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181. Computers For Beginners How to's, and advice for computer beginners. http://tmbzone.com/ | |
182. SHF - Home Page Software consulting, development and testing for communications, realtime and other systems in various development environments. http://www.shf.co.il/ |
183. Welkom Op Www.okepc.be Reparatie, hulp met software en internetproblemen en verkoop van nieuwe en tweedehands computers en onderdelen. http://www.okepc.be/ | |
184. Pop Conceptual Artist GH Hovagimyan GH Hovagimyan discusses his digital installation performance works for both laptops and seated computers. http://www.biddingtons.com/content/creativehovagimyan.html | |
185. S T E L A R C Australianbased performance artist whose work explores and extends the concept of the body and its relationship with technology through human/machine interfaces incorporating the Internet and Web, sound, music, video and computers. http://www.stelarc.va.com.au/ |
186. Mr. Hardware Computers - Amiga Since 1985 Articles and ordering information. http://www.mrhardwarecomputers.com/ | |
187. Sbace Homepage Nonprofit organization of computer users of all experience levels which meets twice a month in Rolling Hills, California. Provides support for new hardware, software, and operating systems. http://www.sbace.com/ | |
188. AUM Group Novosadsko preduzece iz oblast racunarske opreme. Informacije o firmi, zaposlenima, i lokaciji. http://www.aum.co.yu/ | |
189. New Page 1 http://americanhistory.si.edu/csr/comphist/ | |
190. Intel The Journey Inside http://www97.intel.com/scripts-tji/learner/lesson.asp?moduleSel=36&unitSel=5 |
191. Museum Of Science Home What s Happening Calendar, shows, coming soon. General Info - Hours, prices, directions, etc. Buy it Online - Tickets to t-shirts and more. http://www.tcm.org/ | |
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