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  1. PC Hardware Buyer's Guide: Choosing the Perfect Components by Robert Thompson, Barbara Fritchman Thompson, 2005-02-03
  2. IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software Labs and Study Guide (3rd Edition) (Lab Companion) by Patrick Regan, 2008-01-26
  3. Shop Drawings for Craftsman Inlays & Hardware: Original Designs by Gustav Stickley and Harvey Ellis (Shop Drawings series) by Robert W. Lang, 2004-12-01
  4. The Verilog® Hardware Description Language by Donald E. Thomas, Philip R. Moorby, 2002-06-30
  5. Adaptive Hardware Infrastructures for SAP by J. Missbach, 2005-09-01
  6. Introduction to Formal Hardware Verification by Thomas Kropf, 1999-11-23
  7. Funky Junk: Cool Stuff to Make with Hardware (Kids Can Do It)
  8. PIC Microcontroller: An Introduction to Software & Hardware Interfacing by Han-Way Huang, 2004-07-01
  9. The e-Hardware Verification Language (Information Technology: Transmission, Processing & Storage) by Sasan Iman, Sunita Joshi, 2004-05-28
  10. Architectural Hardware: Ideas, Inspiration, and Practical Advice for Adding Handles, Hinges, Knobs, and Pulls to Your Home (Home Design Details) by NancyE Berry, 2006-11-01
  11. Geek House: 10 Hardware Hacking Projects for Around Home (ExtremeTech) by Barry Press, Marcia Press, 2005-05-06
  12. Hardware/Software Co-Design: Principles and Practice by Jørgen Staunstrup, Wayne Wolf, 1997-10-31
  13. Field Guide To Tools: How To Identify And Use Virtually Every Tool At The Hardware Store (Field Guide) by John Kelsey, 2004-11-30
  14. The Architecture of Computer Hardware and Systems Software: An Information Technology Approach by Irv Englander, 1996-02

61. Mactracker - Get Info On Any Mac
Provides a program that will list every Macintosh ever built and the hardware specifications of each machine.
Mactracker provides detailed information on every Apple, Motorola, PowerComputing, and UMAX Mac OS computer ever made, including items such as processor speed, memory, optical drives, graphic cards, supported Mac OS versions, and expansion options. Also included is information on Apple mice, keyboards, displays, printers, scanners, digital cameras, iPod, AirPort Base Stations, Newtons, and Mac OS versions.
Each of the info windows contains an image and description courtesy of either The Apple Museum or As well a complete list (including download links) of all Mac OS Updates from Mac OS 7.6.1 to 10.3.2 is included along with Firmware updates for every Mac since the Power Macintosh G3 (Blue and White). System Requirements
Mactracker 2.1 runs under Mac OS X 10.2 or later. Version 2.0.7 is available for Mac OS 8.5 or later and version 2.0.5b1 for Windows 98 and later. QuickTime is required for the images and startup and death chimes on both Mac and PC.

62. PC
La primera web en español sobre el hardware de los PC's y la informática en general. Noticias, Trucos, Consultorio gratuito, Enlaces a los fabricantes, Overclocking Cómo construir un PC, Como actualizarlo, Todos sus componentes... Estas utilizando un navegador que no soporta frames. Por favor, pulsa para entrar en nuestra Página Principal.

