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         Parallel Computing:     more books (100)
  1. Networks and Communication Systems (Series on Networks, Parallel & Distributed Computing & Systems)
  2. Proceedings of the Second Workshop on Environments and Tools for Parallel Scientific Computing by Tenn.) International Workshop "Environments and Tools For Parallel Scientific Computing" (2nd : 1994 : Townsend, Jack J. Dongarra, 1994-06
  3. Parallel and Distributed Computing, Applications and Technologies: Pdcat'2003: Proceedings: [August 27-29, 2003, Chengdu, China by IEEE, 2003-01
  4. Languages and Compilers for Parallel Computing: 18th International Workshop, LCPC 2005, Hawthorne, NY, USA, October 20-22, 2005, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
  5. Advances in Parallel & Distributed Computing Conference (Apdc 97): March 19-21, 1997, Shanghai, China : Proceedings
  6. Advances in Parallel Computing: A Research Annual (Advances in Parallel Computing)
  7. Parallel Computing: Problems, Methods, and Applications : Selection of Papers Presented at the Conference on Parallel Computing : Achievements, Prob by Paul Messina, 1992-01
  8. Scheduling in Parallel Computing Systems: Fuzzy and Annealing Techniques (The International Series in Engineering and Computer Science) by Shaharuddin Salleh, Albert Y. Zomaya, 1999-05-31
  9. Hardware and Software Fault Tolerance in Parallel Computing Systems (Ellis Horwood Series in Workshops)
  10. Practical Parallel Computing by H. Stephen Morse, 1994-10
  11. Knowledge Frontiers: Public Sector Research and Industrial Innovation in Biotechnology, Engineering Ceramics, and Parallel Computing by Wendy Faulkner, Jacqueline Senker, 1995-04-13
  12. Parallel Processing in Information Systems: With Examples and Cases (Wiley Professional Computing) by John Van Zandt, 1992-06
  13. Concurrent and Parallel Computing: Theory, Implementation and Applications
  14. Languages for Parallel Architectures: Design, Semantics, Implementation Models (Wiley Series in Parallel Computing)

121. Department Of Computer Sciences
Institute of Computer Science. Research areas include theoretical computer science, graph grammars, visual programming, computational linguistics, evolutionary computation, parallel and distributed systems, soft computing, fault tolerance, object oriented systems, pattern recognition, data warehousing, scientific databases, workflow management, performance evaluation, artificial intelligence, computer graphics, and simulation.
Department of Computer Sciences Home Page


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Dept. of Computer Sciences
Department of Computer Sciences

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... News News, Job offers, Calendar of Events, Institutes Theoretical Computer Science Programming Languages and Programming Methodologies ... Hardware Software Codesign B. Research Group Business Applications School Portal (Schulportal) [only in German] Academics Advisory Service Degree Programs (Computer Science ... Research Research Topics, Common Research Projekts Publications People Professors, Staff Job Database Job database of the Computer Science Department Search People, Web Pages, Lectures, Rooms, ... People: Web pages: Academics - News Neuauflage des Studienführers Informatik (April 2004) Neue Fachprüfungsordnung CE abrufbar The lectures in summer 2004 start on Monday, 2004/04/19 and end on Friday 2004/07/23. Mensa Süd - Menu [in German] Contact Last modified: 2003-11-21 08:53 Kö

122. Computer Science And Software Engineering
Department of Computer Science. Research areas include design and analysis of algorithms, computer architecture and VLSI, databases and information systems, mathematics of computation, parallel and distributed computing, artificial intelligence, programming languages and methodology, and theoretical computer science.

Prospective Students
Current Students About Us People ... Department of CS
Last modified on May 4, 2004 by

123. Parallel Home Page
Part of the School of computing at Queen s University, the parallel Computation Group is located on the fifth floor of Goodwin Hall.
Part of the School of Computing at Queen's University, the Parallel Computation Group is located on the fifth floor of Goodwin Hall. Our research focuses on theoretical and practical aspects of parallelism, with a particular emphasis on the following three themes:
  • Fundamental theorems in parallel computation
  • Implementations and applications of shared memory models
  • Properties of interconnection networks and their algorithms
Research Projects
Parallel Real-Time Computation
New Paradigms in Parallel Computation
Computing in the Presence of Uncertainty
Multiuser Detection in Cellular Basestations
Broadcasting with Selective Reduction as a Model of Parallel Computation
Computing with Optical Pipelined Buses
The Optical Hypermesh: Architectural Properties and Algorithms
Bounds and Algorithms for Cayley Graphs
Parallel Algorithms for Circular Arc Graphs
Paradigms Admitting Superunitary Behaviours in Parallel Computation
An Implementation of Multiple Criteria BSR and its Applications
Communication and Fault Tolerance Algorithms on a Class of Interconnection Networks
The Star Interconnection Network: Properties and Algorithms
Parallel Computation of Weighted Matchings in Graphs
Group Members
Selim G. Akl

124. Entropia - PC Grid Computing
Company providing free software that pools your idle computer's with thousands of others in nearly 100 countries to work on planetwide computing tasks. Runs both commercial and non-profit parallel appplications.

