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21. The Digital Life Lab At Caltech Avida is an autoadaptive genetic system designed primarily for use as a platform in Digital or artificial life research. In lay http://dllab.caltech.edu/avida/ | |
22. Artificial Life Archive and webzine of the Artifical Life project at European Graduate School, Media and Communication studies. http://www.egs.edu/Art_Life/content.html | |
23. Resources : Artificial Life + Offering links to many artificial life resources. Categories include people, places, references and tools. http://www.cs.ucl.ac.uk/staff/t.quick/alife.html | |
24. Tutorials On Self-Organisation, Complexity And Artificial Life Links given to Introductions and Tutorials in complex systems, selforganisation, self-organised systems, artificial life, attractors, cellular automata http://www.calresco.org/tutorial.htm | |
25. Life Drop An educational site about evolution. It includes a 3D Javabased virtual world using artificial life, as well as information about the main evolution theories. http://www.virtual-worlds.net/lifedrop/ | |
26. Artificial Life - The MIT Press artificial life is devoted to a new discipline that investigates the scientific, engineering, philosophical, and social issues involved in our rapidly http://mitpress.mit.edu/ALIFE | |
27. EPIA'03 - 11th Portuguese Conference On Artificial Intelligence 2003, December 47, Beja, Portugal. International conference with tracks on artificial life and Evolutionary Algorithms, Constraint and Logic Programming, Knowledge Extraction from Databases, Multi-Agents, Natural Language and Text Retrieval. Submission deadline May 18, 2003. http://www.di.uevora.pt/epia03/ | |
28. Artificial Life: Links & Literature artificial life Selected Links Literature. Collected by Kerstin Dautenhahn. This resources. Books C. Adami Introduction to artificial life. http://homepages.feis.herts.ac.uk/~comqkd/Alife.htm | |
29. Melanie Mitchell Machine learning, evolutionary computation, artificial life (Santa Fe Institute) http://www.santafe.edu/~mm/ | |
30. ArtFutura 2003 International festival held in Barcelona, Madrid and Seville (Spain) since 1990. Devoted to anticipate the future of art associated to the new technologies through Virtual Reality and artificial life, from Robotics to Virtual Communities. http://www.artfutura.org/english/index.html | |
31. Arbeitskreises Artificial Life In den Studien der Einrichtung der Universit¤t Dortmund werden Selbstorganisationsvorg¤nge, d.h. die Bildung und der Zerfall von Strukturen, in Systemen miteinander wechselwirkender mathematischalgorithmischer Objekte untersucht. http://ls11-www.informatik.uni-dortmund.de/al.jsp |
32. ALife Bibliography OnLine Publications on artificial life and related fields. http://www.cogs.susx.ac.uk/users/ezequiel/alife-page/alife.html |
33. Claus Emmeche Home Page Home page of a theoretical biologist with general interests in Philosophy of Nature, Philosophy of Science, and Science Studies, and research interests in artificial life and theoretical biology. Links to online papers, other resources, and to the Center for the Philosophy of Nature and Science Studies. http://www.nbi.dk/~emmeche/ | |
34. Mind Uploading Home Page Explains the possibilities and realities of transferring a person's mind into an artificial life form. http://www.ibiblio.org/jstrout/uploading/ | |
35. Lotus Artificial Life - Hardware Artificial Life HAL Hardware artificial life. Unfortunately, your browser does not support Java. A Java applet is the central focus of this page. http://www.alife.co.uk/hal/ | |
36. Artificial Life - An Introduction artificial life Stewart Dean s guide to Alife and its clear solutions to the meaning of life. artificial life - an Introduction. http://www.webslave.dircon.co.uk/alife/intro.html | |
37. SFI Home Page Private, nonprofit, multidisciplinary research and education center that pursues emerging science, largely on a theoretical level. Topics include artificial life forms and evolutionary complexity. http://www.santafe.edu/ | |
38. Artificial Life VIII The 8th International Conference On The Simulation And Synt artificial life VIII The 8th International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems alife ALife. up Up Alife.org http://parallel.hpc.unsw.edu.au/complex/alife8/ | |
39. Java Applets For Neural Network And Artificial Life This page has moved to http//staff.aist.go.jp/utsugia/Lab/Links.html . http://www.aist.go.jp/NIBH/~b0616/Lab/Links.html | |
40. Applets For Neural Network And Artificial Life (japanese) National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), http//www.aist.go.jp/ webmaster@aist.go.jp ?, http://www.aist.go.jp/NIBH/~b0616/Lab/Links-j.html | |
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