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1. Supercomputing And Parallel Computing Research Groups Supercomputing and parallel computing Research Groups research groups working in the field of supercomputing and parallel computing. ABCPL. An objectBased Concurrent Language http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~scandal/research-groups.html | |
2. UCLA Parallel Computing Laboratory Projects, research, papers, and free parallel simulation languages. http://pcl.cs.ucla.edu/ | |
3. Nan's Parallel Computing Page Nan s parallel computing Page. This list contains links related to parallel computing. If you parallel computing Education. Cluster Computing http://www.cs.rit.edu/~ncs/parallel.html | |
4. Internet Parallel Computing Archive An archive of software, documents and information on parallel and High Performance Computing (HPC) including archives of usenet parallel newsgroups and special content about the occam language and http://www.hensa.ac.uk/parallel | |
5. Supercomputing And Parallel Computing Resources Information on conferences, research groups, vendors, and machines in the field of supercomputing and parallel computing. Supercomputing http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~scandal/resources.html | |
6. Upcoming Compiler And Parallel Computing Conferences Upcoming Compiler and parallel computing Conferences. Here is a list of upcoming conferences of interest to researchers in the areas of compilers, parallel processing, and supercomputing. INRIA http://www.cs.rice.edu/~roth/conferences.html | |
7. Parallel Computing Links Links to parallel computing Resources. This is parallel computing as such, only; see also. Numerical Computing Resources on the Internet) Locally Developed Documentation. Getting Started With MPI. Getting Started with OpenMP http://www.indiana.edu/~rac/hpc/links.html | |
8. IS PARALLEL COMPUTING DEAD? IS parallel computing DEAD? Ken Kennedy, Director, CRPC. Is parallel computing really dead? At the very least, it is undergoing a major transition. http://www.crpc.rice.edu/CRPC/newsletters/oct94/director.html |
9. Centre For Parallel Computing of Computing Science s Centre for parallel computing is a focus for research in the technology and applications of parallel and distributed computations. http://www.cpc.wmin.ac.uk/ | |
10. Welcome To The CRPC Home Page Jack Dongarra to lead NSFfunded Scalable Intracampus Research Grid(SInRG); Spring/Summer 1999 Issue of parallel computing Research Now Available; http://www.crpc.rice.edu/CRPC/ |
11. Internet Parallel Computing Archive An archive of software, documents and information on parallel and High Performance Computing (HPC) including archives of usenet parallel newsgroups and special http://wotug.ukc.ac.uk/parallel/ | |
12. Scientific Applications On Linux Parallel Computing Links to and descriptions of parallel languages, message passing libraries, parallel tools, and other resources. http://sal.kachinatech.com/C/ |
13. Topic Area: Parallel Processing Torczon, Andy White, editors, The Sourcebook of parallel computing, Morgan Kaufmann, © 2002 Vipin Kumar, An Introduction to parallel computing, Design and Analysis of Algorithms http://www.computer.org/parascope | |
14. ScienceDirect - Parallel Computing - List Of Issues www.sciencedirect.com/webeditions/journal/01678191 LAM/MPI parallel computingLAM/MPI logo, LAM/MPI parallel computing. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/journal/01678191 | |
15. Topic Area: Parallel Processing IEEE ParaScope ParaScope is a curated list of URLs related to parallel computing research, professional meetings, and vendors. The site is regularly updated. http://dsonline.computer.org/parallel/ | |
16. Supercomputing Sites List of Supercomputing and parallel computing Sites. CarnegieMellon maintains a listing of supercomputing parallel computing research groups. http://www.cacr.caltech.edu/Contact/other_sites.html | |
17. The Distributed ASCI SUPERCOMPUTER (DAS) An experimental widearea distributed computing cluster used for parallel computing research at five Dutch universities. http://www.cs.vu.nl/~bal/das.html | |
18. C-DAC "Centre For Development Of Advanced Computing" Bangalore, India. Research areas include parallel computing and multilingual technologies. Includes educational programs and conference schedule. http://www.cdacindia.com/ | |
19. IPCA : Parallel : Occam Internet parallel computing Archive. http://wotug.ukc.ac.uk/parallel/occam/ | |
20. Colgate Parallel Computing parallel computing Laboratory. Courses and Student Research The Colgate parallel computing Laboratory consists of several parallel computers http://cs.colgate.edu/faculty/nevison.pub/parallel.html | |
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