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61. La Monte Young/Marian Zazeela: Sound And Light la monte young. Marian Zazeela. Bucknell University Press, 1996. The first fulllengthbook dedicated entirely to the work of la monte young Marian Zazeela. http://www.musiktexte.de/german/de/dept_137.html | |
62. A Young Monte Cristo Translate this page A young monte Cristo. Jas C. Merritt. 16 pages 1911. Sous-titre Or, back to theworld for vengeance. Ce fascicule de la série Pluck and Luck porte le N° 697. http://www.pastichesdumas.com/pages/FichesMC/YoungMC.html | |
63. Music Consumption: La Monte Young Life. Richard Thompson. Tortoise. Tom Verlaine. Vivaldi. Tom Waits.Mike Watt. We Are Vikings. la monte young. Neil young. John Zorn.Back http://www.mauricerickard.com/index.php/1/31 | |
64. Sound And Light: La Monte Young And Marian Zazeela (Bucknell Review) Sound and Light la monte young and Marian Zazeela (Bucknell Review).Title Sound and Light la monte young and Marian Zazeela (Bucknell http://www.jg-computers.co.uk/Sound-and-Light-La-Monte-Young-and-Marian-Zazeela- | |
65. SUPPLEMENT - 25 MAART 1996 la monte young GOEROE VAN DE MINIMAL MUSIC. New York, augustus 1995, 35 gradenCelsius, Co de Kloet en Michael Fahres op de stoep bij la monte young. http://www.omroep.nl/nps/radio/supplement/96/960325/ | |
66. SUPPLEMENT - 25 MAART 1996 uur, Radio 4. la monte young Goeroe van de Minimal Music. la monteyoung, Marian Zazeela, Biography la monte young. la monte young http://www.omroep.nl/nps/radio/supplement/96/960325/biografie.html | |
67. John Cale, Tony Conrad, Angus MacLise, La Monte Young And Marian Zazeela: Inside Order Now. John Cale, Tony Conrad, Angus MacLise, la monte young and Marian ZazeelaInside the Dream Syndicate, Volume I Day of Niagara (1965) Table of the http://www.pitchforkmedia.com/record-reviews/c/cale_john/day-of-niagara.shtml | |
68. NICK DRAKE: Jazzin With Nick 2 THE EXTRAORDINARY la monte young. As we Coltrane Quartet. la monteyoung was born into the poorest section of white rural society. http://www.algonet.se/~iguana/DRAKE/jazzin2.html | |
69. La Monte Young: Az 1960-as Elôadás FLUXUS ANTOLÓGIA. la monte young Az 1960as elôadás*. fordította KoppányMárton. * young, la monte Lecture, 1960. In Happenings and Other Arts. Ed. http://www.artpool.hu/Fluxus/MonteYoung/1960as.html | |
70. La Monte Young: Composition 1960 #7 by. la monte young. performed by a. Theatre of Eternal Music String Ensemble. producedby the MEla Foundation. la monte young Composition 1960 7 (July 1960). http://www.diapasongallery.org/archive/01_06_20.html | |
71. NewMusicBox- The Web Mag From The American Music Center Covering New American Mu NewMusicBox asks What are your top five outside the industry music favorites?la monte young. My Top Five+Two Outside the Industry Favorites. http://www.newmusicbox.org/page.nmbx?id=61hf15 |
72. NewMusicBox- The Web Mag From The American Music Center Covering New American Mu In the 1st Person la monte young and Marian Zazeela at the Dream House. 2003 la monte young Marian Zazeela © 2003 NewMusicBox. http://www.newmusicbox.org/page.nmbx?id=54fp00 |
73. FLUXUS ended the course. la monte young came to New York from California toenroll in it as part of his graduate studies. Also, Terry Riley http://cotati.sjsu.edu/spoetry/ng2.html | |
74. ArkivMusic | La Monte Young Home Composers . Composer la monte young, 2 albums. See all recordings available(2) OR Select a specific Work below. Works. Sarabande for Piano (1). http://www.arkivmusic.com/classical/Namedrill?&name_id=13306&name_role=1 |
75. La Monte Young Click to Channel Surf the Web, stumbleupon toolbar, 66,007 members. 2members, la monte young, Buy la monte young! Deifitec Deifitec Deifitec. http://www.stumbleupon.com/music/la_monte_young/ | |
76. F A C T O R Y - M A D E After coming to New York (from San Francisco, where he was a jazz saxophoneplayer) la monte young became involved with the Fluxus movement. http://www.factorymade.org/sociogram/young.html | |
77. Archives Of Silence, 1995:Q3: La Monte Young And Cage Archives of Silence, 1995Q3 la monte young and Cage. From UZS106@IBM.RHRZ.UniBonn.DEDate Thu Apr 08 1999 - 231130 PDT Next http://www.newalbion.com/artists/cagej/silence/html/1995q3/0168.html | |
78. Archives Of Silence, 2000:Q3: [silence] La Monte Young Article Archives of Silence, 2000Q3 silence la monte young article. From AnneDrogyness (anne@artnotart.com) Date Mon Aug 14 2000 191617 PDT http://www.newalbion.com/artists/cagej/silence/html/2000q3/0027.html | |
79. BYU - Brigham Young University Home Aims of a BYU Education. Brigham young Biography. Campus Visits. Fact File. HonorCode. L. Tom Perry Special Collections. monte L. Bean Life Science Museum. Museumof http://www.byu.edu/ | |
80. El Monte Cougars, Hot Young El Monte Sluts, Matchmaking In El Monte Night Clubs online dating in El monte for free. Join single rich available men and woman whoare looking to meet quality singles for fun, dating, and sex in El monte . http://www.plentyoffish.com/personals/1072onlinedating11.htm | |
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