Latest News
June 16, 2003
BAE SYSTEMS Signs Grid Computing Development Collaboration Agreement with Entropia May 21, 2003
TSRI and Entropia Fight AIDS at Home PC Grid Project Successfully Completes First Phase February 10, 2003
Entropia's DCGrid Selected By One Of The World's Largest Health Care Companies December 2, 2002
Entropia's PC Grid Technology Debuts at IBM's European Design Centre for eBusiness on Demand November 19, 2002
Entropia DCGrid 5.1 Sets New Standard For PC Grid Computing November 6, 2002
Evotec OAI Agrees Entropia DCGrid Delivers More Cost-Effective Computing Power October 28, 2002
Entropia and CCDC Launch Grid Computing Partnership to Accelerate Virtual Screening DCGrid Power Partner Spotlight
IBM is a recognized leader in Grid computing. Entropia and IBM cooperate on driving grid computing standards, and as a PartnerWorld ISV, Entropia partners with IBM in Life Sciences and other markets.
Analyst Highlights
See who covers the Grid computing space, read about analyst research and what they have to say about Entropia and PC Grid computing

125. Jayadev Misra
University of Texas parallel and distributed computing, specification and design of synchronous and asynchronous systems.
Jayadev Misra
Professor and Schlumberger Centennial Chair in Computer Sciences
Mailing Address, Phone, Fax, Email
Jayadev Misra
Dept. of Computer Sciences
Taylor Hall, Room 3.102
Univ. of Texas at Austin,
Austin, Texas 78712-1188 Voice: 512-471-9550
Fax: 512-471-8885
Home Page:
B.Tech. (1969), Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, India Ph.D. (1972), Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland
Honors, Awards, and Professional Service
John Simon Guggenheim Fellow, 1989
IEEE Fellow
ACM Fellow Chair, Computer Science Dept., UT, Austin, 1994-1997
Summary of Research, Research Group
My interest is in applying formal methods in practice, particularly in the specifications and designs of synchronous and asynchronous systems. My research group, the PSP group , has a home page, with more information about my work and electronic access to other papers.
Publications and Speeches
Selected Publications and Books Notes on UNITY Unpublished Short Notes ...
Texts of Speeches
CS 336 (Analysis of Algorithms) Class Handouts and Quizzes and Solutions CS 337 (Theory in Programming Practice) Class Handouts and Quizzes and Solutions and Other CS 380D (Distributed Computing) Class Handouts and Quizzes and Solutions and Other

126. Buyya, Rajkumar
Monash University Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Compilers, Programming Paradigms, parallel and Distributed computing, Cluster computing, parallel I/O.

127. INRIA - INRIA's Web Site
French National Institute for Research in Computer Science and Control. Research areas include parallel and distributed computing, software safety and reliability, multimedia, and analysis, simulation, control and optimization of systems.
THE FRENCH NATIONAL INSTITUTE FOR RESEARCH IN COMPUTER SCIENCE AND CONTROL A research institute at the heart of the information society
Nomination : Gilles Kahn, INRIA's new President and Chief Executive Officer.
Front Page : Recruitement :
Opening selection : Senior Research Scientists, consult the list of qualified candidate s
Our offers for engineers (in French).
Laurent Kott (Vice-president for technology transfer) has been appointed member of the Scientific Board of ENS Cachan Events :
Dabases at INRIA to be honored in 2004

INRIA and ACM are jointly managing the conference SIGMOD/PODS the leading forum for databases researchers, premiering in Paris, Maison de la Chimie, on June 13-18, 2004 LORIA and INRIA Lorraine organize the 16th ESSLLI (European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information) , August 9-20, 2004.
International :
Focus on INRIA and Europe for the celebration of Europe Day New research project-team BANG : Nonlinear Analysis for Biology and Geophysical flows INRIA's Strategic Plan for 2003 - 2007 Press Press release : INRIA will present CyberCars : A new approach in urban transportation June 10-11, 2004 at Antibes-Juan les Pins, France.

128. Faculty Of Sciences - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Division of Mathematics and Computer Science. Research interests center around software engineering; parallel and distributed systems, including programming, distributed shared objects, operating systems support, and wide area cluster computing; agent technology; computational intelligence; knowledge representation and reasoning; lambda calculus; programming language semantics; type theory; and proof checking.


