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101. NiceWebs.com :: Look And Feel The Web Offers web hosting plans with Perl, php, mySQL, SSL, CGI, and SSI. Located in Geneva, Switzerland. http://www.nicewebs.com/ | |
102. Host Ultra - High Quality Low Cost Web Hosting For Everyone! Click Here Now! Qua No image galleries allowed. Unlimited space with unlimited bandwidth. Filesize limit 1Mb. Exit Popup ads on each page. FTP and browser uploads. php supported. Domain hosting available. URL 'http//www.hostultra.com/~yoursite/'. http://www.hostultra.com/ | |
103. Inno Setup Inno Setup. Setup Wizard IDE. Inno Setup is a free installer for Windows programs. First introduced in 1997, Inno Setup today rivals http://www.jrsoftware.org/isinfo.php | |
104. Home : : Developer Fusion : : Free VB, ASP, C#, .NET, PHP, XML Tutorials And Sou Tutorials and source code for VB, ASP, php, XML, SQL Server, C , C++, Perl developers. ActiveX controls, reviews, discussion forum. http://www.developerfusion.com/ | |
105. PHP Live! Support [ Live Help And Live Support Software ] php Live! Support and Live Help Solution. Unlimited departments and operators. Open source php code and MySQL powered. http://www.phplivesupport.com/ | |
106. PHP-Nuke Taiwan ç·Âä¸ÂphpNUKEè«Âå£Â,æÂÂä¾Âç·Âä¸Âæ¸èÂÂÃ¥ÂÂæÂÂå¸æÂÂç« é£絠http://www.phpnuke-tw.com |
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108. Phpuniverset - PHP, MySQL, Internet & LINUX Hj¦lp, tips og tricks, boganmeldelser og kildekoder til php. http://www.phpuniverset.dk/ | |
109. Infos24 Perl PHP XML XSLT XPATH DOM JavaScript Mysql Linux Webdesign Schulungen Handb¼cher,Tutorials und Beispiele zu XML, JavaScript, MySQL, Perl und php. http://www.infos24.de/ | |
110. File Editing And Listing In PHP (FELIP) Web application that allows editing of text files on a web server through a web browser. (php) http://felip.nvinity.net |
111. PHP Editor Review - PHP Resource : PHP IDE : PHP Jobs php Resource php IDE php Jobs php Developer, Web Developer, php Editors and php IDE list, biggest php editors and IDE list on the internet. http://www.php-editors.com/ | |
112. Printer Friendly Html Web Page Design A php program that gives visitors the ability to view that same page in a printerfriendly format. http://www.printer-friendly.com | |
113. The Degree Confluence Project The goal of the project is to visit each of the latitude and longitude integer degree intersections in the world, and to take pictures at each location. http://www.confluence.org/index.php | |
114. PHP-opas Artikkelisarja kielen ominaisuuksista. http://www.2kmediat.com/php/ | |
115. Free Php And Perl Script Page Free perl and php scripts for your homepage. Counter, guestbook, poll, download systems, link indexing and more. php is today s fastest growing technology. http://www.proxy2.de/ | |
116. Pair Networks - World Class Web Hosting Offers shared hosting, domain registration and dedicated servers. Supports MySQL, php and Python. http://www.pair.com | |
117. Â International PHP Conference 2004 - Spring Edition -Â Int. php Conference . Thank you for your participation. See you again at International php Conference 2004 November 710, 2004 Frankfurt, Germany. http://www.phpconference.com/ | |
118. PhpMyAdmin - MySQL Database Administration Tool - Www.phpmyadmin.net Handles the administration of one or more MySQL servers over the web. Written in php. http://www.phpmyadmin.net/ | |
119. PHP.WarpedWeb.Net - PHP Scripts: Welcome Free php Scripts to download including a search engine, mailing list, user authentication, click tracker and an email archiving system. http://php.warpedweb.net/ | |
120. Select Development Solutions PHP Auto Dealer &PHP Realtor Automated Online Vehic Offers web hosting and domain registration with php, FrontPage, MySQL, and SSL support. http://www.selectdevelopment.com/ | |
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