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61. MOVES Online Learning, Hamming: Learning To Learn, History Of Computers - Softwa Presentation history of computers Software. Date 4 April 1995. In the early days of computing the control part was all done by hand. http://online.cs.nps.navy.mil/DistanceEducation/NpsContent/Courses/HammingLearni | |
62. MOVES Online Learning, Hamming: Learning To Learn, History Of Computers - Hardwa Hamming Learning to Learn, paper. Presenter Richard W. Hamming Naval Postgraduate School. Presentation history of computers Hardware. Date 31 March 1995. http://online.cs.nps.navy.mil/DistanceEducation/NpsContent/Courses/HammingLearni | |
63. Search Results history of computers. Featured Stores. All stores. The First ComputersHistory and Architectures Compare. The First ComputersHistory and Architectures. http://eshop.msn.com/fts/ftsresults.aspx?pcid=12163 |
64. The History Of Computers The History of the Computer By Daniel Rytterlund. Charles Babbage (younger days). pasclin1_thum.gif (7905 bytes). pasclin2_thum.gif (7690 bytes). http://www.elanguest.com/reporter/computer.html |
65. The Secret Guide To Computers - History Of Computers home » read » history of computers, During the 1950Âs, 1960Âs, and 1970Âs, most computers used punched cards  whose history is weird. http://www.secretguide.net/read/index.php?filename=history_of_computers |
66. THE HISTORY OF COMPUTING and meetings. Courses. Overviews of the history of Computing. People and Pioneers Online emulators of computers and computing systems. Miscellaneous. Women in (the) Computing history http://ei.cs.vt.edu/~history | |
67. Chronology Of Personal Computers Chronology of Personal computers timeline of events tracing the history of personal computers, from the late 1960s to date Chronology of. Personal computers. Copyright © 19952004 Ken Polsson tried to keep it open-minded and unbiased, but the annoying fact is that "the winners write the history books http://www.islandnet.com/~kpolsson/comphist | |
68. The Machine That Changed The World 1,2,3 Mitch Kapor Microsoft - Bill Gates (an early history by John article by Christopher R. Murphy (CS 3604, Spring 1997) Chained computers New Projections http://ei.cs.vt.edu/~history/TMTCTW.html | |
69. Computers computers This World Wide Web (WWW) site, maintained by a faculty member from the University of Zurich, is the a lecture about the history of computing. The pages in the site have text and http://rdre1.inktomi.com/click?u=http://www.eingang.org/Lecture/&y=023419ADC |
70. History Of Computing Science: Computer History From The Past history of computing from the past to the present. This offers the student or casual browser an overview of the advances in science that made desktop computers http://lecture.eingang.org/ | |
71. Triumph Of The Nerds: A History Of The Computer A history OF THE COMPUTER computers have their beginnings back in prehistory, starting with the abacus. Have a look! Abacus - c. 3000 BC, Transistors - 1947, http://www.pbs.org/nerds/timeline/ | |
72. Introducing The Computers, Videogames And Arcade Collector's Ring Top/computers/history http://www.chez.com/samurai/RING/ring.htm |
73. 3 A Brief History Of Computer Technology A complete history of computing would include a multitude of diverse devices such as the ancient Chinese abacus, the Jacquard loom (1805 digital computers. http://csep1.phy.ornl.gov/ov/node8.html | |
74. Greatest Achievements - 8. Computers The history of the computer has been one of dazzling feats. Early groundwork included Blaise Pascal s adding machines (1600s); Marie http://www.greatachievements.org/greatachievements/ga_8_2.html | |
75. Surfing The Net With Kids: Computer History Jigsaw Puzzle a Friend Top Ten Pages Topic Directory ~~ Search this Site Arts, Crafts, Music computers, Internet Hobbies, Sports Geography Holidays, history Language Arts http://www.surfnetkids.com/games/computerhistory-js.htm | |
76. Computer History 1965) 1960s Gene Amdahl designed the IBM System/360 series of mainframe (G) computers, the first generalpurpose digital computers to use (See history of the http://tdi.uregina.ca/~complit/comphist.htm | |
77. ECHO Science & Technology Virtual Center Charles Babbage Institute Center for the history of Computing University of Minnesota contains an interesting look at Hollywood and computers. http://echo.gmu.edu/center/searchcat.php?DBN=echo&TBL=directory&FLD=computer&REC |
78. Computers: My History With Computers computers. My history with computers. I like computers. I really do. I have all my life. Remember the one kid who would push ANY button http://www.zenspider.com/RWD/Thoughts/computers.html | |
79. AHC U.K. Association for history and Computing. UK branch of the AHC. An organisation dedicated to the use of computers in historical research and teaching. AHC News. http://www.gla.ac.uk/centres/hca/ahc/ | |
80. About Acorn Computers And ARM Processors Includes an introduction, history, hardware and software details, photographs, and screenshots of the RISC OS operating system. http://home.in.tum.de/~atterer/acorn.html | |
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