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1. CGI101 - Learn CGI Today! Provides quite simple online tutorials and script libraries though not all scripts seem to work. http://www.cgi101.com/ | |
2. CGI.pm - A Perl5 CGI Library cgi.pm a Perl5 cgi Library. Version 3.04, 01/19/2004, L. Stein. Abstract. This perl 5 prefer. Creating a new cgi object. The most http://stein.cshl.org/WWW/software/CGI/ | |
3. The CGI Resource Index View demo; PHP or Perl/cgi. 4558 cgi resources listed in 359 categories at The cgi Resource Index. Programs and Scripts (3625), Thousands http://www.cgi-resources.com/ | |
4. CGI: What The Heck Is That? What is cgi? It's a way to get a web server to do something for you. http://www.internet-tips.net/Webmaster/CGI_whatisit.htm | |
5. The CGI Resource Index: Programs And Scripts View demo; PHP or Perl/cgi. FormMail.com Results of web forms sent to your inbox for under $1/month! Scripting language of choice for most cgi scripts. http://www.cgi-resources.com/Programs_and_Scripts/ | |
6. CGI Programming By Collin Forbes: Introduction Simple, readable programs written in Perl which will make your web server dance. http://kuoi.asui.uidaho.edu/~collinf/ | |
7. The Common Gateway Interface The current version is cgi/1.1. cgi Documentation. If you have no idea what cgi is, you should read this introduction. Examples of cgi behavior and programs. http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/cgi/ | |
8. Perlunity.de | Homepage | Die Community Für Perl PHP CGI Apache MySQL Und Javas Community zu cgi und Perl. Gibt Tipps zur Programmierung, h¤lt Scripts zum Download bereit und stellt B¼cher zum Thema vor. http://www.perlunity.de/ | |
9. The Common Gateway Interface Specification The cgi Specification. This is the specification for cgi version 1.1, or cgi/1.1. The server and the cgi script communicate in four major ways. http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu/cgi/interface.html | |
10. Howstuffworks "How CGI Scripting Works" Tutorial that describes how to add cgi scripting to a web site. http://www.howstuffworks.com/cgi.htm | |
11. CGI  Business Solutions Through Information Technology  cgi provides the full range of information technology services (IT) including consulting, systems integration and the management of IT and business functions http://www.cgi.com/ | |
12. Web Hosting - Reseller Web Hosting - Free Web Hosting - CPanel Hosting - Registe Unixbased web hosting, reseller program, PHP, FrontPage 2002, cgi support, Miva, POP3 accounts, and built in shopping cart. http://www.icestorm.com/ | |
13. Matt's Script Archive, Inc. :: Free Perl CGI Scripts Welcome to Matt s Script Archive. Offering free cgi scripts to the web community since 1995! What s New @ MSA? Matt s Free Perl cgi Scripts. FormMail. http://www.scriptarchive.com/ | |
14. Web Programming In Delphi This reference is designed to take you from a basic understanding of Delphi, to creating Web cgi applications. http://www.209software.com/books/wpid/ |
15. The CGI Resource Index Over 2500 links to cgi programs (mostly in Perl), information, and jobs. The most comprehensive cgi index around. http://cgi.resourceindex.com/ | |
16. Macromedia Flash Player Download Center http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=Shockwave |
17. The New WWW FAQs Anyone can become a contributor to this document. http://www.boutell.com/openfaq/cgi/ | |
18. Macromedia Flash Player Download Center http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=Shockw |
19. Perl CGI's By Mrs. Shiromuku WEBä¸Âã§ãÂÂã¶ã¤ã³è¨Âå®Âã®å¤Âæ´ãÂÂçÂȌÂÂã®ã¢ãÂÂãÂÂãÂÂã¼ãÂÂãÂÂåºæÂ¥ãÂÂæÂ¥è¨ÂãÂÂæ²示æ¿ãÂÂãªã³ã¯éÂÂãªã©ã®ã¹ã¯ãªãÂÂãÂÂãÂÂæÂÂä¾Âã http://www.t-okada.com/cgi/ | |
20. MasterCGI cgi tech support resources tutorials, articles, ebooks. Forum. http://mastercgi.com/ |
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