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VWO/HBO docenten
... Medewerkers Mensen Wetenschappelijke Staf Staf AiO's Studenten ... Alumni Organisatie Afdelingsbestuur Afdelingscommissies Facultaire Diensten Studievereniging Onderwijs Bachelors Masters Promotie-onderzoek Roosters ... Studiegids Onderzoek Onderzoeksgroepen Onderzoeksscholen Proefschriften Bibliotheek ... FTP site Secties Bedrijfsinformatica Bioinformatica Computersystemen Kunstmatige Intelligentie ... Theoretische Informatica Nieuws Agenda Nieuwsberichten Nieuwsbrief Faculteit der Exacte Wetenschappen - Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam Adres : De Boelelaan 1081A, 1081 HV Amsterdam, Nederland Telefoon English telefoonboek informatica FEW VU site map zoeken webmaster Als u een fout ontdekt, stuur dan alstublieft een e-mail naar de eigenaar van deze pagina. Uw browser ondersteunt CSS niet volledig. Hierdoor kunnen visuele problemen ontstaan.

129. Welcome To Applied Scientific Research
ASR provides advanced computational and algorithmic support to the high performance computing needs of government and industrial clients. The core technology of ASR is a gridfree, massively parallel CFD tool, originally developed at M.I.T.

130. MIT LCS Parallel And Distributed Operating Systems
This group's focus is to build and investigate software systems for parallel and distributed environments. They have conducted research in operating systems, networking, mobile computing, language design, compiler design, and architecture, taking a pragmatic approach we build highperformance, reliable, and working systems.
Projects IRIS Chord RON ... LAB FOR COMPUTER SCIENCE We build and investigate software systems for parallel and distributed environments. We have conducted research in operating systems, networking, mobile computing, language design, compiler design, and architecture, taking a pragmatic approach: we build high-performance, reliable, and working systems.
Our most recent research focuses on very large scale distributed systems based on distributed hash tables, such as Chord . The IRIS project is a large, ongoing collaboration. See the IRIS Page for more details. In general, our research focuses on extensible and flexible system services: filesystems, networking, and languages. Click is a flexible, modular router that runs on commodity hardware. SFS , the Self-Certifying File System, creates a global, secure filesystem with a single global namespace and no centralized control. `C (tick-C) is a superset of the ANSI C language with extensions for dynamic code generation. New algorithms in the `C compiler result in fast and high-quality runtime compilation. The Prolac language aims to make network protocol implementations both readable and efficient.

131. Journal Of Parallel And Distributed Computing
This international journal is directed to researchers, engineers, educators, managers, programmers, and users of computers who have particular interests in parallel processing and/or distributed computing. Published monthly.
Home Site map picswapper("picswap", [/authored_framework/ + "images/topbar_1.jpg", /authored_framework/ + "images/topbar_2.jpg", /authored_framework/ + "images/topbar_3.jpg", /authored_framework/ + "images/topbar_4.jpg", /authored_framework/ + "images/topbar_5.jpg", /authored_framework/ + "images/topbar_6.jpg"], 5000) Advanced Product Search Products Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing Journal information Product description Editorial board Guide for authors Online submission ... Special issues and supplements Subscription information Bibliographic and ordering information Conditions of sale Dispatch dates Journal related information Contact the publisher Most downloaded articles Other journals in same subject area About Elsevier ... Select your view
Editor, System Architecture and Design:
A. Gottlieb

See editorial board for all editors information
For Tables of Contents, Abstracts and Full Text Articles, access

Top 25 of most downloaded articles

This international journal is directed to researchers, engineers, educators, managers, programmers, and users of computers who have particular interests in parallel processing and/or distributed computing. The Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing publishes original research papers and timely review articles on the theory, design, evaluation, and use of parallel and/or distributed computing systems. The journal features special issues devoted to specific topics such as parallel architectures and algorithms; algorithms for hypercube computers; parallelism in computer arithmetic; concurrent hypercube computations; frontiers of massively parallel computation; and languages, compilers, and environments for parallel programming.

132. Quentin Stout Homepage
University of Michigan Computer science professor with research in parallel computing, algorithms, scientific and statistical computing, and discrete mathematics.
Quentin F. Stout
Affiliations Research Interests, Projects, Publications
My students and I work in scientific computing and computational science adaptive sampling designs and clinical trials parallel computing ; and algorithms and data structures.

