia. http://www.brasserver.com.br/ | |
132. PHPkitchen - Come See What's Cookin' Content Management, Seagull. Open Source php App Framework. Contents, Vote, Best php PDF Library. PC4P pdfphp PDFLib HTML_ToPDF FPDF Results. 98 votes 2 comments. http://www.phpkitchen.com/ | |
133. ClearInternet.com - Next Generation Solutions For Today's Business Web Hosting and Web Design. php, CGI, ASP, And Perl solutions. http://www.clearinternet.com | |
134. Open Source Initiative OSI - The GPL:Licensing The GNU General Public License (GPL). Version 2, June 1991. Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc. 59 Temple Place http://www.opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php | |
135. The Scriptol Compiler It is designed to be natural, safe, very powerful, and to allow you program computers, not only very quickly but also with pleasure. The personal edition is free. Both the personal and enterprise version produce php code from Scriptol code. http://www.scriptol.com/ |
136. Free PHP Scripts , Free And Paid PHP Hosting , PHP Resources , PHP Tools And Man Onlyphp.Com is your only source for php. Books , Scripts, Servers , Clients, Communities and much more. Welcome to Only php . Thank you for visiting Only php. http://www.onlyphp.com/ | |
137. Abaton [CMS], Das Content Management System Ein php/MySQLbasiertes, modular aufgebautes Redaktionsystem mit Produktkatalog und Online-Shop, Benutzerverwaltung und Multilanguage-Support. Das CMS wird beschrieben und man erf¤hrt etwas ¼ber den Hersteller, seine Referenzen und weitere Leistungen. http://www.abaton.info | |
138. PHP Brasil Comunidade de desenvolvedores php com artigos, scripts, tutoriais e outros recursos. http://phpbrasil.com/ |
139. Agent Newsreader Product Page Agent Newsreader Product Page. What is Agent? 2.0 Upgrade. Upgrade from 1.x to 2.0 for $US 15.00. Buy Agent Now. Own the Best Newsreader + Email. Subscribe To APN. http://www.forteinc.com/agent/index.php | |
140. RCTHost.com ::Advanced Hosting Solutions Services include perl/CGI, php, MySQL databases and email. http://rcthost.com | |
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