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41. PHP Help: PHP Freaks.com, Learn PHP, PHP Tutorials / Howto, Code Examples, PHP S php Freaks.com is a php and MySQL resource website for website design that has php tutorials mysql tutorials free php hosting tips tricks reference libraries http://www.phpfreaks.com/ | |
42. Web Hosting - Reseller Web Hosting - Free Web Hosting - CPanel Hosting - Registe Unixbased web hosting, reseller program, php, FrontPage 2002, CGI support, Miva, POP3 accounts, and built in shopping cart. http://www.icestorm.com/ | |
43. PhpBB.com :: Creating Communities It is based on the powerful php server language and a choice of MySQL, MSSQL, PostgreSQL or Access/ODBC database servers which makes phpBB the ideal free http://www.phpbb.com/ | |
44. Internet Archive: Wayback Machine Search All Media Types http://www.archive.org/web/web.php | |
45. ASP And PHP Cheap Hosting Services - 1-4$/month Offers web hosting services with ASP, php, MySQL, and FrontPage extension support on Windows 2000 servers. http://www.aspphphosting.com | |
46. PhpWebSite Open Source, CommunityDriven WebWare. phpWebSite provides a complete web site content management system. Web-based administration http://phpwebsite.appstate.edu/ | |
47. LetYouGo.com Web hosting with CGI, php, MySQL, SSL and FrontPage Extensions. Also, domain name registration and web design. http://www.letyougo.com/ | |
48. PhpMyAdmin - MySQL Database Administration Tool - Www.phpmyadmin.net Latest version tested with php 4.1.0 and MySQL 3.23.32 2.2.7pl1 bzip2 gzip zip release notes. Project information. phpMyAdmin http://www.phpmyadmin.net/home_page/ | |
49. PHP: PHP Ãòá - Manual phpæÂÂÃ¥ÂÂæÂÂæ°çÂÂæÂÂä¸ÂæÂÂç¿»è¯Âï¼Âåºæ¬ä¸Âç±å½æ°åÂÂèÂÂç»ÂæÂÂï¼Âæ¤å¤Âå æ¬è¯Âè¨ÂÃ¥ÂÂèÂÂãÂÂphp主è¦Âç¹ç¹以åÂÂå ¶å®Â补堠信æ¯ã http://www.php.net/manual/zh/ | |
50.  RedCangaroo · Das Office-Paket Für Ihren Internetauftritt Das auf php/MySQL basierende System zur Pflege von Websites bietet eine dreistufige Nutzerverwaltung und ein Newslettermodul. Das System l¤uft sowohl als ASPL¶sung als auch unter Einzellizenz. Man findet neben der Produktbeschreibung aktuelle Nachrichten und Links zum Hersteller. http://www.redcangaroo.de/ | |
51. // N I K L A S S O N . N E T Kort guide om variabler och ifsatser. http://www.niklasson.net/guider/php/ | |
52. Simple DirectMedia Layer SDL is written in C, but works with C++ natively, and has bindings to several other languages, including Ada, Eiffel, Java, Lua, ML, Perl, php, Pike, Python http://www.libsdl.org/ | |
53. WebHunt :: PHP és Más Semmi. Magyar nyelvà ± php ©s MySQL seg©dletek ©s linkek. http://webhunt.host.sk/ | |
54. Phpwizard.net Coming Soon! We are reviving phpwizard to bring back the community into our projects and products. Watch this spot for more information. Stay tuned! ). http://www.phpwizard.net/ | |
55. PHP Development Adds search capabilities to site using the popular open source tools php3 and ht//Dig. http://www.devshed.com/Server_Side/PHP/Search_This/page1.html | |
56. PHPEclipse.de Deutsche Homepage f¼r die php Erweiterung zur Eclipse.org IDE. Hilfe bei Installation, Tipps und Tricks. http://www.phpeclipse.de/ | |
57. Blackmask Online : Mad, Bad And Dangerous To Know site logo, http://www.blackmask.com/page.php | |
58. PHP Arena Visit http//www.phparena.net/support.php for more information. The php script and instructions are located in the upload folder within the zip file. http://www.phparena.net/ | |
59. PHP Documentación Y Recursos Directorio de manuales, sitios, software y servidores gratuitos relacionados con php. Requiere JavaScript. http://www.geocities.com/aprendehtml/php.html | |
60. Php | Architect - The PHP Magazine For PHP Professionals php architect, QUICK POLL! Would you like a version of php a for your PDA? Yes No. http://www.phparch.com/ | |
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