63. MIKLAND Computer | Címlap
hardware inform¡ci³k a Mikland lapjain.
  • ÁRZUHANÁS: Intel P4 2,8GHz/533 CPU -20%!!!
    2004. május 26.
  • Freecom Beatman II akció!
    2004. május 13.
  • AJÁNDÉK porszívóval segítjük a tavaszi nagytakarítását!
    2004. április 29.
  • A Samsung és az LG árháborújának Önök a nyertesei!
    2004. április 15.
  • Még 14% áregedmény Plextor DVD író árából!
    2004. április 14.
  • Tovább zuhan a Sony 8x-os DVD író ára!
    2004. április 14.
  • ÁRESÉS: LG TFT monitorok - akár több mint 10%
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  • RAKTÁRON! Plextor PX-712A DVD író!
    2004. június 04.
  • ÚJDONSÁG: Sony DRU700A DVD+/-RW Double Layer! 2004. május 27.
  • FIGYELEM! Változás a Sulinet Expressz programban! 2004. május 25.
  • 1600x1200-as felbontás TFT monitoron? IGEN! 2004. május 23.
  • ÚJ DVD ÍRÓK: Samsung, Toshiba, Philips 2004. május 20.
  • Új Thermaltake termékek raktáron! 2004. május 05.
  • Ahogy ígértük: Plextor PX-712A! DVD írás 12x-es sebességgel! 2004. április 19.
  • Már 8x-osan a DVD-R formátumot az LG GSA-4082 DVD íróval! 2004. április 05.
  • MSI MEGA Stick 128MB 2004. április 02.
  • 42" Neovo Plazma = 599.920Ft+áfa! 2004. március 30. további hírek 2004. június 04.
  • 64. Computer Hardware News And Reviews - Dev Hardware
    Dev hardware Everything you need to know about consumer electonics before you make your purchase. Includes articles Computer hardware.
    Developer Shed Network: Dev Shed ASP Free Dev Articles ... Web Hosters Dev Hardware Site Dev Hardware Forums (Spanish) (French) (German) (Italian) (Portuguese) (English) Complete Systems Computer Cases Cooling CPU ... ASP.NET Web Hosting
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    VIA EPIA M10000 Board Review in Motherboards Contributed by Bustercaps
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    VIA's EPIA M10000 board from their line of Mini-ITX boards has a lot of items crammed into a small space, but It didn't heat up during tests. See the results for test done with this board as a Linux box, Linux Server and an everyday Windows box. Discuss this Article!
    Robot Racers
    in Opinions Contributed by Terri Wells
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    NASCAR it wasn't. But for those interested in what autonomous vehicles can do, the special race recently run in California's Mojave Desert was an eye-opening event. The race was dubbed the Grand Challenge and sponsored by the Pentagon's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Fifteen teams were cleared to compete during the week-long Qualification, Inspection, and Demonstration period just before the race. With a million dollars in prize money on the line, the stakes were high. Discuss this Article!

    65. Soft- Und Hardware Michael Lindner
    Bietet Dienstleistungen in den Bereichen SoftwareEntwicklung, Vernetzung, Installation und Reparatur von IT-Systemen sowie Webdesign. D-01665 Schieritz
    Soft- und Hardware Michael Lindner
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    66. Broadcom Corporation Worldwide
    Previously known as Acorn Computers Limited this company are now focused on interactive TV hardware.
    Cable DSL Satellite Cellular ... Voice Over IP Networks Broadcom’s New Class of Ethernet Controllers
    Learn about Broadcom’s Converged NIC that combines the functions of four separate networks into one multi-function network
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    Architecting Next-Generation Networks e-Book
    Learn how to future-proof your existing network infrastructure and read the newest chapter, "Switching Intelligence in the Enterprise"
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    Welcome to! This site is dedicated to providing the most indepth computer hardware coverage available for the Linux operating system.
    What You Need to Know - Windows NT Server 4.0 End posted by augustus on Friday June 04, @01:36PM
    from the Time-To-Switch? dept. Anonymous Coward writes "The end is in sight for Windows NT Server 4.0. Microsoft has announced that in December 2004, it will end its extended incident and security hotfix support for this workhorse technology that serves as the platform for a wide range of significant enterprise applications including e-mail, file and print services, network management and Internet functionality. So what should organizations still using Windows NT Server 4.0 do? Is Linux the answer? This article tells you what you need to know and do before the demise of the NT Server 4.0 reaches us." IBM is asking, "Is it time to switch?" Do you want to be forced to migrate to new technologies whether you want to or not? I thought that the logic in this article was very interesting and I wanted to pass it along. If you know someone in this situation, send this their way. Read More...

