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41. Lindows CEO Funds Xbox Hacking Contest | CNET News.com Michael Robertson, Lindows CEO, reveals himself as formerly anonymous donor of $200,000 prize money in contest to translate Linux OS to Microsoft's Xbox video game console. CNET News.com http://news.com.com/2100-1040-978957.html | |
42. Hacking The TiVo FAQ You have no frames! So, click here to go to the TiVo Hack FAQ. http://www.tivofaq.com/hack/faq.html | |
43. U.S. Arrests Los Alamos Lab Employee For Alleged Hacking CNN http://cnn.com/2001/TECH/computing/01/10/losalamos.hacker.reut/index.html |
44. BBC News | SCI/TECH | Hacking With A Pringles Tube Friday, 8 March, 2002, 0923 GMT hacking with a Pringles tube. Acrisp can is an effective tool for curious hackers. By Mark Ward http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_1860000/1860241.stm | |
45. Security News Portal Latest Security, Hacking And Virus News Comprehensive hourly updates on the latest security, hacking, virus and trojan news. http://www.securitynewsportal.com | |
46. BBC News | SCI/TECH | Hacking: A History A brief guide to the history of hacking from BBC News Online s internet reporterMark Ward. Wargames, a film that glamorises hacking, is released. http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/sci/tech/newsid_994000/994700.stm | |
47. Your Spectrum 12 - Hacking Away & QL Affairs Adds a platform to the First Landing allowing Willy to reach the cross and the hidden object. http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~jg27paw4/yr12/yr12_05.htm | |
48. Hacking Linux Exposed an attacker. In hacking Linux Exposed, Second Edition we are ableto cover Linux hacking in more detail than ever before. We are http://www.hackinglinuxexposed.com/ | |
49. Hacking Linux Exposed hacking Linux Exposed Authors write more than they wish to admit.Brian Hatch has coauthored Building Linux VPNs. James has lead http://www.hackinglinuxexposed.com/articles/ | |
50. GameBoy Dev'rs - What's New? Detailed information concerning the programming, modification, and hacking of Game Boy hardware. http://www.devrs.com/gb/ | |
51. Salon.com Technology | Hacking Democracy SalonÂs Technology Business content is brought to you by Infiniti FX45. hackingdemocracy? Computerized votecounting machines are sweeping the country. http://www.salon.com/tech/feature/2003/02/20/voting_machines/ | |
52. CNN.com - Technology - Mitnick Schools Feds On Hacking 101 - March 3, 2000 CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/TECH/computing/03/03/mitnick.the.prof/mitnick.the.prof.h | |
53. Hacking Billy Mouth Bass In Linux For the no frames version, please start with the introduction. http://bigmouth.here-n-there.com/ | |
54. Minnesota Man Arrested For Hacking Into Lab Computers CNN http://www.cnn.com/2000/LAW/09/12/nuclearlab.hacker.ap/index.html |
55. CNN - Hacking Your Way To An IT Career - August 13, 1999 CNN http://www.cnn.com/TECH/computing/9908/13/4hackcareers.idg/index.html | |
56. A Very Hacky Site Software for website hacking security. http://www.geocities.com/capn_crunch7/ | |
57. Audreyhacking.com :: Hacking The Audrey hacking the Audrey, Buy Audreyhacking.com Gear. Show your Audrey hacking pridewith some audrey hacking gear. Check out our action shots. Update Server. http://www.audreyhacking.com/ | |
58. Elhacker.net Informaci³n, servicios y downloads sobre Inform¡tica e Internet en general. Con secciones variadas y preocupaci³n especial sobre temas relacionados con el hacking. http://www.elhacker.net/ | |
59. A History Of Hacking Home. A history of hacking. hacking has been around for more than a century. 2600The Hacker Quarterly is founded to share tips on phone and computer hacking. http://www.sptimes.com/Hackers/history.hacking.html | |
60. Untitled Document Raccolta di una grande quantit di pubblicazioni mondiali di hacking. http://hackerzine.interfree.it/ |
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