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Young La Monte: more books (34) | ||||
41. La Monte Young :: Online Encyclopedia :: Information Genius la monte young. Online Encyclopedia la monte young (born October 141935) is an American composer whose eccentric but influential http://www.informationgenius.com/encyclopedia/l/la/la_monte_young.html | |
42. MSN Entertainment - Music: La Monte Young Artist Information, Search by Select search type artist, Enteryour search query, la monte young. la monte young. http://entertainment.msn.com/artist/?artist=115805 |
43. YOUNG, LaMonte ARTIST BOOKS ARTIST PUBLICATIONS CATALOGUES MULTIPLES EDITIONS PR Design G. Maciunas. young, la monte / ZAZEEla, Marian Dream House78 17 . 1973. Artist recording. A 33 rpm LP record, ø 30 cm. http://webperso.easynet.fr/carrelib/Young LaMonte.html | |
44. VH1.com : La Monte Young : Artist Main VH1.com presents complete artist information on la monte young, including news, bio,message boards, song clips and more. Artist Main la monte young. Biography. http://www.vh1.com/artists/az/young_lamonte/artist.jhtml | |
45. Interview De La Monte Young, Exporevue, Magazine, Art Vivant Et Translate this page Interview de la monte young. Cet Américain nous avait présenté uneversion élargie de sa Dream House à Lyon en 1999, installation http://www.exporevue.com/magazine/fr/interview_monteyoung.html | |
46. The Sonic Search For Kolob: Mormon Cosmology And The Music Of La Monte Young The Sonic Search for Kolob Mormon Cosmology and the Music of la monte young. 21 lamonte young and Marian Zazeela, interview by Ian Nagoski, 39. 22 Ibid., 25. http://frontiernet.net/~jngrimshaw/sonicsearch/ | |
47. HOMAGE TO LA MONTE YOUNG (GEORGE MACIUNAS) HOMAGE TO la monte young, by George Maciunas, Jan. 12, 1962 (preferablyto follow performance of any composition of 1961 by LMY.) Erase http://www.artnotart.com/fluxus/gmaciunas-homagetoLMY.html | |
48. Free Music Download, MP3 Music, Music Chat, Music Video, Music CD, ARTISTdirect One of the principal architects of the minimalist aesthetic, la monte young wasamong the true innovators of 20th century music, his rejection of traditional http://www.artistdirect.com/music/artist/card/0,,512678,00.html | |
49. La Monte Young- TIGERSUSHI la monte young. COUNTRY, United States. PSEUDONYM(S) / MEMBER OF, JohnCale/Tony Conrad/Angus Maclise/la monte young/Marian Zazeela. http://www.tigersushi.com/site/Art.jsp?ArtId=6499 |
50. John Cale/Tony Conrad/Angus Maclise/La Monte Young/Marian Zazeela John Cale/Tony Conrad/Angus Maclise/la MonteYoung/Marian Zazeela. COUNTRY, International. http://www.tigersushi.com/site/Art.jsp?ArtId=10016 |
51. La Monte Young & Marian Zazeela la monte young (1936) Marian Zazeela (1940-) American avant-garde composer/musicianand artist, respectively. Two Propositions in Black. http://colophon.com/SMS/yng_zaz.html | |
52. American Mavericks: An Interview With La Monte Young And Marian Zazeela An Interview with la monte young and Marian Zazeela By Gabrielle Zuckerman,Minnesota Public Radio, July 2002. la monte young and http://musicmavericks.publicradio.org/features/interview_young.html | |
53. La Monte Young Virginia Tech Multimedia Music Dictionary Composer Biographies. la monte young.Born 1935. Died Nationality American. Era Main genre Main works http://www.music.vt.edu/musicdictionary/appendix/Composers/Y/LaMonteYoung.html | |
55. La Monte Young - InformationBlast la monte young Information Blast. la monte young. la monte young(born October 14, 1935) is an American composer whose eccentric http://www.informationblast.com/La_Monte_Young.html | |
56. La Monte Young Translate this page la monte young. 566 para Henry Flint. Obra para piano dedicada a DavidTudor 1. Obra para piano dedicada a David Tudor 2. Obra para http://www.uclm.es/artesonoro/lamonteyoung/ | |
57. Homenaje A La Monte Young Translate this page HOMENAJE A la monte young (Enero 1962). De ser posible esta obra debeser interpretada tras alguna de las composiciones de LMY de 1961. http://www.uclm.es/artesonoro/maciunas/html/monte.html | |
58. Albums By La Monte Young -- Rate Your Music la monte young. Link to this artist use Artist20102. Log in or signup to rate or review albums by la monte young. Albums. Title, http://rateyourmusic.com/view_albums/artist_id_is_20102 | |
59. La Monte Young - Reference Page To use the Library. Main Index, , Welcome, , Register. artincontext, la MonteYoung Reference Page. Galleries and Dealers, Museums. Current Exhibitions. Images. http://www.artincontext.org/artist/y/la_monte_young/ | |
60. FreeNote Music: Recordings And Publications / La Monte Young The Well-Tuned Pian la monte young / Marian Zazeela The WellTuned Piano in The MagentaLights (87 V 10 64300 PM - 87 V 11 010745 AM NYC). The 6-hour http://microtones.com/info_twtp.htm | |
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