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    Computer help and support from a categorized hardware help directory with specific topic resources. Trish s Escape from hardware Hell Computer Help.
    Upgrade your RAM with the Memory Selector Select your system and press go! Choose System A Open Select a manufacturer A Open A Trend ABIT Acer Adaptec Advantech Advent AIR AJP Albatron Alienware ALR Altima Amptron AMS Tech Apaq Apple Apricot ARM Armari AST ASUS ATI Atlas Axil Biostar Broadax Systems Brother Campus Canon Carrera Chaintech ChemUSA Cisco Cobalt Networks Commax Compaq Compuadd CTX Daewoo Dan Data General Dell Diamond - Micronics Diamond Flower (DFI) Digital Elite Group (ECS) Elonex eMachines Encad EPoX Epson Ergo Everex Evesham FIC Fluke Networks FOSA Fujitsu-Siemens Gateway Gericom Giga-Byte Hi-Grade Hitachi HP HyperData IBM Intel Intergraph Iwill Jetta Jetway KDS Kodak Kyocera Lexmark MAG Maxdata Maxtech Media-On Medion Mesh Micronics MicronPC Microworkz Mitac Monorail Motorola MSI (Micro Star) Multivision My Favorite PC NCD NEC NetFRAME Nokia Olivetti Packard Bell Panasonic Panrix PC Chips Pico Pionex Polar Polaroid Polywell Power Computing ProStar QDI Quantex Rock Samsung Sceptre SGI (Silicon Graphics) Sharp Shuttle Soltek Sony Soyo Sun Supermicro Tadpole Tekram Tektronix TI Time Tiny Toshiba Twinhead Tyan Ultra Umax Unisys VIA Technologies Viglen Vobis vpr Wedge WinBook WinSystems Xerox Zenith Zeos Welcome to Hardware Hell ! We've all been there and hopefully this site will help you out.

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    A worldwide technology leader in Forward Error Correction and Lossless Data Compression solutions, Comtech AHA Corporation is winning the race to reduce the stress of bandwidth demands in data communications. Technologies and Products To enable faster, more efficient communications, CAC offers Forward Error Correction hardware and IP cores that reduce bandwidth strain plus deliver higher performance, faster data rates and more efficient data communication transmissions. CAC specializes in Turbo Product Code (TPC), Reed-Solomon (RS), and Reed-Solomon Viterbi (RSV) algorithms for it's FEC products. And to reduce data size and transmission time, CAC also produces Lossless Data Compression hardware using DCLZ, ALDC, and StarLite algorithms. Applications and Solutions CAC's forward error correction products are designed into systems such as wireless LANs and Internet, VSAT and DBS-HDTV, point-to-point terrestrial data links, fiber optic and copper based communications. CAC's lossless data compression products are used in tape data storage, printers, copiers and color scanner systems. Search AHA: 2345 NE Hopkins Court · Pullman, WA 99163-5601 · Phone: 509.334.1000 · Fax: 509.334.9000

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    76. Structural Hardware & Supply, Inc. (Index Page)
    Offer all sizes and shapes of bolts manufactured to customers' specifications. These include hex machine bolts, hex nuts and a number of types of forged hardware.

    This page was last updated on January 6th, 2004

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    79. [H]ard|OCP
    It Still Sucks Whether it be more than shady drivers or just terrible hardware, the Hexans have another look at the XGI Volari Duo V8 video card.
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    [H]ardGaming Contact News Archives document.write(''); NVIDIA's MXM Graphics Module Pentium 4 Road into 2005 VIA's New K8T800Pro Radeon X800XT-PE and X800Pro Review ... ATi PCI-Express Preview ATi brings its brand of graphic goodness to a PCI-Express slot near you soon. Today they softlaunch their new product line. AMD 939-pin CPUs The AthlonFX loses 1 pin and the Athlon64 gains 185. We evaluate the new Athlon FX-53, 3800+, 3700+, and 3500+. We compare Intel's 3.4EE and legacy CPUs as well. Cheating the Cheaters Our thoughts and feelings on how we evaluate video cards and the reasoning behind our new philosophy. document.write(''); Announcement Saturday June 05, 2004 Posted by Kyle 2:13 PM (CDT) [H]ardForum Testing Come on over and see how our new forums are shaping up and tell us what you like about them and what you don't! [H]ardNews 6th Edition Saturday June 05, 2004

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