133. Rostock, University
Computer Science Department. Research areas include theoretical computer science, algorithms and theory of programming, computer architecture, information and communication services, parallel and super computing. databases and information systems, programming languages and compilers, simulation, software techniques, and computer graphics.
Faculty Divisions Research Education ... Search © University of Rostock, Department of Computer Science, A.-Einstein-Str. 21, 18059 Rostock
phone:++49(381)498-3400, E-Mail: , Chairman of the Department: Prof.Heuer
Last modified: 9.Juni 2003, 505 Accesses (since 2.12.2003),

134. School Of Computing Science At SFU
School of computing Science. Research labs focus on algorithms and optimization, systems science, computational epidemiology, computer vision, database systems, graphics and multimedia, hardware design, software agents, intelligent software and systems, knowledge representation, logic and functional programming, medical computing, natural language processing, parallel and distributed computing, mathematical sciences, programming languages, simulating and exploring ecosystem dynamics, and distance learning.
About Us People Research Grad ... Search

past conferences

SAT 2004 - May 10-13, 2004

HPCS '04 - May 16-19, 2004

TAG '04 - May 20-22, 2004
RANDOM 2004 - August 22-24, 2004

past news items

COIN-OR Foundation Created - Summer 2004

Seminars and Events all seminars Scholarship News past scholarship news 2004 Dean of Applied Sciences Convocation Medal recipient, Bistra Dilkina 2004 Dean of Graduate Studies Medal recipient - Manuel Zahariev CSSS Spring 2004 Award Winner - Michael Schwartz ... MSc/PhD Theses Academic Programs Graduate Studies Undergraduate Studies School of Computing Science Faculty of Applied Sciences ...

135. The ARC Parallel FFT Homepage
parallel implementations of the Fast Fourier Transform at the High Performance computing and Education Research Center (HPCERC).

136. Distributed Systems Laboratory
Research focus includes programming support for parallel and distributed computing, quality of service, and security.
Distributed Systems Laboratory
Argonne National Laboratory
University of Chicago The Distributed Systems Laboratory (DSL) is a research and software development group within the Mathematics and Computer Science (MCS) Division at Argonne National Laboratory and the Department of Computer Science at The University of Chicago A Grid is a persistent infrastructure that supports computation-intensive and data-intensive collaborative activities, especially when these activities span organizations. Grid computing facilitates the formation of "Virtual Organizations" for shared use of distributed computational resources. Under the leadership of Dr. Ian Foster , the DSL hosts research and development activities designed to realize the potential of "Grids" for computational science and engineering. Together with Carl Kesselman's Center for Grid Technologies at the University of Southern California Information Sciences Institute , we are co-founders of the Globus Project TM , a highly-collaborative international and multidisciplinary effort to make Grid computing a reality.

137. The University Of Greenwich : School Of Computing And Mathematical Sciences
School of computing and Mathematical Sciences. Research groups include AI; parallel processing; computing for law; Natural language processing; Information integrity.
School Homepage About the School Prospective Students Undergraduate Programmes ... Contact Us Introduction and Welcome The School of Computing and Mathematical Sciences (CMS) offers a wide range of undergraduate degrees in Computing, Information Systems, Multimedia, Networking, the Internet, Software Engineering, Business Information Technology, Mathematics, Statistics, Decision Science and combinations of these. There are also new degrees in Games Development and Internet Computing. CMS has many MSc programmes in Most MSc programmes can now be started in either September or January.
We have Open Days planned if you wish to come and visit. Latest edition of CMS News is now available.
University League Table Success for CMS Computing Science at CMS is ranked above all other London new universities in the latest league tables from The Guardian newspaper.

138. Kluwer Academic Publishers - Cluster Computing
International peerreviewed journal published by Kluwer academic publishers. Papers covering parallel processing, distributed computing systems and computer networks are published quarterly.
This web page uses frames, but your browser doesn't support them.

139. R. K. Shyamasundar's Home Page
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai Real-Time and Reactive Programming, Logic Programming, Pi-Calculus and Mobile computing, parallel Programs, Programming Languages.
R.K. Shyamasundar
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
Bombay 400 005
India Fax: +91 22 2280 4610
Fax: +91 22 2280 4611
Tel: +91 22 2280 4545 X 2288
e-mail: TCS Group


Secretary, John Barretto (X 2531) TCS john[AT]
Research Interests and Publications
Indian Association for Research in Computing Science

140. Uni Stuttgart - Faculty Of Computer Science
Faculty of Computer Science. Computer architecture, computing software, dialogue systems, formal concepts of computer science, graphical engineering systems, intelligent systems, programming languages, software engineering, theoretical computer science, parallel and distributed systems, image understanding, integrated systems engineering and large system simulation.
Home Organisation News Studies ... Who? What? Where? University of Stuttgart Faculties Faculty of Computer Science
In General
News Facilities Persons and Contacts Research Teaching and Studies Information Services Informatik-Forum Stuttgart e.V. (infos) Last update: 26. January 1999 ( wm

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